"I'm so angry. What did Yusheng bastard write about me? Am I so unreasonable and unreasonable?"

After leaving Gaosha bookstore and returning to the dormitory, Yuban Meiqin began to vent angrily as soon as he entered the door and put his bag away.

"What's the matter? Tears, do you think I'm a duplicitous person?"

"No, no, of course not." in fact, satay teardrop is very interesting about Yusheng's description of Yuban Qinzi in the novel. Although it is exaggerated, satay teardrop really feels like Yuban Meiqin, but Yuban Meiqin doesn't think so.

Therefore, since Yuban Meiqin is so angry now, satyr naturally won't go against Yuban Meiqin, but follow each other's meaning and denounce Yusheng there. "Mr. Yusheng is so hateful. Obviously, I expected so much. As a result, I didn't arrange any super powers for me. It can only be level 0. This is a little too much..."

"Er......" after hearing satyr's accusation against Yusheng, Yuban Meiqin suddenly stopped talking, because the other party skewed the direction of the accusation, making Yuban Meiqin's mood somewhat incoherent.

However, I have to say that Yu Sheng arranged the highest level of super power for himself in the novel. Looking at Satay's tears and Chu Chun's decoration, yusaka Meiqin's mood is inexplicably better.

"Yes, the ability set by Mr. Yusheng for me is too weak. I don't know what's the use." at this time, Shi Li also complained about some grievances in early spring.

"At least you still have the ability..." hearing Chu Chunshi Li's complaint, Zuo Tianzi, as an 'ordinary person', was even more upset. He stretched out his hand and put it around Chu Chunshi Li's neck and said 'angry'.

"But I feel like a thermos cup..." in the face of Zuo Tian's fierce expression, Chu Chunli said wrongfully.

"Sunspot?" and at this time, yusaka Meiqin suddenly noticed that just at the Gaosha bookstore, Baijing sunspot became very silent and kept silent. Naturally, she felt a little strange and shouted to her.

"Hi, elder sister..." Baijing sunspot, who was shouted, was excited all over and quickly responded. In fact, the whole person is in a panic now, because she finds that some things written by Yusheng in the novel have completely happened in reality.

For example, I often linger on each other's bed when Yuban Meiqin is not at home, and then I secretly collect Yuban Meiqin's underwear, secretly take Yuban Meiqin, and collect all kinds of photos and videos.

Now these things Baijing sunspot found that Yusheng wrote all of them in the novel. Even he hid things under the bed and was written by Yusheng. So Baijing sunspot feels very frightened. On the one hand, she seriously doubts whether Yusheng has been peeping at herself, otherwise how does the other party know so clearly. However, as a person who secretly installed monitors and other equipment in her room to peep at Yuban Meiqin, Baijing sunspot is familiar with peeping, but she has no feeling of being peeped by Yusheng.

Therefore, no matter what Yusheng wrote in the novel is just a coincidence, or not predicted, or speculated according to his own character, Baijing sunspot shuddered in that case. At that time, the loss of favor generated by the fans who supported him and yusaka Meiqin in the novel was also immediately lost.

On the other hand, she is now very afraid that Yuban Meiqin is serious and will ask herself what Yusheng wrote in her novel.

Therefore, after being shouted by Yuban Meiqin, some flustered Heiko Baijing forced himself to calm down in order not to arouse Yuban Meiqin's doubt. After thinking about what we had discussed before, he denounced Yusheng with indignation.

"Yes, that ape is too much. He dares to take advantage of his sister in the novel. When I see him, I must kill him!"

"..." after hearing the words of Baijing sunspot, Yuban Meiqin was speechless again, because she remembered the interaction of characters in the novel, and suddenly wondered if Yusheng had associated himself when he was describing. If so, then Yusheng messed around like this in the novel

For a moment, Yuban Meiqin's face also became a little red. However, for those who think wildly, they also think about things one by one. Yuban Meiqin thinks about the performance of Yuban Qinzi in the novel, and soon thinks of the Baijing sunspots around him. The sunspots in the novel don't take advantage of Yuban Qinzi, and they also secretly hide each other's underwear.

So, what Baijing sunspot wants, Yuban Meiqin suddenly narrows her eyes and looks at Baijing sunspot suspiciously.


"Yes, elder sister..." after discovering that the breath on Yuban Meiqin suddenly became dangerous, Baijing sunspot responded to Yuban Meiqin with a shudder like a frightened little animal.

"I remember in the novel, the sunspot in it had secretly collected Qin Zi's underwear, and then Zuo Tianlei found it."

"Er..." after hearing what Yuban Meiqin said, satay teardrop and Chuchun Shili, who were watching the play, also thought of the corresponding plot in the novel and looked at Baijing sunspot strangely.

"This is slander, absolutely slander. Is my white well sunspot such a shameless person? Elder sister, this is definitely the slander of the damn ape to me. I must find him to get justice!" and white well sunspot shouted like a switch stimulated by yusaka Meiqin's words, Filled with righteous indignation, he shouted that he was going to fight with Yusheng.

However, the other three girls have not lived with Baijing sunspot for two days. Seeing the other party's fierce reaction, we can see that Baijing sunspot is very guilty. So they became more and more curious that some of the white well sunspots didn't do the things mentioned in the novel.

So, the more the Baijing sunspot became, the more yusaka Meiqin was sure that there was a ghost in each other's heart, and the silent she became more and more serious.

"Tears, just like in the novel, help me to see if there is something hidden under the sunspot's bed."

"Eh? Elder sister, don't you believe me?" when he heard yusaka Meiqin's arrangement, Heiko Baijing was even more flustered. He immediately threw himself on yusaka Meiqin, forced out a few tears and pretended to be very wronged.

"You can't make me believe you like this." yusaka Meiqin pulled Baijing sunspot with a headache, and then asked satyr to continue to 'work'.

Therefore, in the eyes of the threat of the black man in Baijing, the dignified eyes of yusaka Meiqin, and the strange eyes of Li in early spring. Helpless, satay teardrop could only harden his scalp and lay on the ground and looked under Baijing sunspot's bed.


"Well, elder sister, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach. I'll go to the bathroom."

Looking at the big box dragged out by Satay's tears from under the bed, Baijing sunspot felt that something was bad. In a cold sweat, she quickly found an excuse and wanted to go to the toilet to hide. Then yusaka Meiqin's strong arm directly pressed Baijing sunspot firmly in place, and could only honestly wait for the next trial.