A city senior revolving restaurant, wells sits on the sofa with his legs folded and a glass of red wine in his hand.

The dim light in the restaurant, with the light of the river view outside, gives the restaurant a romantic taste.

After a while, several middle-aged men came in, accompanied by a first-class young woman.

"Mr. wells, I have kept you waiting." Xiao Mingli, a real estate agent in city a, is about 50 years old. He has a beer belly and wears a pair of gold rimmed glasses. His eyes are full of shrewdness.

Xiao Mingli saw wells, his face full of flattering smile.

Others followed suit and stood in front of wells one by one. Without his permission, they dared not sit.

Wells put down his glass. "Mr. Shaw, please have a seat."

"Good." Xiao Ming Li sat down and motioned to the two women around him.

Two beautiful women with a net red face came directly to wells with their waists twisted.

Wells glanced at him, but did not refuse. Two beautiful women sat beside him, one on the left and one on the right.

Xiao Mingli also spent a lot of time for this meeting. The two beauties are full of waist, fat and hip, and a suspender skirt is red and white as if to burst open.

The two beauties are also familiar with this kind of occasion. Sitting beside wells, they are not arrogant, smiling and obviously trained beauties.

"May I introduce you, Mr. wells." Xiao Mingli smiled pleasantly. "These are all real estate friends. If you can get the government's approval this time, we are willing to work hard."

"Yes, yes." Others continued to drink.

"Mr. wells, as long as we have the land, we will take out all our wealth and do a good job in this project." Another man, exaggerating.

Wells took a sip of red wine and reclined on the sofa with his legs folded back.

The smile on his face was skin and flesh, but he didn't smile. He looked at these people half narrowed.

There is a piece of land in the western suburb of city A. It took five years to solve the problem of demolition. Ordinary investors dare not take over the problems and money involved here.

Although these people are famous real estate tycoons in the market of a city, they do not have the strength to buy land.

They heard that there was a large amount of money in the hands of Wales from abroad, and they made friends with the people of the government, so they let people set up a line to meet Wales.

"What good is it for me to take this piece of land?" Wells gently shakes his glass and stares at Xiao Mingli.

"As long as you can get the land, we will work for you."


Worthy of being a businessman, no gain, no rise. Xiao Mingli's meaning is clear. I don't care if you buy the land, but if you buy the land, you must let me occupy 10%. Take wells as the wrong man.

"Working for me? Ha ha, I need partners, not useless people. " Welsh made no allowance for him.

"Mr. wells, you misunderstood. Several of us work together. The real estate in city a is half of ours. There is absolutely no problem with our strength! "

"Oh? I heard that Lu Boyan, the biggest real estate agent in city a, is only half of them, so he is only half of them? "

"Here..." Xiao Mingli hesitated for a moment. "That's a fake. Lu Boyan doesn't have much strength. How does he compare with us on his own? "

Xiao Mingli's tone was full of disdain for Lu Boyan.

"It seems that the news I got is false. Since Mr. Lu has come, why is he still standing outside?" Wells said slowly, his eyes on the door.

Xiao Mingli was shocked when he heard the words. He stood up and saw Lu Boyan coming in from the outside.

The cold sweat on Xiao Mingli's forehead suddenly slipped down.

I saw wells stand up, "thin words."


The big hands of the two men were held together.

In this situation, it is obvious that the two people know each other, and the relationship is not the same.

Xiao Mingli wiped the sweat on his forehead and smiled awkwardly. "Mr. Lu, I've heard a lot about him." He reached out his hands to shake hands with Lu Boyan.

Lu Boyan turned around and glanced at him. "Are you?"

Xiao Mingli claims to be a real estate tycoon in city a, but Lu Boyan doesn't know him at all.

Xiao Mingli's face was red and white for a while, looking very embarrassed.

Wells raised his lips. "Bo Yan, this is the second largest real estate developer in your a city. Don't you know him?"

Xiao Mingli's eyes were on wells, trying to squeeze a smile.

Lu's eyes are light and cool, and his voice is light. "I don't know."

"Lu is always a big man. We don't know him. It's normal." Xiao Mingli hurried to find excuses for Lu Boyan.

"Bo Yan, thank you for your help."

A word from wells made Xiao Mingli's eyes blind. It turned out that Lu Boyan helped him take the land.

"Well." Lu poyan looked at the two women on the sofa and said without expression, "I have something to tell you.""Mr. wells, we won't bother. We'll invite you to dinner next time." Xiao Mingli saw that Lu Boyan was in a hurry to catch up with others.

