Lu Boyan asked musjue, "what are you worried about?"

There was only a faint, bad premonition in musjue.

He didn't want to describe in detail the feeling that the way was unknown but extraordinarily real.

"Don't say that." Musjue shifted the subject. "What shall we do next?"

Lu Boyan did not ask. Before the plane took off, he sent a message to Su Jian'an, asking her to pay more attention to Xu Yuning.

Lu Bo's words could tell that Xu Youning had something to do with it.

No matter what musjue is worried about, pay more attention to Xu Yuning, there will be no mistake.

When Su Jian'an received Lu Boyan's news, she was stunned.

Good end, thin speech why suddenly let her pay attention to you Ning?

Luo Xiaoxi comes to help take care of the two little guys. Seeing Su Jian'an suddenly distracted, she reaches out her hand and shakes it in front of her: "which handsome guy's information?"

Su Jianan hands Luo Xiaoxi her cell phone.

Luo Xiaoxi first saw the word "husband" and nodded clearly: "it's the first handsome man in the universe who has come to the news. No wonder he is so distracted!"

"Please pay attention to the handsome man's words!" Su Jian'an poked Luo Xiaoxi's forehead, "look what Bo Yan said."

"Oh." Luo Xiaoxi's eyes slowly moved down, and finally saw Lu Boyan's words, and puzzling his lips, "why does Lu boss want us to pay attention to you Ning? Is there anything wrong with you Ning? "

"It should be because my mother was kidnapped." Suddenly, Su Jian'an was a little uneasy. "Do you want to do stupid things?"

Luo Xiaoxi thought, "you Ning is so smart, shouldn't he do stupid things?"

"There are times when smart people are stupid." Su Jian put her mobile phone in place. "These days, let's pay attention to you Ning."

Luo Xiaoxi didn't want to be involved in this kind of thing. After a while, he asked Su Jian'an, "how do you plan? Do you want to go to the company to help Bo Yan? "

"Go in the afternoon, as long as you have time in the afternoon, and come back with Bo Yan after work." "All of a sudden, I found that the shopping malls were not as boring as we thought, making money It's a very fulfilling thing. "

Luo Xiaoxi shivered like a chill and shrunk his shoulders. "I've been mixing for a while, and I don't feel that at all!"

Last year, Luo Xiaoxi participated in the finals of the model contest. On the way to the contest, Lao Luo and Luo's mother had a car accident. Luo Xiaoxi collapsed and had to carry the whole Luo group.

A few months later, Lao Luo finally recovered, and Luo Xiaoxi fled the company like a fugitive.

In any case, she has no interest in everything in the mall.

Knowing Luo Xiaoxi's disgust with shopping malls, Su Jian'an smiled and said, "after this, I plan to go to business school for a while."

Luo Xiaoxi was shocked and advised: "Jian'an, you have to take care of Xiyu and Xiangyi. Don't think twice!"

"I've made up my mind that even if I don't go to work in the company, I can't know nothing about the work of Bo Yan." After a pause, Su Jian'an continued, "I was in the company yesterday. I can read every word in those documents, but I don't understand what they mean when they are connected. That's a terrible feeling. "

Luo Xiaoxi thinks about it. Su Jian's feeling should be uneasy.

Lu Boyan goes to deal with Tang Yulan's affairs. The company's affairs can only be handed to Su Jian'an. But Su Jian'an can't read the documents, so he can't help Lu Boyan.

At that time, Su Jian'an should be extremely helpless. She didn't want to bear that kind of helplessness anymore, so she wanted to learn.

Luo Xiaoxi looks at Su Jian'an for a moment and smiles: "OK, I hope you're OK."

Su Jian'an and Luo Xiaoxi slapped each other with a smile and handed them to Aunt Liu. She went upstairs to check the items of the two little guys and found that the milk powder was running out and the clothes were not enough. She asked Xu Bo to go home and get them.

Soon, Xu Youning also came, Luo Xiaoxi subconsciously stared at Xu Youning.

Xu Youning's face is inexplicable: "Xiaoxi, what's the matter?"

Luo Xiaoxi hurriedly shakes his head: "nothing." Pointing to Xu Youning's stomach, he said, "I'm just observing if you are pregnant.

Luo Xiaoxi is also a pregnant woman. She pays attention to this. Xu Yuning is surprised.

Xu Youning didn't think much, saying, "my month is smaller than yours, not so fast."

Luo Xiaoxi thought about it. He nodded and said, "you Ning, do you want us to fix a baby to kiss?"

Xu Youning was startled and looked at Luo Xiaoxi unexpectedly: "Xiaoxi, you How could such an idea come out of the blue? "

"All of a sudden! If you have to ask for a reason... " Luo Xiaoxi thought about it, and then said, "I think it's mainly that fat water doesn't flow out of the farmland!"

Luo Xiaoxi is clearly boasting about their children around the corner.

Xu Youning couldn't help laughing and said, "I would, but...""But what?" Luo Xiaoxi bit his lip, a bit of a tangled look, "not so skillful, are we all born boys or girls?"

"That's not my biggest concern." Xu Youning was in a bit of a dilemma. "I was mainly afraid. I gave birth to a devil of the world..."

