The scabbard slapped heavily on his arm, and suddenly turned blue and purple. Mr. Li immediately retracted his arm.

"I don't know how to repent, how dare I blaspheme the princess!" Si Ziyi motioned to the bodyguard Wei, and his heavy fist fell like raindrops on Mr. Li's head, body and face.

He called out. Lou Han was worried that he would be killed for a while and it would be cheaper for him. At this time, he said to Si Ziyi delicately:

"husband, you'd better let the national law punish him severely. Now that you kill him, it's really cheaper for him."

At this time, Si Ziyi waved to those people, and the guards immediately lined up. Mr. Li curled up and put his hands on his head. His face was black and blue, and he looked very embarrassed.

He crawled over and prayed to the Princess: "please forgive me for offending the princess. Just now, I really have no way to deal with these things. Such rich people are like cannibals. I don't listen to them. I have no way to deal with them. Otherwise, they will let me die here, where the palace is so far away. I can't help it either. "

It's a bastard that a dignified official of the imperial court should say such a thing. Every sentence says there's no way, and I don't know how he got here. Si Ziyi didn't want to see his ugly behavior, so he was immediately imprisoned and sent to the capital one day.

The wailing and Howling Lord Li still pleads with the prince and the princess, asking them to give themselves a chance to stand in the same place and refuse to be taken away. The bodyguards join forces to drag him down, and his ears are finally quiet.

Lou Han sends people to guard the cellar entrance. After that, he and Si Ziyi go back to the Yamen together.

As soon as he went back, Lou Han began to decorate immediately. Si Ziyi couldn't see it any more, so he just sent someone away. He took Lou Han's shoulder and pushed her to the table: "we've been fighting corrupt officials all the way. You should have a good rest. "

the pretty thin lips pursed, and Lou Han answered cleverly. He took the water from him and drank it. Then he bent his eyes and leaned against him.

"If it wasn't for you today, I would be bullied."

The mouth said wrongly, but the corner of the mouth is with a smile, the face close to his heart, listening to the heart beat inside the chest, it is very stable and comfortable.

Si Ziyi sneered: "this dog official is so bold that he has committed so many crimes. How dare he say he is an honest and upright official?" Had it not been for the emperor's repeated admonition that lynching should not be abused, he would have cut it down with one sword.

Si Ziyi is a bit depressed. Lou Han hears his heart beat faster. He raises his eyes to find the sullen look on his face. Then he says with a smile, "it's a happy event to let corrupt officials surrender. Why should he be angry? Besides, we have gained a lot today. "

He is talking about the gold and silver in the cellar of the old people, which are now in their hands. It is reasonable for them to confiscate their gold and silver during the famine.

However, Wang Ye has been used to it. Even when he was just facing a golden mountain and a silver mountain, he did not change his face.

Lou Han was inside, but he was surprised. I didn't expect a small spring city to be so rich. If they use these to buy food, they will be able to survive even if there is another famine.

This is really a happy event. The anger on Si Ziyi's face gradually faded, and he intimately shaved her nose with his fingers: "you are still smart. But this morning, you've been on your way all the time. Now, have a good rest and don't think about it any more. "

Lou Han answered sweetly, and the cicadas outside were roaring, as if to vent the boredom brought by the hot and dry day.

Just as he was about to get up, Lou Han suddenly lightened up. Si Ziyi picked her up lightly. Lou Han grabbed him by the neck and put his face to him happily. It wasn't long before the knock on the door woke me up.

When Lou Han remembers, he is held down by Si Ziyi's arm: "don't get up." Si Ziyi said overbearing. The people outside lowered their voice:

"there's a signal coming from the cellar entrance. There's something moving." Hazy, Si Ziyi wakes up and sees Lou Hanzheng struggling to withdraw his arm. At the same time, he stretches. He asks Lou Han what he is doing?

"Catch a turtle in a jar!" Lou Han winked playfully, and then asked if he would go to the theatre. "Of course I will." Lou Han is so mysterious that Si Ziyi is very interested.

The dark guards in the back of the house have surrounded the cellar entrance heavily. From time to time, some people shout to them to come out and arrest them. "Who are they?" The Lord remembered that Lou Han's arrangement outside must have something to do with her.

At this time, I asked Lou Han with great interest outside. Lou Han asked him to guess.

"The owners of the gold and silver?" Lou Hanbai glanced at him: "although these people are addicted to money, since they dare not put the gold and silver at home and belong here, they must not be able to see people. It's too late for them to get rid of it. How can they appear at this time?"

"Then the master of the house?" Lou Han still shakes his head. Si Ziyi says with a smile, "actually, I have guessed that before, it was just teasing you. It must be the killers we met before."Lou Han seems to be frustrated. Si Ziyi is always smarter than her. This time, she has been pleading with Si Ziyi to agree. She just helps him, and let everything go through Lou Han's hands and let her take the lead.

But in the end, he still couldn't escape his eyes, but Lou Han still felt that he was perfect today, so he just lost for a moment, and then his momentum was high.

"Yes, the last time we suffered a loss in front of them, only one of them was injured. It's a shame of my life. Now, they have been cheated by using these gold and silver as bait."

Then he asked people to pour water on the fast cracking firewood, ignite the smoke and blow it into the cellar. He is good at making up his time and waiting outside.

When these people see so many treasures, they will not leave for a moment. When the smoke comes, they have nowhere to hide. They are not choked by the smoke. If they are left one by one, they will be chased up obediently.

Bichun has already brought the washed grapes. Lou Han feeds them to Si Ziyi, while he stares at the entrance of the cellar.

The smoke choked the people at the door to tears, covered their nose with their hands, and then continued. Finally, there was a intermittent cough.

It seems that they will show up soon.

Lou Han pushed aside the red grapes from bichun and stood up. Just before everyone knew it, someone wanted to rush out of the cellar.