Wells can't say no, Xiao Mingli wiped his sweat and left in a panic.

The people around him followed suit.

Suddenly, the restaurant was quiet.

"Sit down."

Lu Boyan sits opposite wells, who puts down his glass.

"Now the swindler is so blatant that he has deceived me." Wells laughed.

"You are rich and powerful, and you are now A meat bun in the eyes of some businessmen in city A." Lu's tone was tinged with a smile.

Hearing this, wells burst into laughter.

"I haven't seen you in ten years. You're still so funny."

"Well, it's been ten years."

Ten years ago, Lu Boyan and wells met when they were traveling abroad. They met each other like old friends.

Diana is crazy and doesn't play according to common sense. Lu Boyan doesn't want to annoy her, so she always feels aggrieved and seeks perfection. Indulge her to follow again and again, indulge her close. His purpose is only one, to find out the strength of Diana, and then knock down.

After finding out that Diana and wells knew each other, Lu Boyan immediately contacted wells.

This time, it's not so much Lu Boyan's attack on Diana as Lu Boyan's joint performance with wells.

Lu Boyan's frontal attack crushed Diana's F group, and wells appeared to control Diana.

And the silly Diana is still in the dark. She also fantasizes that wells can defeat Lu Boyan and help her out.

What would Diana do if she knew about Lu Boyan's relationship with wells?

"I'm looking for you this time. I need your help." Lu said.

"You said."

"Help me find someone - Conrad city."

Conrad is not dead, but we can't find any information about him now. It's a very dangerous thing that he's in the dark.

"Kangruicheng? This guy's life is tough enough. " Wells had heard of him for a long time. He was cunning and ruthless.

"Conrad is a very dangerous man. You should pay attention."

"Ha ha, dangerous? In my eyes, he is at best a little pervert. " Wells raised his lips and smiled.

Smell speech, Lu Boyan smiled. In front of wells, all the dangerous people are kittens.

"You want to buy Diana's MRT technology?"


"With MRT technology, Diana has worked hard for so many years, and as far as I know her, she won't make it easy."

"I heard that you chased Diana for many years and were rejected?" Lu Po Yan dug wells' material seriously.

"Women, too obedient no fun, like Diana this has not been able to get enough flavor." Wells likes the sense of hunting.

Diana rejected him? If he really wants to get it, Diana is not qualified to come.

"I'm married." Lu Boyan's words turned.

Wells was stunned. "I know that beautiful, gentle woman."

"She," Lu's eyes were obviously gentle when she mentioned Su Jian'an, "she is a girl with a lot of personality."

Su Jian'an has become Mrs. Lu, but Lu Boyan still calls her "girl". In Lu Boyan's heart, Su Jian'an is the little girl who keeps him in the palm of his hand.

"Have a personality? Such a woman is charming. " Somehow, when it comes to personality, wells thinks of Tang Tiantian.

Tang Tiantian is like a gentle kitten, cute and cute, but too sweet.

Wells is not interested in this sweet girl. He likes a stronger woman.

"Is Diana a woman with a personality in your eyes?" Asked Lu Boyan.

"It used to be." Wells picked up the glass and his eyes were a little more boring. "Diana used to be like a rose with thorns. Now she's gone."

"She agreed to your pursuit?"

More than a pursuit, Diana now hates to be able to go to wells' bed. The eagerness made him totally uninterested.

When the hunter catches the prey, the first time is to tease and tame its wild nature. Diana was completely obedient before she could be tamed.

It's boring for wells.

"Diana is my woman any time I want."


Wells waved. "Boring women are like giant luxury vases in cramped rooms. They are not only useless, but also take up space."

It turns out that Diana is such an existence in wells' mind.

Ten years ago, wells was a romantic playboy. He lived in a hundred flowers without touching his leaves.

Ten years later, he is still this kind of character. Domineering and strong with a bit of fun playing.Back home, Lu Boyan and Su Jianan talked about wells.

Lu Boyan is reading in bed. Su Jian'an is wearing a bathrobe and still has skin care products in her hand. "The woman that wells falls in love with must be a fairy."

Lu Boyan looks away from the book to Su Jian'an.

Su Jian'an continued, "wells, on the surface, looks heartless, but if he falls in love, he must be passionate and affectionate for a long time."

Su Jian'an looks like an emotional master.

Lu Boyan put down the book, "Jane."


"Come here."

Su Jian Ann patted her cheek to promote the absorption of the cream.

Su Jian'an got up and came to Lu Boyan. "What's the matter?"