"That's a coincidence!" Luo Xiaoxi didn't care at all. He pointed loudly, "I used to be a demon!"

“……” Xu Youning can only admit that Luo Xiaoxi won.

At noon, after three people finished eating, uncle Qian also came back, saying that he would take Su Jian'an to the company.

Su Jian'an kissed two little guys. At last, he looked at Luo Xiaoxi and Xu Yuning and said, "xiyuhe and Xiangyi have given them to you."

"Don't worry." Luo Xiaoxi waved to Su Jian'an, "we've got experience. We'll take care of these two little guys in minutes!"

Su Jian'an smiled and got up. Even though she didn't give up, she left.

Lu Boyan and musjue are working outside. When Su Jian'an arrives at the company, he just comes back.

Seeing Lu Boyan, Su Jian'an first asked, "have you eaten?"

When they first got married, Lu Boyan had a serious stomach disease. Su Jian'an knew that the so-called "stomach nourishing" was not reliable. He could only pay attention to Lu Boyan's diet and told him to eat on time.

Su Jianan's method is effective. In the past year, Lu Boyan's stomach disease has never recurred.

Of course, she has a sense of achievement, but she is afraid that Lu Boyan will not eat on time and cause stomach disease again.

Lu Boyan holds Su Jian'an's hand with a smile: "I've eaten with the viscount. Come on, take you back to the office. "

After returning to the office, Lu Boyan deals with things. Su Jian'an helps Lu Boyan a little. When she meets someone who doesn't understand, she asks Lu Boyan directly. She has a flexible mind and doesn't need to talk about Lu Boyan.

Whenever Su Jian'an shows an expression of "I understand", Lu Boyan likes to touch her head, like rewarding a obedient child.

The two work together, time flies.

When Su Jian'an and Lu Boyan returned to the top of the mountain, they met Su Yicheng in the parking lot.

Su Jian'an said, "brother, Xiao Xi is still with me."

Su Yicheng, carrying a bag in her hand, pondered for half a second and said, "if you don't need her help, ask her to come back to us."

"I see."

As soon as she got home, Su Jian'an relayed Su Yicheng's words to Luo Xiaoxi to let her go home.

"Why didn't he come in for me?" Luo Xiaoxi wondered, "what's the matter?"

Su Jian'an shook her head and said unknowingly, "my brother just asked me to ask you to go back, but didn't say anything else."

Luo Xiaoxi gives Xiyu to Su Jian'an: "I'll go back and have a look."

Back home, Luo Xiaoxi did not see Su Yicheng, called: "Comrade Su Yicheng?"

I don't know if it's because Luo Xiaoxi's brain is too active. From time to time, some strange names pop out of her mouth. Su Yicheng is used to them.

Su Yicheng came down from the upstairs, picked up the bag on the sofa and handed it to Luo Xiaoxi: "take it out and have a look."

Luo Xiaoxi plays the bag curiously: "what?"

When she was not pregnant, she was full of high heels, lipstick and all kinds of controls. Anyway, as long as it could make the girl more beautiful and charming, she loved it so much that she couldn't extricate herself.

Su Yicheng knows her well. No matter whether the new products of major brands are listed in China or not, he will buy them for her.

After getting married, Luo Xiaoxi received the gift and didn't feel it.

However, since she was pregnant, she could not use many things, and Su Yicheng did not buy them for her.

What did Su Yicheng bring back today?

Luo Xiaoxi opens the bag and takes out a rectangular box, which is the same size as the general shoebox.

She took off the lid and a pair of high heels came into view.

Although no longer buy buy buy, but Luo Xiaoxi to each big brand's new style still can be like a treasure.

She is sure that this pair of shoes with full marks is not a new product of any brand, nor has it appeared in any fashion magazine.

However, she still feels familiar, very familiar!

Luo Xiaoxi picked up the shoes and looked at them. Suddenly, she remembered that they were the shoes she drew casually in Su Yicheng's office last time.

On that day, she accompanied yunyun to pick out wedding dress jewelry and so on. She didn't pick out any shoes that were very satisfied. After returning, she drew a pair of shoes casually. Later, Su Yicheng said that the draft paper was treated as waste paper by the Secretary, and she didn't pay attention to it. Anyway, she just drew a picture casually.

But now, her "graffiti" has become a real object, which is beautiful and real in front of her.

Luo Xiaoxi's face was full of uncountable surprise: "you How did you do it? "

"Your favorite brand wants to talk about a cooperation with us. Making your shoes is my only cooperation condition." After a pause, Su Yicheng continued, "I'm equivalent to draining them.""Shoes or my favorite brand?" Luo Xiaoxi ran over and hugged Su Yicheng. "How can I thank you?"

Su Yicheng smiled: "hungry, take you to dinner?"

"Well, ask Jane and them to come together." After a pause, Luo Xiaoxi holds Su Yicheng. "Wait a minute, I'll take a picture."

Luo Xiaoxi's photographing technology is not inferior to that of Su Jian'an. She took exquisite close-ups of all parts of the shoes, and then took Su Yicheng to the restaurant. She was happy and excited like a child all the way, and her satisfaction couldn't be concealed.