Emily came into the room happily. Just as she was sitting on the sofa, before she could take off her coat, she saw the picture on the table, as well as a knife and a pistol.

Her smile froze on her face and she wanted to get up, when wells came over and put a cup of coffee in front of her. "Sit down."

Emily forced her face to smile and sat down again.

Wells sat opposite her. He leaned on the sofa and his eyes were frozen. Emily was very uncomfortable. "Wei Will, it's so late. What do you want me to do? "

"What do you think?"

"Er..." Remembering what wells had said to her before, Emily did not dare to talk around for fear of angering him. "Wells, what can I do for you? As long as I know, I will tell you everything. "


"Wells, I promise."

Wells leaned on the sofa with one hand, legs folded, and stared at Emily.

Emily was on pins and needles. "Wells, if you have anything, you can ask." He looks like this now, which makes her hair grow in her heart.

"How do you know Diana?"

"At school, other students bullied me that I came from the country, only Diana and I played together."

"She gave you a lot of help?"

"Yes, she helped me a lot at school, but then I helped her too. We were even."

"What did you do for her?"

"I helped her find a job. Without me, she couldn't have found such a good job, let alone become a boss later." As soon as Emily said it, she was stunned. "Wells, I I...... "

"Said not to say?" Wells asked.

Emily's face was frightened. She was afraid of old Charlie, but now she was more afraid of wells.

Wells lowered his legs, bent down and held the knife and pistol on the tea table.

He looked up at her. "Knife, gun, which one do you like?"

Emily held her body tightly, shaking her head in fear. "I introduced Diana to your father, and then Diana became your father's secretary. But Diana didn't work long before she left and disappeared for a while. When she reappears, she becomes the boss. "

Wells looked at her, but he didn't speak. He just looked at her straight.

Emily couldn't help shaking her hands. "Wells, I only know that. The others don't know."

"I don't know?" Wells's voice was muted. He picked up the gun and pointed to Emily.

"No, no!" Emily shrank in horror.

"Do you know that Tiantian was arrested?"

"Ah?" Emily looked flustered, "I I don't know. Although I hate her, I dare not do anything with her around you. "

"She was not by my side when something happened."

"I don't know, wells. You believe me. I really don't know." Emily shook her head.


With that, wells fired a shot.



The bullet hit Emily on the side of the sofa and brushed her coat.

Suddenly, Emily curled up and screamed.

She was holding her head in her hands, and the scream sounded really harsh.

Wells is patient. He looks at Emily deadpan. He put the gun on the coffee table. "Emily, I'll give you another chance. What's your plan with Conrad city?"

"Kangruicheng? No, No. " Emily raised her head, and her face was full of beautiful makeup. At this time, she looked very embarrassed. "I haven't seen Conrad City, and I don't plan anything with him."

"Who is the person you met at city a hospital?"

Emily's heart was shocked. Wells knew that it was impossible. Even if he had any ability, he never cared about himself, how could he know who he had met.

"Lu Boyan told me everything. You can see that Kangrui city is the man, but he changed his face. Emily, my patience is limited. There are still five bullets in this gun. If you like, I can shoot all the remaining bullets on you. " Wells's voice was not loud, but what he said was enough to scare Emily out.

"Is Mr. Han kangruicheng?" Emily looked shocked. "Wells, Mr. Han, oh no, it's Conrad city. He wants to cooperate with you."

"I'm asking you, how did he get Miss Tang?"

"I When Miss Tang left Charlie's manor, I told him the driver's information... "

Listen to Emily, wells' face is getting worse.

He clenched his fist tightly. "When you come back from a city, you plan to kill Miss Tang?"

