Ino walked out slowly. "Let's talk!" She said.

Jon couldn't help nodding, "OK!"

He put away the machine and the people around him put it away.

Enoch walked towards him. When he came to Xiao Qirui's side, he stepped forward, "Enoch..."

At this time, Yinuo looks at Xiao Qirui, and then raises her lips to smile at her.

She didn't say anything, just with a smile.

"I'll wait for you!" He said.

Yinuo still didn't give any reply and went straight to Jon.

Jon looked at her with a relaxed smile on his stubble face.

"Come on, get in the car!"

Ino nodded and got into the car.

Seeing Yinuo get on the car and go, Yi Qing looks at Xiao Qirui, "are you just watching her being picked up?"

Looking at their far away figure, Xiao Qirui said after a long time, "otherwise? We have to ensure your safety first With that, Xiao Qirui had no choice but to smile, then got on the car and followed.

Yi Qing stands in the same place and looks at their car. She doesn't understand this kind of emotion. If it was her, she would never let ino leave.


After driving for a long time, I didn't know where I was. Ino looked out of the window and said, "stop!"

Jon looked at her, then stopped, and the driver said, "stop!"

The car stopped, iNO opened the door and went down, Jon followed.

"Ino..." Looking at her, Jon wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it. After all, he told her too many lies and hid a lot.

Ino is still thinking about how to speak.

"INO, you've heard me explain..."

"Jon!" Before his words were over, iNO interrupted him and looked up at him. "Are you sure you can give me a reasonable explanation and don't cheat me?"

Jon frowned slightly, as if he didn't know where to start.

"Even if you tell me now, will I believe it all? Jon, I'm not the Liano you've just "imprisoned" at home She said.

"Some things, I don't know how to tell you, but iNO, you have to believe me, I love you, I won't do anything to hurt you!" He said.

"Love is not like that!" Eno said, "love is completion, love is respect, but in you, I only see excuses and deception, Jon, I admit you are very good to me, but love is not like this..." She said.

"What do you want me to do? Eno, I did it just because I love you... "

"If you really love me, please respect me and let me find the truth!"

Jon was silent, because he knew that once ino knew the truth, he would leave him without hesitation, even without a chance.

But now if you force her, it will only make her further away from herself.

Jon thought for a long time, looking at her, "so you have believed Xiao Qirui's words now, don't you?"

"I don't believe him, I just need some time!"

"How long?" Jon asked.

Yinuo looked at him, did not know how to answer, who knows when the ghost medicine will be ready, "I don't know..." She said.

"INO, I can give you time, give you space, these are OK, but there must be a time limit?"

Ino looked at him, not knowing what to say.

"I know you are eager to think of the past now. In fact, if you tell me directly, I can't accept that you leave me in this way..." And Jon took a deep breath. "INO, you have to tell me a time. I can wait!"

Ino looked at him, thought for a long time, and said, "three days!" She said.

Jon looked at her. "Are you sure?"

Ino nodded firmly, "if I don't remember, I'll go back with you!" She said.

Jon looked at her with a twinkling look. He nodded, "OK, I promise you, but I hope you don't let me down!"

Ino nodded.

Jon sighed. He was relieved when he finally got an answer. Looking at iNO, he said, "iNO, I know I'm a bit extreme sometimes, but I hope you can understand me!" He said.

Ino looked at him and hesitated for a long time, but he didn't say anything.

"Come on, I'll take you back!" Jon said.

"No, I'll go back myself!" Ino said.


"I want to walk alone and relax!" She said.

"I'm not sure!"

"Jon!" Ino looked at him. "You just promised me. Have you forgotten?"

Looking at iNO, Jon took a deep breath and nodded."You go first!" Ino said.

Jon glanced at her, nodded and turned to get on the bus.

When he got to the car, Jon was still a little reluctant, looking at her, "iNO, if I take you back now, will you hate me for the rest of your life?"

"Yes Ino's answer was firm.

Jon put his eyes away and looked at the driver ahead

When the car left, iNO was relieved.

At this moment, she doesn't have to worry about being found by Jon. She doesn't have to hide. This is the taste of real freedom.

She began to walk back. At this time, Xiao Qirui must still be waiting for her.

But Yinuo just walked more than ten meters, and he saw a car parked there not far away.

She recognized the car that Xiao Qirui had been driving.

She stopped and stood there without going any further.

At this time, Xiao Qirui got out of the car, closed the door and looked at her.

Yinuo didn't speak, neither did Xiao Qirui.

The next second, Xiao Qirui strode up to her.


Before Yinuo's words were finished, Xiao Qirui directly put her into his arms and kissed her on the lips.

Yinuo's eyes were still open, her brain was in a blank, but when she felt Xiao Qirui's hot heart beat, she finally chose to close her eyes.

In fact, three days is enough for what?

When will the medicine come out? She really doesn't know. Whether it can be successful or not is not a certain thing.

She came back just to make sure what she was thinking, what her heart was thinking.

At this moment, her heart seems to gradually find a home

I don't know how long it took for Xiao Qirui to let her go. His hand was still on the back of her head. "Now, I know your answer..." He said.

When they went out that day, Xiao Qirui asked her, if Jon came to find her, would she go back?

Ino did not speak at the time.

But today, she answered him with action. And Xiao Qirui is extremely satisfied with this answer.