The intern's office is not big, and is cleaned up by several little girls. The faint smell of disinfectant is filled in the air. The pale light is covered from the ceiling, and everything is clean.

In the eyes of ordinary people, such an environment may be too lifeless.

But for Xiao yunyun, a group of medical students, it means dust-free and qualified disinfection, which is really clean and tidy.

Although it's a bit different, it can't be denied that such an environment makes them relaxed and happy.

It doesn't need people who don't know to make fun of it. Several girls in xiaoyunyun often laugh at themselves. Other girls don't eat rabbits, but they take them as experimental objects. They are capital cold-blooded animals.

But at this moment, looking at Shen Yuechuan sitting in front of the computer, Xiao yunyun suddenly felt that it was not so cold and pale.

Shen Yuechuan didn't know when he took off his suit and coat, and his tie was pulled loose by him. He hung it casually at the neckline. His whole person was inexplicably lazy.

But his face is serious. His dark eyes are staring at the computer screen. His eyes are as sharp as hawks and falcons flying in the blue sky. It seems that any loophole in his work cannot escape his eyes.

One third of his face is hidden behind the computer screen, and Xiao yunyun's brain automatically fills up the look of his lips at the moment. He is so attentive that people want to kiss him to see if his attention will be distracted.

However, his whole face appeared in his mind, and Xiao yunyun suddenly didn't want to disturb him.

Just like this, I quietly appreciate his attentive and handsome appearance and breathe his air here. What's wrong?

Thinking, Xiao yunyun's chin against the pillow in his arms, his eyes never moved from Shen Yuechuan's two-thirds face.

Shen Yuechuan's work efficiency is very high, but the sudden workload is quite a lot. He has been staring at the computer for more than half an hour, only to deal with less than a third of it.

He has a habit of moving his aching shoulders and neck between jobs.

This time, when the webpage was refreshed, he habitually twisted his neck and noticed Xiao yunyun's eyes. Looking at the past, Xiao yunyun didn't even avoid it.

Shen Yuechuan's eyes spread a smile: "didn't it tell you to rest?"

"I......" Xiao yunyun wants to say that she is not sleepy, but just opened her mouth and yawned a big yawn. Instead, she went to the sofa and said, "I'll sleep now!"

Shen Yuechuan set the computer to mute. "Well," he said, "go to sleep. Good night." It's like coaxing your little girlfriend.

Xiao yunyun spread out a blanket, but it didn't cover his body. He looked up at Shen Yuechuan and said, "how about you? When are you still busy? "

Shen Yuechuan roughly calculated: "an hour." Say to lift up the lip Cape, smile is full of the meaning of doting, "rest assured to sleep, I won't go."

Xiao yunyun felt uneasy for a while. He pulled the blanket around him and said, "I'm not afraid you'll leave!" With that, close your eyes and enter sleep mode.

She heard that every doctor dreamed of his first night shift.

Someone prayed that they could hold the field, and kilowatt would not have anything unclean to make trouble and spend the first night safely.

Dare to shout a little bit, have the ability to collect a few patients at a time, it's better to rush to several operations at the same time!

Xiao yunyun didn't think that her first night shift was like this. Her favorite person was with her, and she was lying on the sofa with a blanket and sleeping.

Say it out, probably can win back a wave of envious voice.

Thinking, Xiao yunyun's thoughts slowly become fuzzy, finally, the only fuzzy also disappeared, she fell into a deep sleep.

Shen Yuechuan noticed that the office became quiet, and his eyes moved away from the computer screen. As expected, Xiao yunyun had fallen asleep.

He finished the last work with the fastest speed, turned off the computer and walked quietly to the sofa.

Xiao yunyun sleeps like a hedgehog who takes off his armor. The whole person becomes smart and soft. He is more likable than the glib look in the daytime.

However, the dead girl is just quick at him. In front of the outsiders, she is a little girl with no idea.

She's good-looking and looks so deceitful. Many people in the hospital must have ideas about her.

In this case, why don't he take this opportunity to spread some gossip and let the people in the hospital know that she's "a fool with a master"?

Shen Yuechuan was thinking that Xiao yunyun, lying on the sofa, suddenly moved and the blanket covering her slipped down.

Shen Yuechuan catches the blanket, covers Xiao yunyun, tucks in the corner for her, and sits down on the sofa next to her.

The sofa next to him is for two people. It can't accommodate Shen Yuechuan's 185 +. He didn't lie down, just closed his eyes on the back of the sofa.

After a day's work, an evening party, followed by several hours of overtime work, Shen Yuechuan looks like a nobody on the surface, but in fact, he is already exhausted. He sat down and soon fell into a deep sleep like Xiao yunyun.In the first half of the night, everything was OK.

At about two o'clock in the second half of the night, there was a sharp alarm in the office.

Shen Yuechuan was always alert. When he heard the sound, he opened his eyes. Just after he closed the alarm, there was a fatal knock at the door.

He got up and opened the door. When the nurse saw him, he was stunned. Then she said, "what about the crowd?"

