Benazir and Badshah Khan lead their clan into the city guesthouse, however Benazir was having an odd sense of unease, she couldn't shake it off, being a woman she had sharp instincts and her instincts always helped to guard herself.. she noticed that the Governor looked at her figure more than once, she was not new to men's stares... she knew that she was beautiful.. but his look felt little dangerous..

She tried to sleep, but she couldn't, she was tossing and turning the whole night.. somewhere during midnight she slept.. Badshah Khan was fast asleep.. there was a soft sound of footsteps in the room.. she opened her eyes.. she saw the silhouette of a man in the dark. .. he stopped for a while and noticed that she was looking at him.. he came forward, bent over her and looked at her curves openly, it was the governor..he said, 'follow me now. ..' Benazir tried to grab her dagger. .. he said, 'careful, my men have surrounded the guesthouse, if you don't warm my bed tonight I will make sure that none of your clan members would survive.. I will burn your husband alive.. ' she gasped, she didn't know what to do.. he started walking out of the room and turned around to see if she was following him.. he hissed, 'now' she raised from her bed, she was very angry, but felt helpless, she thought she would go out and beg him not to profane her, next moment she thought if he would not listen to her , then she would kill herself after he had her.. her body and soul belonged to Badshah Khan, if someone else touched her, that would be death...

The Governor made her leave the premises through the main gate, true to his word there were guards surrounding the city guesthouse, he was not lying, but for one woman he would endanger the lives of the entire clan.. this was something she never imagined. .. she prepared herself mentally..

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Soon he went into a small house surrounded by a garden.. it was his personal place where he would enjoy with ladies he desired.. his heart beat was raising.. blood rushed to his loins.. he was aroused.. he had many women.. but first time he was going to enjoy with a middle Eastern beauty..

She was following him.. with every step she took she felt as if death was approaching her.. he lead her inside the bedroom.. it was a small bed decorated with flowers.. he said, 'this is our first night.. you are to warm my bed for the whole week. .. I will pay you very well.. your clan will receive mounds of gold.. come. .. sit.. ' she sat opposite to him and said, 'sir.. I am a woman of lowly birth. .. I belong to a nomadic clan.. please spare me.. I have not known any other man apart from my husband.. ' he looked at her and said, 'what is there in one's birth. .. sleep with me and I will purify your body and blood.. I can also give you a child.. ' he said and lecherously licked his lips..

She started crying, he said, 'cry and it would be more enjoyable for me.. come now.'. he said and pulled her towards him.. she tried to stop him but he pressed her tightly against his body and tried to place his hands over her bosom..

There was a swishing sound and a strike.. 'AAAAAARGH..! ' the governor shouted in agony.. his hand was punctured by an arrow..

Pinaka was standing at the entrance of the room with his bow..