Xiao yunyun later realized that she might mislead her mind and press the thumbs up with her other hand.

Reading and blinking, I don't seem to understand Xiao yunyun's series of actions.

It's too late for Xiao yunyun to organize the wording. Just say something that sounds reasonable: "it's definitely wrong to hit people, so of course I'm not encouraging you. But - Oh! You deserve to be praised for your protection! "

Read and blink. Gu Ling looks at Xiao yunyun strangely. He lowers his voice to Xiao yunyun's ear and says, "sister yunyun, I know you give me a thumbs up because you think I'm pretty good at fighting!" The implication, Xiao yunyun need not explain.

Xiao yunyun thought desperately: are the kids so smart now?

"No!" Xiaoyunyun tried to deny, and continued to reason with Niannian, "no matter what, it's not right to hit people. There are better solutions to all things than violence. You should find a better way next time. You can't fight with people without moving! "

After thinking about it, I think Xiao yunyun's words are reasonable. I nodded, "OK, I remember."

Xiao yunyun breathed a sigh of relief, but did not believe that the little guy would be so obedient, so he asked the little guy to promise Xu Yuning that he would not fight with others easily in the future.

Reading in front of Xu Youning is the best - he turned around, looked at him innocuously and said: "Mom, I promise you, I won't fight with my classmates in the future."

Xiao yunyun breathed a sigh and finally let go.

What she didn't know was that as soon as the speech was over, she emphasized in her heart that what he said was not casual. Just not casually!

That's the end of the topic.

Xiao yunyun is thinking about what to say to the little guy next. Suddenly, he turns around and looks at her curiously.

She pinched the little man's flesh like face with excellent hand feeling: "what do you want to say, just say it."

"Oh!" Niannian rubbed his face and asked curiously, "sister yunyun, why don't you and uncle Yuechuan have little baby?"

Several people who live together in Dingya villa have children. Lu Boyan and Su Jian'an even have two. There are only Shen Yuechuan and Xiao yunyun. There are only two adults in the family.

A few little guys have been confused in private for a long time, but Xiyu reminds them to be polite. Don't ask sister yunyun and uncle Yuechuan rashly.

The little guys did, and for a long time. But after all, it's children. They are not mature. Most of the time, they hold back because they don't remember.

Unfortunately, just now, the thought suddenly thought of this doubt, so blurted out.

After two seconds, he thought of Xiyu again, and then stressed: "sister yunyun, if this question will make you unhappy, you can not answer me!"

Xiao yunyun looked at the little guy's understanding and smiled brightly and said, "I'm willing to answer this question."

"Oh!" Reading is really curious, staring at Xiao yunyun for a moment, "why?"

"Because I'm still a sister." Xiao yunyun blinked at the little guy, "well, think about it, are all aunts who have baby?"

Chanting with his head askew, he began to count his fingers: "Auntie Youning, Auntie Xiaoxi..." Count to here, nod to Xiao yunyun affirmatively, "hum" a

Xiao yunyun is very satisfied with the response speed of the little guy, and points to himself: "I'm elder sister, right?"

The little guy said without hesitation, "yes!".

"So --" Xiao yunyun looked indifferent and spread out his hands. "It's not that I don't have baby, it's that my sister doesn't have baby."

“……” Reading, half believing, has been looking at Xiao yunyun, a moment later, I don't know what to think of, blurted out and asked, "sister yunyun, when do you become an aunt?" According to Xiao yunyun's logic, she will have baby when she becomes an aunt!

Xiao yunyun is very glad that he is not eating, otherwise he will be choked and faint.

Her face twitched a little and said difficultly: "this I don't know yet. "

In other words, she has been called "elder sister" by the little guys all the time, and there is always an illusion that she is still very young.

Youth is an addictive thing.

She I don't want to be an aunt at all!

Fortunately, reading is not to break the casserole to ask the end, Zaba Zaba mouth, compromise: "OK."

“……” Xiaoyunyun solemnly promised, "read, if I become an aunt, I will tell you at the first time, OK?"

Recitation skillfully reached out his hand: "pull hook!"


Xiao yunyun catches the little guy's hand. At this time, musjue pushes the door in.

Xiao yunyun got up and handed the chant to musjue, saying, "I'm going to be busy."Musjue nodded and signaled to Xiao yunyun to do his own work.

Xiao yunyun waved to chant: "goodbye, baby."