"Sleeping." Shen Yuechuan looked back at Xiao yunyun, who was lying on the sofa. He was sleeping soundly. He looked at the nurse displeased. "What do you want to do with her?"

"Great event!" The nurse almost cried, "there was a series of traffic accidents at the gate of the hospital, and more than 20 wounded were all sent to our hospital. Let yunyun go to the emergency department to help!"

With that, the nurse disappeared like a gust of wind.

Shen Yuechuan realized that the matter was serious, so he went back to call Xiao yunyun. But Xiao yunyun was so dead asleep that he called several times and didn't respond.

At last, Shen Yuechuan patted Xiao yunyun on the cheek: "in a series of car accidents, a large number of injured people have been sent to the emergency department of your hospital, saying that they need your help."

Last second Xiao yunyun, who was still sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes: "what?"

Shen Yuechuan repeated the nurse's words. Xiao yunyun burst loudly. He pulled out the blanket and pulled on the white coat and ran out. Even the white coat was worn on his body while running.

Shen Yuechuan chases up: "do you need to rush like this?"

"For an emergency, time is life." Xiao yunyun prods the key of the elevator downstairs, and the whole person is as awake as if he didn't fall asleep just now. "You go back to my office, there are so many patients, and the operation may be done tomorrow morning."

As soon as Xiao yunyun's voice fell, the elevator arrived. Shen Yuechuan followed her flexibly into the elevator: "don't you need me to accompany you?"

"Are you kidding?" Xiao yunyun looked at Shen Yuechuan with a smile on his face. "I want to enter the operating room. How can you accompany me? What's more, the emergency department must be a mess now. Don't go there. Go back to the office and have a rest. "

This is xiaoyunyun's territory and specialty. Shen Yuechuan decides to listen to xiaoyunyun's words: "if you need any help, please contact me at any time."

The elevator "Ding -" rang, indicating the arrival of the first floor. Xiao yunyun nodded to Shen Yuechuan, then ran out of the elevator and rushed to the emergency department.

Shen Yuechuan didn't follow him out. He just pressed the key to open the door of the elevator and watched Xiao yunyun disappear in his white coat. Then he released his hand and let the elevator door close slowly.

He is not very interested in so-called uniforms and so on.

However, Xiao yunyun, wearing a white gown and rushing to save his life, does have an unparalleled beauty.

Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, Shen Yuechuan suddenly extended his hand to block it, and the stainless steel door slid open slowly again. He stepped out of the elevator and walked towards the emergency room.

If it is true, as Xiao yunyun said, the emergency department is a mess.

In a series of traffic accidents, there are serious and serious injuries. Some of them are directly sent to the operating room, requiring consultation of doctors from multiple departments. Some of the minor injuries are waiting outside the general public for cleaning and bandaging.

In the huge emergency room, the rumble of the operating bed and the friction of the floor, the groan of the injured due to the pain, and the command of the medical staff to give rescue instructions are mixed together, like a war without gunpowder smoke.

Shen Yuechuan felt for the first time that death was far away from ordinary people, but also very close.

Life is much more powerful and fragile than human imagination.

"Trauma of large blood vessels of the injured requires consultation by a cardiologist!" The new patient was pushed in from the door. I don't know which department's doctor shouted, "what about Dr. Liang?"

"Dr. Liang is in operating room six. He can't walk!" Xiao yunyun didn't know where to run out.

All the night shift doctors of cardiac surgery have entered the operating room. Only Xiao yunyun, the intern who is not qualified to take the scalpel, is free.

"Call your director!" The chief doctor pulled Xiao yunyun, "before your director came here, yunyun, this patient is in your charge!"

Xiao yunyun, an intern with no qualification certificate, has always been the assistant of the 18th line in the operating room, and usually only does some work to assist the superior doctors to accumulate experience.

But in her first night shift, the surgery teacher left her with a patient.

She has no confidence that she can make the right judgment at the first time and make the most favorable choice for the patient like the experienced old doctor.

Before he could flinch, Xiao yunyun saw Shen Yuechuan standing in the corridor.

In a group of flustered wounded and uniform white coats, Shen Yuechuan, who was dressed neatly and tall, stood out from the rest. He looked at her with a smile full of affirmation on the bottom of his eyes.

Shen Yuechuan didn't say anything, but Xiao yunyun just felt that he was encouraging her.

But she should not be encouraged.

Although she is still an intern, as early as in the medical school, she has been on probation in the hospital. Even without rich experience, she has a solid theoretical foundation.

After knowing the basic situation of the patient, so many years of hard study will tell her what to do.Thought of here, Xiao yunyun no longer hesitated and no longer worried, helping to push the bed, head also did not return into the operating room.

Shen Yuechuan looks at Xiao yunyun's back, smiles and turns back to the inpatient department of heart surgery.

Yes, he doesn't plan to accompany Xiao yunyun outside the operating room.

Now Xiao yunyun is working, and he has his own work tomorrow.

Xiao yunyun is so devoted to his work that he should also make good preparations for tomorrow's work.

The best preparation is to have a good rest for a few hours and save energy for tomorrow.

Shen Yuechuan does not deny that he likes the feeling of looking at each other and working hard for himself.