Lou Han was listening to him, patting him on the shoulder and saying, "those things don't matter. Now your body is the most important thing. Take good care of yourself, and you don't have to mention the rest."

Yes, it's useless. It took them a few days to get back to the barracks.

When Lou Han and his party went back. When Ziyi, his boss, came out of the barracks in distress. Lou Han immediately waved to him, then rushed to him.

Si Ziyi was also very surprised to see Lou Han. He immediately jumped off the horse and hugged them tightly.

"Where have you been these days? But I'm so worried! " Si Ziyi feigns anger and says to Lou Han.

Lou Han gave him a smile: "Guess!"

Si Ziyi glanced at her discontentedly: "I only knew yesterday that you were looking for Fuquan and they. Didn't we discuss before that Fengguo? The king of Fengguo is too cunning. It's a dangerous place. You don't listen to me

Lou Han took his arm and said to him, "it was an emergency at that time." Lou Han simply told her why, and finally asked for his forgiveness,

"in fact, I'm not willful, I just want to bring your capable men back one by one, but still hurt."

With excitement in his eyes, Si Ziyi put his arms around Lou Han's shoulder and said, "thanks to you, they won't die one by one in other countries, but you can't get involved in dangerous places in the future, you know?"

Thinking of Lou Han's life and death these days, and knowing nothing about him, Si Ziyi can't forgive himself. Lou Han leans the pile on her arm. No matter what he says, Lou Han will come down.

Si Ziyi only cares about her safety, but does not ask her what she has gained.

Lou Han then immediately tells Si Ziyi about proton. Si Ziyi listens, his eyes brighten, and stares at Lou Han's face. "There's another layer among them, ha ha!"

Si Ziyi suddenly looks up and laughs, which makes Lou Han feel puzzled. Seeing Lou Han's clear eyes, Si Ziyi laughs: "your news is too timely, do you know? These two times, the cooperation between Fengguo and Daliang has been a headache for me for the time being. "

Although there are not many soldiers in Fengguo, they are just outstanding. They are hard to break together. I have thought of countless countermeasures, but none of them can. However, now that they have such a quarrel, the matter will be solved very well. "

Si Ziyi immediately called the recruits behind him and asked him to write a letter to the emperor of Daliang Kingdom, but Lou Han was still confused:" will they really fall apart as we expected? "

"This proton was loved by the emperor of Daliang. It was because Fengguo was very important to him that he was sent. If you know that Aizi died and was in Fengguo, do you think he can still calm down and cooperate with Fengguo so happily?"

There was a point in what he said, so Lou Han nodded.

Si Ziyi held her hand in surprise and said, "every time you can solve my problems perfectly, in fact, I am very grateful to you in my heart."

Lou Han said with a smile, "we are one. Why are you so polite to me?" Her two dimples are affectionate, and her eyes are full of love.

The smile on Si Ziyi's face stretches and holds Lou Han in his arms.

"You will always be my good wife and help me solve my problems. I will surely catch Li Dequan in front of you and let you handle him!"

Lou Han's eyes showed a soft light at this time. She shook her head and said with disapproval: "each is her own master. Besides, this person is also very rare. His tracking ability is first-class. If it is sometimes used by us, it can be regarded as a talent!"

Si Ziyi was even more surprised. He shaved Lou Han's nose and said, "it's just a pity that you are a woman. If you were a man, you would have made great achievements."

Lou Han looked at her angrily and said, "am I not now? Why should there be a distinction between men and women? "

"Yes, but there is still a trace of regret."

After they went back, Lou Han learned that they had been fighting several times during the time they left.

Wang Ye is very calm, so when they are suppressed in number, they can still draw. There is no big damage in the army, which gives them confidence.

In the name of deterring Si Ziyi, the other side did not dare to attack on a large scale. Both sides are quiet. Now they are quietly waiting for the matter to ferment before making a decision.

Si Ziyi bribed a eunuch early in the morning, and soon realized his wish for such a small matter as the transmission of letters. The eunuch was very glad to hear about it and said that it was a great opportunity.

By virtue of his relationship, he managed to get the letter into the hands of the Emperor just after an hour.

After King Daliang took the letter from outside, he was furious, his eyes were gloomy, and his voice was as cold as ice:

"the king of Fengguo is deceiving people so much that he killed my son!" The queen next to her was nervous when she heard the words. She subconsciously picked up the memorial and read it at a glance.After watching for a while, she suddenly cried loudly, and the memorial in her hand also fell to the ground. She was all in a daze, with only one thought in her mind:

her child has died, and she didn't see him for the last time. It's really a pity that she didn't die clearly.

Only when she thought of the content behind, she heard Mrs. Proton's deep voice of complaint, all her grief turned into anger, and her fists pounded on the table from time to time, but she didn't feel any pain.

"Wanrou said that the proton was killed by the king of Fengguo. Do you think it's really possible?"

"If you go back to the emperor, the emperor of Fengguo has turned back many times. This time, he even took the opportunity to make unreasonable demands on us. That's all.

Now he has poisoned our prince. In this way, they are starving wolves and will never be full. We should stay away from them, or they will be swallowed up by them! "

"Yes, emperor, they have the least number in the battlefield and can't play any role. We can defeat Si Ziyi alone. These days, Si Ziyi is trapped by us and can't move. Even without the help of Fengguo, we can retreat from the enemy!"

The emperor has a trace of heartache, but for the sake of safety, he did not like the other party said, but since this thing has happened, it is no longer the general treatment before.