Lou Han opened it at random and was extremely displeased. It was like picking a bone in an egg. One of the words was not good-looking, and the whole word was crossed. Don't write it again.

Seeing that Lou Han's face became more and more ugly, peach said with pride: "the Empress Dowager ordered me to guard you. You can't be lazy. If you can't copy today, you will have to double tomorrow."

When the peach was handed over to her, Lou Han turned away from the desk, stretched his arms and moved his waist. At the same time, he said with disdain, "if you want to copy it, you should punish yourself. I never do it twice."

Peach clapped her hands, and soon several strong mothers came in. They all crossed their hands in front of their chest and stood in a row behind the peach. Peach said with a smile:

"you can't bully me like yesterday. They are all strong and strong. It's the Empress Dowager's order to protect me."

These moms are very strong. They are as fat as two louhans. Looking at them standing together is like a thick wall of meat. Peaches are very safe.

When Lou Han stepped forward, she immediately shrank, retreated behind the meat wall, and challenged Lou Han through them: "come on, you'll hit me if you have seed."

Lou Han clenched his fist. "Although we are only maidservants, we all serve the Empress Dowager." Lou Han ignored the peaches jumping up and down and did the third thing the Empress Dowager told him in an orderly way.

Take down the wooden fish on the incense table, kneel under the Buddha, knock the wooden fish and read the Heart Sutra.

It's said that Lou Han is hot-blooded and doesn't get angry. Even the Empress Dowager doesn't pay attention to it. However, they are so provocative that Lou Han doesn't get angry and still looks calm.

Several people looked at each other. They were sure that the princess was in front of them. However, it was different from the rumor. Several mothers, relying on their own identity, let peach go to infuriate Lou Han.

Peach immediately went to find the copper basin and banged it with a stick. Originally, Lou Han quietly closed her eyes and recited the Scriptures. She found that this was really effective. At this moment, she forgot the harassment of these people.

The whole body and mind are in the Scripture. Suddenly, the sound of bang behind her makes her unable to calm down. Looking back, the peach is slapping the copper basin with a sly smile. The sound of frame Dang resounds through every corner of the palace.

Everyone could not stand it. Peach couldn't stop laughing: "now you continue to pray, but no matter how you are, you are not as sincere as I am."

Lou Han's eyes are not as calm as before. Her deep eyes stare coldly at her face and gradually move to her hands.

When she saw her finger move, she immediately knocked on the copper basin in front of her again. Lou Han's sleeve swung, the whole person seemed to draw a radian in front of him with his hand, but the peach made a terrible scream.

She raised her right hand in a trembling way. As soon as she touched it, she felt painful. Her left hand pointed to Lou Han: "what did you just do to me?"

When Lou Han knelt down, he suddenly felt for a needle on the felt bag. Seeing peach's obsession, when she waved her hand, she used her internal force to shoot the needle out, and the whole thing fell into her arm.

Lou Han did not answer, peach also want to continue to harass, but the whole person can't hurt, hum pain straight against the wall.

In the pain, with a slight movement of her hand, she could not help crying out. There was a trace of fear on the mothers' faces. No one could see what Lou Han had done.

When several people gathered around and came forward, they only saw a thin eye of a needle, and they looked at it from a distance without noticing it.

At this time, there was a trace of fear in his heart, and there was no momentum any more. Seeing that Lou Han closed his eyes again and turned a deaf ear to them, they quietly discussed: "forget it, this man can do witchcraft. We can't fight her. Let's go back first."

"Yes, let's go back. What did she just do? Did any of you see that? " Shake your head in unison, peach?

"What are you afraid of? No matter how fierce she is, there are always people in the palace who can cure her. Do you give up because of this little setback? "

Some people still want to cross their waist to regain their momentum and face, but they are shocked to see Lou's head lowered heavily.

Worried that their hands would hurt for no reason, they retreated to the gate of the hall in terror. Finally, they thought that although their jobs were important, their lives were more important.

Despite peach's repeated calls, several people looked at each other and quietly backed out. Peach was so anxious that she just found a small pinhole. It was just a needle. How could she be so scared?

Soon there were only her and Lou Han left in the hall.

Peach looked very disdainful: "you are too mean to attack me with a needle, but what can a small needle do to me? I can tell you clearly that every day you are here will not be smooth. Even if you don't have me, someone will punish you. Just wait and see! "

When the peach left, Lou Han opened his eyes, put away the model he had just made, and returned to the chair. His legs swayed wildly, and the bead hairpin on his head made a clear sound from time to time.In the palace, if the maid wants to live long, she must recognize the situation and choose a potential follower. As soon as Lou Han was down, countless people trampled on him.

It seems that Lou Han is not a towering tree. To all the people in the palace, it is the Empress Dowager who is respected.

The Empress Dowager is so powerful that she is afraid to ask peach to make trouble for her. Otherwise, just a maid in waiting, how can she keep an eye on her every step?

Originally, Lou Han was just guessing, but today the mammy behind her made Lou Han fully understand, but now they should understand that Lou Han is not easy to cause.

After that, things were calm. In two days, she would be able to leave this ghost place.

The weather is muggy, and it's very quiet here. The sandalwood lit in front of the Buddha statue is very comfortable. The cigarette in the copper stove entangles in the hall, which makes people feel tired for no reason. After a stretch, Lou Han immediately lies on the bed and sleeps up

the occasional birdsong and faint fragrance. Although the posture is not right, he still sleeps very comfortably. Just at this time, suddenly only feel itchy nose, Lou Han impatiently rubbed his nose, and soon fell asleep again.

But the discomfort came again. Lou Han opened his eyes helplessly, and suddenly he was startled. He saw Si Zihao holding the table in both hands, laughing like a bad face.