When Wu team and Xiao Qirui rush into the room to catch people, the woman screams and hides away.

And Lin Jia is sitting on the sofa, next to a basin, which is full of blood, next to a cotton medicine box.

I can see that he has just treated his wound.

More than a dozen people surrounded him directly, and several people scattered to search the room. However, after searching all over, there was no result. They came out and shook their heads at them, "team Wu, no one!"

No one?

Wu team frowned, and Xiao Qirui on one side frowned, looking at Lin Jia.

Lin Jia seemed to have guessed that they would come and sit there calmly.

"What about people?" Xiao Qirui looked at him and asked harshly.

Lin Jia raised her eyes and looked at them, but she did not speak with a sarcastic smile.

"Where are you from?" I asked Team Wu also cried out anxiously.

Lin Jia took a look and said carelessly, "if you can find it, you can find it!"

With a bang, Xiao Qirui went up with a fist, and team Wu didn't have time to react.

"Where's my daughter?" Xiao Qirui shouts.

Lin Jia was hit and bleeding at the corner of his mouth, but he didn't even move. His eyes were fixed on him, but he didn't speak.

When Xiao Qirui wanted to start again, Wu team stopped him, "it's useless even if you kill him!"

How can Xiao Qirui kill him? He won't kill him before he says what he means.

At this time, Wu team walked over and looked at the woman's interrogation. The woman was too scared to say anything and finally had to take them away.


In the Bureau.

Xiao Qirui is waiting outside, lighting a cigarette in his hand. He has not smoked for a long time. However, at this moment, he needs the taste of nicotine to calm himself.

At this time, Wu team came out from the inside and said, "the woman said that she met him in the box. He was injured and threatened her. Then she took him back for treatment. Her colleagues have gone to check. She didn't lie!"

Xiao Qirui frowned and looked up at him, "what did he say?"

"That kid is a tough guy. He hasn't said a word till now!"

Xiao Qirui clenched his fist. "I think he found that I installed a tracker on him. He knew that he couldn't escape, so he set up such a bureau!"

Wu nodded in agreement, and then he said, "my colleagues will be examined all night. I'm sure they will find out where they are!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Qirui is more worried. First, xiaoyiyi is burning. I don't know if it's OK. If he's around, at least xiaoyiyi's safety will be guaranteed. But now that he's all arrested, what should xiaoyiyi do?

At the moment, Xiao Qirui is like a fire burning in his heart. He can't calm down. Even the smell of nicotine can't calm him down.

"Can I go in and have a look?" He asked.

Wu team frowned, "Mr. Xiao, don't make it difficult for us to do it!"

"My daughter was taken away by him with a fever. Now we don't know anything. Now he's arrested, and my daughter is still so young. What if something happens?" He roared, some can't control himself

Wu team looked at him, knew that he had a reason for it, and didn't care, sighed, "we all understand your worries now, but we really can't explain what you want to do again!"

"I promise, I'll go in and ask him a word, never touch him!"

Looking at Xiao Qirui's repeated assurance, Wu nodded to this.

Seeing this, Xiao Qirui immediately went in.

At this moment, Lin Jia's wound has been re treated and bandaged, while he is sitting on a chair, his hands are baked, and his movement has been completely restricted.

After they went in, Wu team nodded to the other two colleagues who were examining him. The two colleagues got up and went out.

In the room, there were Wu team and Xiao Qi, Ruilin Jia.

Xiao Qirui tried his best to calm himself down. Looking at Lin Jia, he went up and said, "you already know that I installed a tracker on you?"

Lin Jia raised her eyes, looked at him and said in a low voice, "it's not early, but I also appreciate your colleagues. If they hadn't hurt me, I wouldn't have found out!"

Xiao Qirui clenched his fist. Lin Jia opened his eyes and looked away.

"Where's my daughter?" He asked.

Lin Jia did not speak.

"Now that you have been arrested, there is no room for you. If you are willing to confess now, you may be treated with leniency, but if something happens to my daughter, then you are finished!"

Lin Jia looked at him and said, "do you think that after I have done such a thing, have I thought about it?"

"What do you want?"

"My request is very simple, let Su Yun go, give her a sum of money, let him leave, if you are willing to do it, I will tell you the address!"

"Your request is out of the question!" Team Wu said to go up."Well There's nothing I can do! " Lin Jia said, and then added, "I forgot to tell you that it's very dangerous for my child to be at home alone. Even if she doesn't do anything, she'll be hungry for a day or two..."

Xiao Qirui rushes up and catches him. His eyes want to kill him.

Wu team saw this, immediately rushed to stop him, "Xiao general!"

Xiao Qirui grabs Lin's collar tightly, and the veins on his neck and forehead are all highlighted. God knows how much Xiao Qirui wants to kill him.

But Lin Jia was not afraid, "if I die, you don't want to know where I am!"

Xiao Qirui's hand slowly loosened. Looking at him, his mouth also sneered, "if my daughter has an accident, I will be more terrible than you!" He turned around and left a sentence.

Looking at his back, Lin Jia's eyes flashed a trace of complexity. Wu team looked at him and said, "you used to be a policeman, but now how did you become like this?"

Lin Jia began to keep silent and said nothing. He closed his eyes.

Because of fate, he has no way and can't control himself


After Xiao Qirui went out, he picked up his cell phone and called Jason.

"How's it going?"

"Boss, it takes time for such a big place!"

"Add hands, I want to find it in the shortest time!"

“…… OK, I see! "

Hang up the phone, Wu team came up from behind, "I have asked for instructions from above, we will send people to search, you can rest assured, even door-to-door search, will also find it!"

Xiao Qirui looked at him and nodded, "thank you!"

"That's what we should do!"

Xiao Qirui took a meaningful look, didn't speak any more, and went straight away.

Looking at his back, Wu sighed, and then turned to look at the people behind him, "overtime night trial, we must let him say it!" "Yes