Yin Jinxi and director Li clink glasses.

She's right. Although the previous play was very popular, she was only a supporting actress.

It was director Li who made her the No.1 actress in the play that made her famous to the top.

Now the studio helps her to pick up new plays, and the positions and prices are in accordance with the level of the first line and the last line.

When the film is released, if the box office and word-of-mouth double harvest, she directly rose to the top line.

All this depends on director Li's appreciation.

"It should be said that all this is your own efforts," Li said thoughtfully, putting down his glass. "I like to study all kinds of things. What I appreciate is naturally a person who likes to study. I've seen a lot of your plays. Although they are all supporting roles, you never give up thinking about them..."

Yin Jinxi also can't help feeling: "in fact, what I want to do is to have a good performance."

"There are too few things like you in the circle," sighed Li. "Many of them want to make use of their youth and beauty. Art has become their glittering coat, but it's really smoky inside..."

"Director Li, you have already said 'no' to these. We all admire you."

Li Dao sneered at himself: "I used Shelley. In fact, I have already made concessions, but it turns out that the greater the concessions, the greater the humiliation."

His remaining anger did not subside. His fingers pinched the glass tightly, and his knuckles were white.

Yin Jinxi's heart is thumping. It seems that he hates Shelley very much. If he wants Shelley to stay, the chance is very small.

"But if we change actors at this time, will the losses be too great?" Yin Jinxi asked tentatively.

"At all costs."

Yin Jinxi did not say more, her purpose is also to explore the director's attitude.

Now that the director's attitude is so firm, we can only talk to Yu Jingjie.

She came out of the bar and looked down again at Yu Jingjie's number on her mobile phone.

I haven't called him for a long time

She did not expect that she would call him one day.

"Ah Suddenly, two people came out of the bar and bumped Yin Jinxi from behind.

Yin Jinxi staggers, and his mobile phone almost flies out A powerful hand seized her arm.

"Walk with eyes!" Jisenzhuo said to them displeased.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The two apologized and were drunk.

"Leave them alone." Yin Jinxi gently shakes his head and goes to the side with Ji senzhuo.

"Why are you here?" She asked curiously.

Ji senzhuo looked at the bar and said, "I have an appointment with director Li."

Yin Jinxi remembered that before she left, she did see director Li answering the news.

With such a quick appointment, does director Li want to change into coco?

"You heard about director Li's changing actors..." Asked Yin Jinxi.

Jisenzhuo nodded: "he wants to talk to me about cocoa in exchange."

Then he sighed: "or you're right, coco is really a potential artist."

Yin Jinxi nodded, "then you go quickly, I'll go back to the hotel first."

"I'll take you back first."

"It's not far, and don't keep the director waiting too long."

Jisenzhuo inconvenience again insist, "that I see you go first."

Yin Jinxi smiles and walks forward.

Out of a long distance, she could not help but turn around, but saw that he was still standing in the same place.

She was startled, quickly turned back, more quickly forward.

Can't help but some chagrin, just why back ah!

However, this chagrin was immediately dispelled by Shelley's incident

. In the current situation, coco seems to be irresistible to replace Shelley.

What's more, it's related to Coco's future. If she has to be upset, she can't pass her conscience.

What on earth should she do!


"sister Xi, are you crazy?" Xiaoyou's eyes widened.

On this rare sunny and warm afternoon, she doesn't have to go to the set. Instead of sitting here listening to Yin Jinxi's incredible plan, she should go skating on the lake.

She didn't understand the front, but the back turned her upside down

Jin Xijie said that she wanted to find a chance to get Yu Jingjie drunk, and then asked her to help take two intimate photos.

She had to ask, "sister Jin Xi, didn't you leave two intimate photos when you were with Yu Jingjie?"

Yin Jinxi lips embarrassed, to tell the truth, they really did not take a picture.

Now she thinks it's strange.

Those days were like a dream.

"What are you doing together?" Xiaoyou asked with a little dislike.

Yin Jinxi was stunned, and her pretty face turned red involuntarily.

When they're together Those pictures that are not suitable for children pour into my mind one after anotherShe quickly adjusted her mind and did not allow herself to indulge in memories.

"Anyway, I have to get these two photos, and you're the only one I can trust." She looked at Xiaoyou pleadingly.

When she was not stubborn, she was so soft and glutinous, as if she could be stabbed down with a finger.

Xiaoyou really can't understand how Yu Jingjie is willing to break up. She is a woman and wants to protect Yin Jinxi!

"Well, how can you get Yu Jingjie drunk?" Xiaoyou asked.

Yin Jinxi raised his eyes: "well, it depends on Shelley."

Do what you say.

Before departure, Xiaoyou and Yin Jinxi decide the whole plan again.