"I I Will, you let me go. " Emily flopped down in front of wells. "Wells, I'm wrong. I'm sorry. I've been thinking about you. I'm jealous of Miss Tang. I'm crazy. I don't know what I'm doing. Please forgive me. I won't dare to do this again. Please believe me. "Emily crawled to wells on her knees. She cried with tears and snivels. "Wells, I'm from a bad family. I'm vain. When I'm with you, I enjoy the respect I've never had before. You are so young, so excellent. I'm afraid you'll dump me after graduation. I can't help marrying your father. I'm too scared. I don't want to go back to the farm in the countryside. I don't want my classmates to look down on me. "

Emily grabbed wells' trouser legs with her hands. "I hate Miss Tang, but I envy her more. She can get your love, you never give me love. Kangruicheng says it's good for you to cooperate with you. I'm totally out of my mind and have agreed to cooperate with him. "

Wells looked at her coldly. "Where did he take Miss Tang?"

"I don't know. He hasn't contacted me since I told him about the driver that day."

"Emily, if Miss Tang misses anything, I won't let you go."

"Wells, please. I really know I'm wrong. I'll never dare to miss you again. Can you forgive me if I tell you another secret? " Emily took a sniff and wiped her tears directly with her sleeve. She begged for wells.

In the past, she always relied on her identity as Charlie's wife, because she knew that others were afraid of her and did not dare to do anything to her. She always bullied others.

However, old Charlie told her that she was just a dog without dignity. Her life, as well as the lives of her parents, were in his hands. As long as he was not happy, their family would be all over.

And Wells told her that she used to be able to do things because Wells ignored her. Now she has reached the bottom line, and he can kill her at any time.

Wells is more human than old Charlie. She's doing a gamble now. If she wins, she'll live.

"What secret?"

"Your father wants to kill Miss Tang."

"How do you know?"

"He asked me to get rid of Miss Tang."

For his father, he refreshed his cognition again and again.

Now he has reason to believe that the car accident he had with his mother ten years ago may have something to do with his father.

"Emily, do you want to live?" Asked wells, coming close to her.


"Call kangruicheng and tell him you're going to see Tang Tiantian die."

Emily looked at Wells puzzled.

"Fight?" Asked wells.

"Fight!" Emily said eagerly. She took her cell phone out of her coat pocket in a panic.

She was about to make a call when wells blocked the screen.

"You stand up, calm down and call him again."


Emily got up from the ground and wiped her tears.

It's two o'clock in the morning.

Emily called Conrad City, rang twice, and picked it up over there.

"Hello, Mrs. Charlie?"

Kangruicheng's voice is full of sleepiness.

"Mr. Han, has Tang Tiantian solved it?"

"Not yet."

"Mr. Han, why hasn't Tang Tiantian been made?"

"Now there's something, Mrs. Charlie, as long as Don Tiantian isn't with the Duke of Wales, isn't it?"

"No way. Mr. Han, tell me the address. I'll go to see you tomorrow. I'll see Tang Tiantian die with my own eyes. "

Emily's tone was the same as before, but when she said that, Conrad's attitude changed.

"Mrs. Charlie, I never need other people to tell me what to do." After that, Conrad hung up.

Emily did not fully ask for wells, she carefully looked at wells, "do I have to call him back?"

"No more."

The city of Conrad is probably on alert now.

"What else do I have to do?" Emily is eager to get wells' approval.

"Go back and stare at my father and report to me his daily movements."


"You go back."

"Well, thank you, wells."

Emily wrapped up her coat and walked out in a panic. Her hand touched the doorknob and Wells' voice rang.

"Emily, if you tell my father what we said, you know what I'll do to you."

Emily turned around. "I know I know. I won't say anything. I'll call you if I hear from him."

"Well, let's go."

Emily opened the door and left in a hurry.

Wells sat on the sofa, thinking of Emily's words.

He tried to find out the relationship between his father and Tang Tiantian, but he couldn't figure it out. Ten years ago, how did his father relate to a high school student.But don't worry. The mystery is unfolding step by step.

As long as you have done something, it will leave traces. Including his father, no matter how he pretends, he will show his horse's feet.

Wells lowered his head and didn't know what happened to Tang Tiantian, which made him in a bad mood.

Take out Tang Tiantian's mobile phone in his pocket, and he rubs it gently and repeatedly.

If she stays in Conrad for another day, she will be more dangerous. Most importantly, no one knows what extraordinary things Conrad city will do.

"Damn it!" Wells bellowed angrily.