After some affectionate talk, shawu became very shy. However, after such an interaction, the atmosphere between Yusheng and shawu has become harmonious. At least it seems that both of them are very happy.

So, after chatting with shawu for a while, Yusheng took the fruit he brought back and went downstairs to peel it off and bring it up for shawu to taste.

"Oh... It's so sweet." after putting the fruit into his mouth and tasting it carefully, shawu couldn't help showing a happy expression.

"Eat more if you like." Yusheng looks at shawu with spoiled eyes and smiles. He feels that this moment is particularly beautiful.

"By the way, brother, did you take pictures for me?" after hearing Yusheng's words, shawu didn't show affectation and continued to poke the fruit into his mouth with a toothpick. Then he thought of the matter of asking Yusheng before, and immediately put it forward. In the absence of seeing everyone in swimsuits, shawu can't wait to see those photos and videos.

"Ah, wait a minute, I'll get something." now Yusheng is obedient to shawu. Seeing that shawu made a request, he immediately stood up and asked shawu to wait in the room. Then he left his room and went back to his room to get the camera.

However, after getting the camera, Yusheng suddenly remembered that Tojo Xi had been shooting there with the camera. He had not asked the other party for the video of Muse practice.

So, Yusheng thought about it and picked up his mobile phone to contact Dongtiao Xi. And fortunately, dongtiaoshi also just got home. Yusheng's phone was connected not long after he called.

"Yusheng Jun, what's the matter? HMM... I left something with you?" after seeing Yusheng's call, Tojo Xi's first reaction was that he had something left in Yusheng. After saying it, he subconsciously began to look through his luggage.

"No, No. nothing has fallen. I have something else to do with you." seeing that dongtiaoshi misunderstood, Yusheng quickly denied it. "Hmm? What's the matter?"

"Well... Could you please pass me a copy of what you caught on the camera during your vacation these days? I want to show my sister shawu." then he hesitated and said to Tojo hi. After all, the videos of Muse practice in the other party's hands are all practicing there in swimsuits. Yusheng is a little worried about whether his request for those videos will be misunderstood. Even if he shows that he wants to show shawu, he can't guarantee that Dongtiao Xi will have any other associations.

"Oh... Well..." after hearing Yusheng's words, dongtiaoshi actually thought about it and didn't doubt Yusheng. However, according to her previous character, she deliberately delayed the ending when responding to Yusheng, which made Yusheng feel embarrassed.

"Well... No? If not... Er..." Yusheng wanted to say no, but he thought of the feeling of debt caused by leaving the yarn fog alone these days. If he didn't, he couldn't say it for a moment.

"Why, of course. Speaking of it, we didn't formally say hello to your sister." speaking of this, dongtiaoshi couldn't help thinking of his first contact with Muses and shawu, and his first contact with Yuantian Haiwei's underwear through Zhenbai. Thinking of this, dongtiaoshi said to Yusheng, "at least let sister shawu be happier after watching the video. Moreover, we really want to see sister shawu with our own eyes and see the lovely sister that Mr. Yusheng never forgets when he goes on vacation..."

Speaking later, Tojo hee's voice became more and more playful. However, Yusheng felt a little puzzled when he heard that he was obsessed with yarn fog during his vacation. Unconsciously, he asked Tojo hee, "yes? Did I show so obvious when I was on the goblin island?"

"Of course it's obvious." the onlookers were clear. Tojo Xi laughed a little after hearing Yusheng's words. "Yusheng Jun has been saying that it would be nice if sister shawu came too. It's a pity that sister shawu didn't eat the delicious food when she was late for dinner. It's a pity that sister shawu didn't see the beautiful scenery on the beach. Even when everyone played on the beach, Yusheng Jun has to say that it's a pity that sister shawu didn't come together. Is it a pity for Yusheng Jun himself Didn't you notice? It's too unconscious. "

"......... ha ha... Sorry, I didn't pay much attention." after listening to Tojo Ki's statement, feel shy and humiliated, even if he was on the phone with Tojo Ki, the other person could not see himself. The feather was still a face of shame, and embarrassed scratching his head.

"But speaking of it, some envy Yusheng Jun's sister. There is such a sister who has been thinking about her and wants to give her all the good things. I think sister shawu will be very happy." listening to Yusheng's laughter in the mobile phone, dongtiaoshi didn't laugh at Yusheng, but looked at the image with the camera he just found, Seeing a silly feather on his face, he said with emotion.

"This..." after being praised by Tojo Hi, Yusheng felt a little embarrassed, but more proud. And after thinking along Tojo's words, Yusheng felt that he had the responsibility to make shawu happy all the time. So after being silent for a while, Yusheng said firmly on the phone, "well, shawu will be very happy, always very happy."

This sentence, Yusheng may have said to Dongtiao Xi, perhaps to himself, or more likely to have said to the lovely girl next door.

After hearing Yusheng's "commitment" in his mobile phone, Tojo Xi inexplicably envied shawu. It was not the envy of joking with Yusheng before, but the envy of shawu for having Yusheng, a brother who loved her.

Thinking of this, Toshio suddenly felt a little depressed. He looked at the changing images on the camera and changed the topic after being silent for a while.

"Well, having said so much, I think Mr. Yusheng is a little impatient. I'll send you something first."

"Er... I'm not impatient, but I'm bothering you. But those documents bother you." Yusheng felt a little strange when he heard Dongtiao Xisheng's hard topic switching, but he thanked her according to each other's words.

So, next, after explaining the sending account, Tojo ended his call with Yusheng, took the camera back to his room and prepared to pass the document to Yusheng.

But before passing it on, Tojo has to check these recorded videos. After all, there was a bad misunderstanding before. Dongtiaoshi didn't want to send Yusheng anything he shouldn't have seen in the past. So dongtiaoshi checked very carefully this time.




"OK, got it." after accepting the document, Yusheng replied to Tojo hi.

"Remember to tell me how sister shawu feels."

Looking at dongtiaoshi's instructions on the computer, Yusheng replied with a smile, "well, it will be perfectly relayed to you."

"Well, I hope sister shawu and muse can have a real person meeting next time."

"OK, I'll pass it on to shawu. But you have to prepare before doing good."
