When I get back.

Jon went to take a bath and change clothes.

And Yinuo is on the sofa outside, legs overlapping, elegant sitting, eyes slightly squinting, also don't know what to think.

When Jon came out of the room, he saw ino like this.

What comes to mind is that when she lived in the castle before, she used to look so high and inaccessible.

But isn't that what he likes about her?

But why, in the heart unexpectedly rises the silk uneasiness.

Gather your eyes and walk over.

"Ino!" He called softly.

Eno looks back at him, and Jon has come to her. Eno smiles from the corner of her lip.


Jon was radiant and energetic at the moment, looking like a different person.

"Well!" Jon nodded.

"Well, do you want to take a break now or go to the company?" Asked ino.

Jon looked at the time and said, "it's already noon. Let's go to dinner and go to the company in the afternoon."

Ino nodded. "All right!"

"Let's go!"

"Where to eat?"

"You'll know when you get there!" Jon pulls her out.

Ino looked at him holding his hand, frowning slightly.

Why does he feel different when he pulls his hand?

If he is the one of his own choice Why, she didn't have that strange feeling?

Ino said nothing and went out with him.

But ino did not expect that the place he said to eat was the castle.

When he got to the castle gate, iNO looked at him and said, "how can I eat here?"

Jon looked at him. "It looks like you've been here during my absence!"

"I live here these two days!"

Jon nodded.

"Didn't you entrust it to Albert?" Asked ino.

"Yes Jon nodded and said nothing else.

Ino looked at him and didn't ask too much.

Entering the castle, Albert was waiting in the living room.


Seeing them coming back together, Albert said with a smile, "coming back?"

"Well, do you mind if we come back for dinner together?"

"Of course, you came back just in time, ready for dinner!"

"Let's eat and talk."

And they sat down at the table together.

Albert looked at Jon. "How about two days in there? Nothing's wrong?"

Jon laughed. "Nothing's wrong!"

"That's good!" Albert nodded.

At this time, his eyes looked at iNO, hesitated for a moment, then said, "there is one thing, I need to confess to you!"

"What's the matter?"

"I told ino about that!"

Speaking of this, Jon pauses and looks at ino.

Ino ate, and heard them mention himself.


Jon looked at her and held her hand in his hand.

"INO, I still don't want this matter to affect you. I just hope you can be happy in the future!"

Ino didn't know what they were talking about, but she must have known.

She nodded, "Well!"

Jon looked at her with a smile and said nothing more.

Then Albert looked at them and said with a smile, "I have an idea!"

"What's the idea?" Jon asked.

"The reason why he didn't give up is that he didn't have a reason to give up. Why don't you get married as soon as possible? In this case, he will give up!" Albert said.

Getting married?

Eno's eyes were instantly enlarged.

Jon turns and looks at ino.

"What do you think of the idea?" Albert asked.

"Of course, I have nothing to say, just..." He looked at ino. "Just don't know what ino thinks!"

Eno couldn't prevent it. I didn't expect that they would mention it.

Although it's said that it's a matter of time for a couple to get married, why, when they mention this, they are still flustered.

"What's your opinion, iNO?" Albert asked.

Yinuo's palms are sweating. Some of them don't know what to say.

"Ino?" Jon called softly, too.

Eno came back and looked at him.

"You Will you marry me? " Jon looked at him and asked.Yinuo also looked at him blankly, at a loss for a moment.

Jon and Albert look at ino all the time, as if waiting for her answer.

After a long time, iNO found some sense and recovered his look slowly.

"This thing It seems too anxious! "

"Are you still in a hurry? You've been engaged for a long time, and it's time for a wedding! " Albert said.

"I I just lost my memory, so it's not long for me, so I want to wait! "


"Daddy Before Albert finished, Jon interrupted him.

He looked at ino and sighed, "Daddy, don't force ino!"

"I'm thinking of you!"

"I know!" Jon nodded. "Ino doesn't want to get married yet. I'm not in the right place. Maybe she'll agree when I try harder."

Albert looked at them and nodded after a long time. "I'm just giving you a suggestion. As for how, it's still your business!"

Jon nodded. "I see!"

Looking at iNO, Jon doesn't seem to be in any mood.

At this time, iNO also quietly relieved.

After dinner, they did not stay any longer and went straight away.

On the way back, iNO didn't say a word.

Jon looked at ino several times, and she pursed her lips and didn't speak, which showed that she was a little angry.

"Ino!" Jon called softly.

Ino turned and looked at him. "What's the matter?"

"You Are you angry? "

Speaking of this, iNO closed his eyes and whispered, "no!"

"I know, daddy said that, you must have some discomfort in your heart, but you have to believe that daddy is for our good! "He said.

"I know!" Ino's mood still looks bad.

Jon was a little worried and knew that ino would be like this, but he couldn't help it, because he had to try ino's attitude.

Reach out, hold her hand, "iNO, I know you will be very tangled now, but I will rely on my own ability, let you willingly marry me!" She said word by word.

Eno looked at him, hesitated for a while, and then said, "Jon In fact, I'm sorry for this Give me more time! " She said. Jon looked at her, eyes still as gentle as ever, "there is nothing to be sorry for, I will wait for you, until you want to!"