All the people around are in a daze. After Ling Yue shouts, everyone rushes up immediately.

"You, how are you?" Ino opened his eyes wide and looked at him in fear.

Jon frowned and shook his head. "It's OK. How are you?"

"I'm fine!" Ino shook his head and looked at him with worried eyes.

"It's just fine!" Jon gave her a weak smile.

"Jon, Jon!" Ino called twice, and someone had already rushed up to help them up.

"Jon!" Eno looks at Jon, who looks shaky.

"Ambulance, ambulance!" Ino looked at the others and cried.

By this time someone had called, iNO looked at Jon, frowning, heart was pulled up.


In the hospital.

Yinuo and Lingyue are waiting anxiously outside. Looking at Yinuo's frowning eyebrows, Lingyue says, "don't worry too much, there won't be anything big!"

Yinuo nodded. Even so, Yinuo was very worried. Who knows where it hit.

Ling Yue knew that no matter what she said, she was waiting silently.

Just at this time, his phone rang. Looking at Qin Huan, she took it silently and answered it.


"Are you busy?"

"No, something's wrong!" Ling Yue lowered her voice.

Qin Huan heard something different. "What's the matter?"

Ling Yue doesn't know what to say.

"Did something happen?" Qin Huan asked.

Ling Yue takes a look at Yinuo standing over there and says, "in the studio, there was an accident. Jon was injured in order to save Yinuo. Now he is in the hospital!"


Ling Yue took the mobile phone, "I won't tell you. The doctor came out. I'll hang up first!" Then he hung up without waiting for Qin Huan to say anything else.

Go back. Ino is talking to the doctor.

"How's it going, doctor?" Asked ino.

The doctor took off the mask and said, "it's not a big problem. I didn't hurt my bones. However, due to the violent impact, I will have some pain and swelling. During this period, as long as I don't do distance exercise and water, I will recover after a period of time!"

Hearing this, iNO's heart suddenly relaxed, "it's OK!"

At this time, Ling Yue looks at Yinuo, "well, I'll say it's OK!"

Ino relaxed smile, then looked at the doctor, "can I go in to see him?"

"No problem, but now You should just lie on your stomach! " Said the doctor amusingly.

Hearing this, iNO was stunned. After filling the picture, he felt a little funny.

Then Yinuo went to the ward, and Lingyue followed.

In the ward, Jon was really lying on the bed and couldn't move, but he remembered when he saw ino come in.

"Don't move!" Eno immediately went over and said.

Jon frowned, worried. "How are you, are you ok?"

Ino shook his head. "I'm ok. I'm not hurt at all. Don't worry about me!"

Jon smiles and nods. "Well, it's OK!"

Looking at him, iNO didn't know what to say gratefully, "Jon, thank you!"

Jon looked at him, deep eyes like saying something, after a long time, he said, "don't thank you, I didn't save you to hear you say thank you!"

Ino took a deep breath. "Thank you anyway!" This feeling, iNO does not know how to return.

"I wish I knew you were OK!" He said.

Ino nodded and looked at him. "How are you? Do you want some water?"

"No!" Jon shook his head.

"Tell me what you want!"

"Are you going to take care of me?"

"Shouldn't it?"

Jon looked at her, deep eyes are more and more bright, this is an unexpected harvest for him.

Ling Yue looked at them and then coughed softly, indicating that she still existed.

At this time, Jon just looked at her. Ling Yue went up and said, "Jon, at that time, you were too handsome, too man!" Ling Yue said.

"It should be!"

"I'll give you a compliment!" Ling Yue said.

"Thank you Jon said.

Just then, the door was knocked, and then Albert and Yi Qing came in. They were in a hurry and looked very worried.

"Jon, what's up?" Albert asked.

Seeing them coming, iNO got out of the way. "The doctor said it's nothing. Just take a few days off!"

Albert nodded and looked at Jon. "What's going on?"

Yinuo said, "he became like this just to save me..." Eno told him the story. After hearing it, Albert raised his eyebrows and then looked at Jon. "Good Jon, this is what a man should do!"INO was a little surprised. He thought he would blame him, but he didn't expect

Jon didn't say anything when Albert looked at ino. "INO, how are you? Are you ok?"

Ino shook his head. "I'm fine!"

"That's good. As long as you're OK, I'll be at ease!"

Ino always felt that he was having a hallucination.

At this time, Yi Qing stands behind him, looking at Jon lying on the bed, frowning, his eyes showing a trace of worry.

Ling Yue is a personal essence. She stands by and looks at him. However, when she sees Yi Qing looking at Jon's eyes, her eyes narrow slightly, as if she understands something.

When Albert leaves, she goes out with iNO.

"I'll take care of him. Don't worry!" Eno said to Albert.

Albert nodded. "I believe you!" After explaining that she left, Yi Qing followed, but when she left, her brow didn't show. She was worried.

As soon as they left, Ling Yue looked at iNO, "is that Yi Qing interested in Jon?"

Hearing this, iNO side eyes, surprised at her, "how do you know?"

"Really?" Ling Yue asked.

Ino nodded. "I didn't ask, but I can see it!"

Ling Yue smiles and doesn't know what to do in her heart.

"How do you know?" Asked ino.

"Of course, just like you, I can see it!" She said.

"You see that so quickly?"

"Is it going to take time?"

In this way, doesn't it seem that ino is much more stupid?

"I can see the look in her eyes as soon as I see it. I've done a lot of acting!"

INO, "..."

Ling Yue is totally talking about her own experience.

Looking at the bad appearance of Ling Yue's smile, iNO squints at her and asks, "what are you doing?"

Ling Yue picked an eyebrow lazily, "you guess!"

"Who knows!"

Ling Yue said with a smile, "then you will know!"

"No matter what you do, just enough is enough!"

"Don't worry, I can only do a little action, not too much!" Ling Yue said.

Yinuo helpless shake his head, Lingyue this real villain's character, not only don't let people hate, but also let people have so little like. Ignoring her, iNO went straight back to the ward.