The courtyard in front of the hall was full of banquets. Everyone was congratulating Li Shangshu and Li Gongzi. Although the rest of the place was a little dark, the maids kept on communicating.

At this time, Lou Han and Si Ziyi quietly come to Li Shangshu's study. There is no bodyguard outside. They gently close the door. Soon they cooperate to find evidence of collusion between him and King Beiyue.

As long as there is evidence in hand, he will not be able to refute it. At that time, he will be able to deal with Li Qianyu, and Lou Han is full of energy.

They searched for antiques, books and vases on the bookshelves, but they found that they were just ordinary furnishings. Everything on the desk was normal, and the drawers were opened one by one. There were no letters at all.

"Has he destroyed the evidence?" Lou Han asked quietly.

"It's impossible. Even without the evidence of their collusion, there must be evidence left. Li Shangshu is so glorious at this time that he can help the king of Beiyue in desperation. He must have something he needs more."

When they stormed into the palace, the Treasury was empty, and some of the jewels had been taken away by the king of Beiyue. It was obvious that the king of Beiyue would promise a lot of money.

Since we are working together for interests, we will never have 100% trust. There must be clues. What Si Ziyi said gave Lou Han great confidence, and soon he was looking for the mechanism everywhere.

She found that one wall was empty, but there was no protection around it. Si Ziyi suddenly moves his eyebrows and pushes the book pushing shelf forward. The shelf is not fixed as they think. There is a bearing under it. After a turn, the wall is also opened.

Inside was a secret room. Lou Han was overjoyed and rushed in.

Inside, there was a whole room full of gold, silver and jewelry. It was dazzling. Lou Han was very surprised. It turned out that Li Shangshu's family was so rich. Before, he gave people the impression that he was honest and poor.

Lou Han sneered. The box was full of jewels. There were many treasures in it, but what made her most excited was a precious treasure, like a jade beast, which she had never seen before.

In front of Si Ziyi, Si Ziyi frowned: "when we took over Beiyue Palace at that time, it was full of similar things. They were produced by Beiyue. They had colluded with each other in the early morning."

"Then we will give this to the emperor, and the emperor will believe it." Lou Han's eyes were bright with a little excitement.

Si Ziyi shook his head: "this point can't be explained at all. Besides, if he said he bought it from Beiyue, we can't refute it."

That's true. Lou Han threw it back dejectedly.

After the whole search, there is nothing but this. In desperation, he had to go out, and Lou Han looked back with regret: "in fact, the house full of gold and silver jewelry is enough to prove that this man is a hypocrite because he is different from the outside."

Si Ziyi took her hand and restored everything: "there will always be clues."

As soon as they got out of the room, they heard the sound of footsteps rushing towards them. They hid in the corner of the steps. The footsteps stopped not far from them.

With a squeak, they pushed the door open and went in. The two men who were going to leave secretly came to the door and listened carefully.

"Father, I heard that you went to see him again. Now our Li family has reached the top of the world. Why do you want to do this illegal thing?" It seems that it's Mr. Li's voice.

Li Shangshu disagreed: "what do you know? If you wait until Mount Tai collapses before you take refuge, it will be too late. My father is also for your good. He hopes you will always be rich. You just let me down. "

After a long silence, Mr. Li said slowly, "yes, the emperor is very kind to our Li family. I don't think what my father did is proper. I don't want that man to appear to destroy the peace of our family."

With a snort, Li Shangshu said with a sneer: "the emperor has only given you a six grade official. But if we help him to restore his country, we will have a city when one person is less than ten thousand people. It's better to be afraid every day here."

Hearing Lou Han's eyebrows move, maybe Li Shangshu has already felt it, or because of the tragedy of Si Ziyi, he is no longer loyal to the emperor. The deal with king Beiyue is his way out. Yes, it must be.

Lou Han did not expect that Li Shangshu was cunning, and his daughter was unreasonable, but his son seemed to be more reliable than the other two.

Listening to their contention, Mr. Li has been persuading Li Shangshu: "when it's time to stop, we should stop. Now wealth has reached its peak for us. There are more wealth and wealth that we shouldn't have. When it comes to that time, there must be bottomless abyss waiting for us.

Father, everything will have a son in the future. You don't have to rack your brains for the Li family. It's the son's responsibility in the future. "

"It's up to you?" Li Shangshu looked down on his son, and was extremely unhappy in his voice.

"if you can be as independent as Si Ziyi, and want credit and political achievements, how can your father associate with king Beiyue in private like this?Naturally, my father knows that he is now a lost dog, but after all, a thin camel is bigger than a horse. He used to be the head of a country. If we rely on him, it will do us nothing but harm. "

Mr. Li had no right to speak in front of his father. Seeing this persuasion, he was still stubborn and resentful. Finally, he reluctantly shook his hand and said:

"well, I don't care about your affairs in the future. Anyway, soon I'll be the six grade sesame official you despise. At that time, I'll live outside with Wanrong and Xiaobao."

Li Shangshu looked at his stubborn son angrily:

"rebellious son, I'm not dead. Are you going to separate from us now?

Who is my father doing all this for? It's not for you. I'm still very old. I just want that you can live a safe and happy life without looking at people's faces. But you'll repay me like this! "

Then there was a terrible cough in the room, mixed with the sound of Childe Li's beating and soothing.

"My son is doing this for his father's good. His father is licking blood on the tip of the knife.

At first, the emperor had a little doubt about his father, but recently, the emperor has been getting better and better with his father. When things go wrong, there must be something strange. The father should pay attention to it. In the future, when his son is not around, he should ask his father and mother to pay more attention to their health. "