Xiaoyou is not responsible for the first half of the plan. She just needs to wait in the car outside the bar. When Yin Jinxi sends a message to her, she will go to the box to take photos.

As for Yin Jinxi, she first invited Shelley to the bar box.

"Yu Jingjie is drunk. Can you ask Li Dao for a role?" Shelley asked.

"How can he call when he's drunk?" Yin Jinxi chuckled: "what we have to do, of course, is to use his phone to send a message to Director Li, and protect you in his name."

"Will he admit it when he wakes up?" Shelley is very worried, "what Yu Jingjie doesn't like most is being controlled..."

Yin Jinxi was stunned.

Really? It turns out that Shelley, though young, knows him well.

Yin Jinxi didn't realize this.

"If he's mad at you, tell him I did it." Yin Jinxi took a sip of red wine.

Of course, she was thinking of something else.

She won't send any messages to the director with his mobile phone. What she wants is photos.

But before she gets the picture, she has to coax Shelley.

Shelley hesitated for a moment, or picked up the phone, before dialing the number, she was still nervous and said: "we are fighting these two days, he may not come."

"He won't come. We have alternative plans."

With Yin Jinxi's consolation and endorsement, Shelley finally dials Yu Jingjie.

However, he did not pick up the phone.

Shelley hit again, the same result.

"I knew he wasn't going to talk to me anymore!" Shelley held the phone tightly and was about to cry.

She finished the whiskey in her glass and put it heavily on the bar.

"You keep fighting." Yin Jinxi urged her.

She was not reconciled, so she called again.

This time, Yu Jingjie answered the phone.

Shelley's eyes brightened: "Yu Jingjie, hurry up..."

But seeing Yin Jinxi frowning at her, she immediately remembers that she should pretend to be uncomfortable and beg Yu Jingjie to come over.

With her cheerful tone, it's strange that Yu Jingjie can come.

"Come on, I'm sick..." She immediately lowered her voice to a tone of entreaty.

"Where are you?" Yu Jingjie asked.

It was quiet in the box, and Yin Jinxi could hear his voice, which was full of concern.

She couldn't help dimming her eyes.

"I was in XX bar, I drank a lot of wine, and I didn't feel comfortable at all..." Shelley said pitifully.

Yu Jingjie's tone suddenly became severe: "do you run to drink? How many paparazzi are staring at you? "

Shelley immediately explained, "I'm not in trouble. I'm with Mr. Yin..."

Yin Jinxi is speechless.

How did she suddenly show up? How could Yu Jingjie come here!

Sure enough, there was silence.

Yin Jinxi's mind turned fast, thinking that there was any other way to carry on the plan.

But Yu Jingjie is a step faster than her: "in this case, let her take you back to the hotel."

Shelley was stunned and realized that she had said something wrong.

She hastened to remedy: "Miss Yin She's drunk too much. She still needs her boyfriend to send her back, but I'm not in charge of it... "

Yin Jinxi

Well, as long as you can trick Yu Jingjie into saying that she has a husband.

"You send me the address." Yu Jingjie hung up.

Shelley's eyes flashed a glimmer of joy. Yu Jingjie agreed to come over, which showed that he still cared about her in his heart.

"Miss Yin, you have to find a boyfriend to come here." Then she said.

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"How can that be?" Shelley shook her head. "I've said everything. If you don't have a boyfriend, isn't our plan flawed?"

How smart Yu Jingjie is!

"Besides, there is no man here. Who will drink with him later! How to get him drunk

Yin Jinxi is speechless. Shelley's words are so logical

However, she wants to come out one by one, and Yin Jinxi can't change her into a man now!"You wait!" Shelley suddenly thought of something and ran out of the box.

A moment later, she came in and pulled in the male number one of the movie

"What a coincidence, brother Quan is drinking outside!" Shelley said happily.

"This It's not going to work! " Yin Jinxi immediately refused: "brother Quan and I have only known each other for a few days!"

It is said that someone should believe it when they are in love.

"There's nothing wrong with that!" Shelley raised eyebrows: "it doesn't mean that you have to be in a state of love. Is it OK to contact and understand before you fall in love? Anyway, you are also lovers in the play, so you should work overtime for a while. "

Yin Jinxi looks at elder brother Quan. He looks at her with a smile and doesn't reject it.

"If you help, it doesn't matter." He said.

I don't know what Shelley told him. He's been brainwashed properly.

"Brother Quan can't do it. I saw Mr. Ji just now." Added Shelley.

"Mr. Ji?"

"Yes, it's Ji senzhuo. I remember you have a good relationship. Is it more convincing to ask him to help..."

Yin Jinxi is speechless. Shelley is really good at making things.

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