After hearing this, the man in black looked at his right hand helplessly. Although there were only two people on the other side, they were excellent at martial arts. Under the siege of many people, they never saw half of them. On the contrary, they were injured more than half.

Although there were no casualties, it was a great shame for them. Besides, they also understand that the grain in the granary is for the whole people. If they carry them away without permission, they will be responsible for countless deaths and injuries. Thinking about it, they will use it as an excuse to get rid of it.

Seeing the man in black hesitated, the old man looked serious: "at that time, you were on the verge of dissolution because of your own reasons. I donated most of the silver to keep you going. Now, it's just a small thing, but you are not trustworthy."

"Old man, one time is another. How much silver is the rice worth? Compared with your family, it's just a drop in the bucket. Why haggle with a group of people? "

"In this life, I'm like a real contest. As long as anyone makes me feel unhappy, I'll lose my fortune and get even with him."

While they were talking, they suddenly came to the newspaper and said that Mr. Li was visiting. The man in black was inconvenient to appear, so he walked around the back door and left first.

After arriving at the main hall, the old man, who was supported by the servants, sat down. Mr. Li said unhappily, "I always turn a blind eye to your business, but this time, you are too much."

The old man was very surprised. He opened his eyes and didn't know, "I can't understand what you said."

Mr. Li shrugged his lips in disapproval, so that he didn't have to pretend that he already understood. When they beat gongs and drums and thieves came to steal food, they had already guessed that it was him.

So they put it off again and again. When they saw that they had no hope of success, they were given time to retreat calmly. Finally, Mr. Li summed it up.

"Although the number of princes and concubines is small, they all have unique skills. If they didn't delay time and again, or even deliberately show a gap to let them leave, they would have been caught by the princes and concubines. We all know their means."

I think of the dead dog in the world, the murderous look on the princess's face, and the cold air around the prince. The old man's face was heavy and he bowed his head and said nothing.

Mr. Li didn't want to say any more. He just said that they had worked together for many years and knew each other well. There was a little wind and grass outside, and Mr. Li could guess what the holy did.

Now, the objects they offend are the prince and the princess. Mr. Li advised them to be more peaceful. Otherwise, it would be too late to regret when they really offend.

"Is there a blue sky in the world?" Lacquer bright crutches angrily on the ground a touch, Dong sound.

Instead, Mr. Li raised his eyebrows and laughed: "it's just a little grain. When we have grain in the hands of the common people in the next year's harvest, we'll try to save it. Now we just give them a little for the time being. If you want to be a little bit more open, why bother about it? "

The old man's face was red and he didn't agree with Mr. Li, but he couldn't swallow his breath.

"Even if I listen to you, I don't think people who were humiliated at the same time as me on that day will let go of the Lord. If you want to make peace, you have to come to each family to appease them." The old man sneered.

It seems that he has changed his mind and won't make trouble again. Mr. Li is satisfied: "all people don't follow your lead. Since you listen to me, are you willing to let go of this grudge? They must not dare to mess around. Well, if you don't disturb me, I should go back to the government to deal with my business. This peony is so delicate and charming that just now the peony flower in my hospital has already been opened. It is really appropriate to use it to arrange flowers. I'll borrow it for a few days and return it later. "

So they called people from outside to take away the antiques on the shelves, and then they left contentedly. If you can't steal chicken, you'll get rice instead. The old man saw that he was so greedy, but he was also very impatient at this time. He looked straight at his back and swore.

Mr. Li was even more angry: "this old boy is still so restless in his old age. If ordinary people are found to rob them, they will be caught at that time and given a name to make them die quickly. The prince and the princess will surely believe it. "

When I think of the princess's evasion that day, I'm afraid that a shrewd and ferocious person like them may not have a good idea in mind. I think it's right for me to get a vase from them after the princess and the prince came.

He had already taken a fancy to this vase. The light pink looks like a young girl's face, and it looks like the beautiful scenery of spring in the garden. Thinking of this, he swept away his previous unhappiness, hummed a little song, held the vase in his arms and walked back leisurely.

Suddenly, the prince and the princess came face to face. They couldn't dodge for a moment. They were embarrassed holding the vase in their hands. The princess first said hello to him. At the same time, she looked at the vase in his arms and said that it was a rare treasure.

"How can it be a rare treasure? It's a forgery, that is, it's greedy for bright colors. It's put in the room, inserted flowers, and occasionally installed elegant people. " Mr. Li said modestly."Is the porcelain from the official kilns of the former dynasty a fake? That's unheard of. " The prince's eyes were sharp and he recognized it at once. After hearing this, Mr. Li began to chat with him, saying that it was a gift from an old friend and was not worth money. Then he quickly changed the topic and asked where the prince and the princess were going?

"We've come to bid you farewell. Although the bandits came last time, they were beaten back. These days, I'm quite satisfied with the arrangement of the whole government. I think those people will not dare to come back again, so we're going to join the former people."

Lou Han's face was very pleasant. After hearing this, Mr. Li was very happy. He hoped that if the pair left earlier, they would be able to return to their former comfortable life. Although they were happy in their heart, they pretended to be very sorry.

It's a pity that Mr. Li said that they had just come here and left so early.

"Since I'm the imperial envoy sent by the emperor, I should be mainly the people. It's a pity to say that it's Mr. Li. In the future, the whole spring city will bother Mr. Li."

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's my job." Mr. Li is smiling.

Lou Han and Si Ziyi left at night without notice. Mr. Li went to ask their return date exactly, but he heard that only two servants left said that they had already gone far away.