After hearing Yusheng's words, shawu believed more than half, but the remaining half still had to finish reading the photos.

Then Yusheng saw shawu and turned his head back. He quickly turned over several photos of Kato Hui. After he didn't show Yusheng, he turned over to those photos taken by Yusheng himself.

After a few eyes, shawu almost believed Yusheng's words. After all, the comparison between Yusheng's photos and Yingli's photos is still very obvious, just like the "photos taken by boyfriend" criticized on the Internet, which is very different from girls' self photos. Even if Yusheng has strengthened painting, it can't make up for this defect.

At the same time, Yusheng nervously followed behind the gauze fog and browsed the rest of the photos. He was relieved to find that there was no price comparison risk. At the same time, he was also a little glad that he had accidentally deleted the photos taken when he changed Taidao sand weaving into a swimsuit.

Speaking of it, Yusheng used the continuous shooting mode when he didn't pay attention. Although Yusheng deleted the photos in front of the Taidao sand weaving, the uneasy Taidao sand weaving took the camera and checked it. It was found that there were many photos in it. The two people became very embarrassed at one time.

But fortunately, those photos were deleted later, and Yusheng was also very happy. Otherwise, if you see the photos of sand weaving on the island by shawu, you can't explain anything.

Anyway, now it seems that after the things have been perfectly explained, shawu didn't continue to grasp Kato Hui's photo and said that Yusheng wasn't, but looked back and forth for a while. Then he took out his usual painting computer and prepared to draw something with reference to these photos.

However, when shawu picked up her pen, she suddenly thought that there was another Yusheng around her, so she turned around and stood up, looking down at Yusheng.

"Er... What's the matter?" Yusheng was puzzled by the gauze fog and asked aloud.

"My brother hasn't gone out yet. I'm going to draw." when shawu answered Yusheng, her small face became a little red, because what she actually wants to do now is to draw with reference to the photos of Kato Hui, although the other party is not the object of her own responsibility. So now shawu wants to drive Yusheng out quickly, and then she can see what she wants happily. She even hopes that it would be better if there were more photos of Kato Hui.

"Er... You draw, I also want to see how you draw?" Yusheng didn't know shawu's mind, so he put his question in his heart very frankly. In fact, Yusheng has always had a question in his heart, that is, how did those paintings before shawu draw.

According to shawu, if she hasn't seen something, she can't draw a painting with feeling, so Yusheng's heart has always had some speculation, but she's embarrassed to ask shawu directly, and even if she asks, she will be driven away by shawu. So this time it was an opportunity to try to yarn fog.

"Oh... No, anyway, brother, hurry out." shawu felt a little guilty after hearing Yusheng's words. However, in order to cover up her guilt, shawu soon pulled Yusheng's clothes with an angry attitude and wanted to force him away.

Helpless, Yusheng had to stand up and leave shawu's room. After the door was closed, Yusheng even secretly lay on the door and eavesdropped on the movement in the room.

Unfortunately, after hearing nothing, Yusheng had to go back to his room. After all, Yusheng just came back from the island today. Yusheng also felt very tired. Had it not been for the yarn fog in his heart, Yusheng would have gone back to bed.

"By the way, Kato's photo... Do you want to talk to Yingli?"

"Well... Let's talk about it tomorrow."

After cleaning up, Yusheng lying in bed remembered some things, but after the sleepiness hit, Yusheng was too lazy to continue to think more, put the things in his mind behind him, and then went to bed.



In the room, shawu didn't fall asleep as early as Yusheng. On the contrary, it was because the photos of Kato Hui stimulated shawu and became more and more energetic.

However, drawing and looking at the charming appearance of Kato Hui in the photo, shawu's heart gradually felt a little unhappy.

As for the reason for unhappiness, Kato Huina's larger body is on the one hand, on the other hand, shawu still has some doubts about Yusheng.

Although Yusheng's explanation is reasonable, shawu also thinks there is no problem. But after all, it is only Yusheng's explanation, which is his one-sided word. Without Yingli's proof, shawu always felt a little uncomfortable.

And for Kato Hui, shawu's heart feeling is a little complicated. The calm temperament of the other party is like a gentle big sister, which makes shawu feel very like it in the process of several contacts. Every time when she is with Kato Hui, shawu can feel that she is a little restless because she has lost her relatives and worried about her brother. She can become calm with Kato Hui. This makes shawu feel that Kato Hui is a very reliable confidant like her big sister in her heart.

But on the other hand, out of women's intuition, shawu always felt that what would happen if her brother kept in contact with Kato Hui, just like the original game painting she was busy with.

The game was also decided in a muddle, and inexplicably took Kato Hui as the protagonist. Although other people joined in later, shawu always felt that the development of this thing seemed a little magical.

Therefore, if Kato Hui took these photos not by Yingli, but by Yusheng himself. Although the environment of the bath looks a little subtle, shawu thought about it. With the color center of feather and Kato Hui's temperament, it is really possible that they two made these photos by themselves.

As for the photos in the camera, why didn't Yingli notice after taking over the camera? The idea has entered a dead end. Subconsciously, she ignored many details.

So after looking at the time and finding that it was already 10 p.m., shawu hesitated for a while and decided to ask Yingli clearly to make herself feel at ease.

So although shawu knew that Yingli might have fallen asleep, she sent a message to Yingli on the Internet. If the other party confiscates it, it's like leaving a message.

However, before long, shawu unexpectedly found that Yingli had not slept yet, and soon replied to herself.

"What's the matter? Sister shawu is looking for me." at this time, Yingli and shawu already know each other's identity. Therefore, the communication between the two will change with the address.

When they call each other by pseudonym, the communication between them is basically the communication between Gongkou painters, which is full of various contents that need to be harmonious.

Of course, if we call each other with real names, it is really harmonious, and the content of communication will be very friendly.

However, these things have nothing to do with the current situation. Shawu was excited after receiving Yingli's reply, and then immediately typed back.

"Ask a question, did you take those photos in my brother's camera?"

"Well... I took some pictures in the back. He asked me to..."