A charming smile came out from reading the lovely little face: big baby, goodbye

Xiao yunyun left the suite with a smile, went to the elevator, and went straight back to the office.

There are not many patients in private hospitals, and doctors do not receive dozens of patients every day like doctors in public hospitals. In addition, Xiao yunyun is not a long-term resident doctor, so he is more leisurely.

Sitting at his desk, Xiao yunyun can't help thinking of what he said.

Why doesn't she have baby?

He and Shen Yuechuan have been married for so many years, and they are the only two in their small family.

It's because Shen Yuechuan doesn't want to have children!

Before they got married, Shen Yuechuan had just experienced a big test of fate and had a walk in front of the ghost gate. He was afraid that his illness would be passed on to the next generation, causing a tragic life for his children, so he refused to have children.

Xiao yunyun has been secretly pregnant with a child. After that, Shen Yuechuan can't help her. Unfortunately, Shen Yuechuan knew her too well. Before she had time to act, she was detected. Shen Yuechuan told her very seriously that we should never joke about children.

After that, Xiao yunyun didn't dare to use any more brain tricks, but from time to time tried to persuade Shen Yuechuan to have a child.

However, in terms of negotiations, I'm afraid few of them are Shen Yuechuan's opponents.

Xiao yunyun has not only failed to persuade Shen Yuechuan, but has been almost deflected by Shen Yuechuan several times. She thinks that Shen Yuechuan is right about everything, and that she would be guilty if she didn't listen to his arrangement.

This kind of experience is really terrible. Slowly, Xiao yunyun gave up the idea of persuading Shen Yuechuan to have children and decided to let it go.

Let it go for four years. It wasn't until he thought of a careless curiosity that Xiao yunyun began to pay attention to it again.

Is it time for her to bring up the old story and have a good chat with Shen Yuechuan about her children?

After so long, maybe he has already wanted to open up, without those concerns?

When Xiao yunyun thought about this, he was chatting with musjue in the suite.

As soon as musjue came in, he noticed that the little guy was in a good mood, so he asked him what he had talked with Xiao yunyun.

The little guy pursed his lips mysteriously and said, "this is the secret of my sister yunyun and me. Dad, can I not say that? "

Although the little guy is still small, muskey agrees that he has his own privacy and is willing to respect the privacy of the little guy. He nods: "of course."

Niannian smiled and took musjue and said, "let's go talk to mom."

Chanting is good at mischievous, but these can't tell Xu Youning, so in fact, he doesn't have much to say to Xu Youning.

After that, the little guy would draw a picture or listen to the story of muskey.

Sometimes, he would be pestered by the recitation to tell him stories about him and his mother, but he would rarely agree.

Musjue could not tell him that his mother had come to spy on him at first. At last, he not only failed to perform the task, but also put her in.

At noon, mussieu went to the hospital restaurant with his thoughts.

The manager of the restaurant has known each other for a long time. He also knows that the little guy will come at the weekend. He is ready to receive the little guy.

Read today don't want to eat, want to eat noodles, order good noodles, and said to the manager: "uncle, I don't want a lot of meat in the noodles, I want more vegetables."

The manager nodded: "no problem. Are there any other requirements? "

"No more." "Thank you, uncle."

The manager smiled softly: "you're welcome."

After the manager left, he recited, holding his chin in his hands, looking at musjue and saying like a little adult, "Dad, I think everyone is very good."

Musjue took a sip of coffee and asked, "what do you say?"

Read one by one: "Uncle Lu and Aunt Jane are very good to me, and uncle Cheng and uncle Shen are also, just now that uncle is also. Dad, I didn't meet anyone who wasn't nice to me. "

Musjue looked at the innocent contentment of the little guy, and there was a place in his heart that seemed to be soaked in the warm water and became extremely soft.

It's true that from birth to now, the little guy has felt kindness. The dark side of the world, the hardships and difficulties of life, is far away from his simple little world.

Musjue hoped that the little boy would grow up like this all the time.

He touched the little guy's head: "others are very good to you, what should you do?"

Niannian said without hesitation, "I also want to be very good to others."

Musjue smiled and said that he was right. Then he asked the little guy if he knew how to do the first step of being good to others.

Read and observe the look of musjue, and reflect something, with a clear expression: "Dad, I know what you want to say to me.""I'll listen to it," musjue said

"You want to tell me that you can't fight with your classmates, right?" The little guy looks confident.