"Really not?" before leaving, Yamada goblin pulled Zhenbai and asked Yusheng reluctantly.

"It's not that I won't, but that the organizer doesn't agree." Yusheng said reluctantly, and fell the pot on the head of zecun little lily. Of course, Yusheng is not stupid enough to disclose the specific things of the party to Yamada goblins, but also uses the host to call zecun little lily. After all, it's easy to misunderstand what you think when you go to Yingli's house and don't take everyone with you.

"Anyway, that's it. I'll go first. The family will ask you, Qihai." after seeing two girls who took great efforts to appease them, Yusheng asked Qingshan Qihai for a word, and then turned and left.

"Cut, cheapskate." seeing that Yusheng has left, Yamada goblin complained unhappily. She always thought that the sponsor in Yusheng's mouth was just his excuse. Yusheng was afraid of trouble and didn't want to take himself there.

However, seeing that Yusheng went alone without any girls, Yamada's heart was a little balanced.

"Hmm..." and Zhenbai didn't think too much after watching Yusheng leave, but stared at the mountain demon, staring at her in a cold sweat.

"Well... Sister Zhenbai, why do you look at me like this?" the mountain fairy, who was uncomfortable all over, asked Zhenbai with some difficulty.

"My cousin asked me to ask you the question last time. Then you went back and I didn't have time to ask." Zhenbai said her answer very seriously. Obviously, she had been impatient waiting for the mountain demon to come and answer this time.

After hearing the real vernacular, the whole head of Yamada goblin exploded into a paste. Before that day, after Yusheng threw the pot to himself, Yamada goblin was also ready to go home and check the relevant information on the Internet.

But when he got home, the mountain fairy was dizzy because of her fever. Even though she had slept in shawu's room for a night, Yamada goblin still felt that she had little strength and just wanted to lie in bed and rest. What's more, when she slept with shawu, shawu pestered Shantian goblins like an octopus, causing her to have all kinds of "bad" dreams and no rest.

So when I checked the information on the Internet, I threw it all away when Yamada goblin lay in bed and fell asleep. Even in the past few days when he was ill, even for dinner, Yusheng and Qingshan Qihai took turns to take care of Shantian goblins because they were worried.

Now Zhenbai once again mentioned the scientific principle from soft to hard, and Yamada goblins are also a little confused. She doesn't know, she just knows the general situation, and she doesn't know the detailed principle. Now she is facing Zhenbai's eyes eager for answers, and she also feels a burst of scalp numbness.

"Hmm? Last time's question?" the green hill and seven seas, who were watching, asked some questions after hearing Zhenbai's words.

"Well, it's my cousin's... um..." seeing Qingshan Qihai's question, Zhenbai was very kind and ready to tell the other party. However, at the beginning of the conversation, he was covered by Yamada's evil spirit.

"Hey, hey, it's nothing, sister Qihai. This is the secret between us. Hee hee..." Yamada fairy put on a pure smile and smiled at Qingshan Qihai. Then she dragged some strange Zhenbai back to the house.

"It's really strange." looking at the strange behavior of the two girls, the green mountains and the seven seas also felt a little confused. However, a feeling in the dark made Castle Peak and seven seas suddenly recall what happened when the two girls met last time, and she suddenly realized something. "They don't mean the last time Mr. Yusheng... Well... How can they be so ashamed..."



"Goblin, can't seven seas know?" after returning to the house, Zhenbai also reacted and asked Yamada goblin.

"Not just sister Qihai, you can't let anyone know." Yamada goblin shouted at Zhenbai.

"But don't you and your sister know?" Zhenbai looked at Yamada goblin with some doubt and asked.

"I... ah..." Yamada goblin was speechless when she heard the speech. After scratching his hair, he said to Zhenbai, "in short, you have told me and shawu that there is no way. But you can't mention it to anyone else in the future. This is social common sense."

Finally, Yamada goblin used the reason why Yusheng often taught Zhenbai, and felt inexplicably easy to use.

"OK." although I really hate the so-called social common sense, I'm not stupid enough to violate it. After all, the last time he did this, Yusheng stopped his ring cake for two days. This makes Zhenbai still remember.

"But then again, why did you tell shawu? It's terrible." then Yamada goblin complained helplessly.

"Ah, yes. Meimei sauce also wants to know the answer. Let's go to Meimei sauce." at this time, Zhenbai also remembered that shawu was eager for the answer as himself, so he directly took Yamada goblin to shawu's room upstairs.



"Well... Can you stop looking at me like that?"

In the room, Yamada goblins were stared at by gauze fog and Zhenbai with eager eyes. Although they knew that they just wanted to know the scientific principle from soft to hard, Yamada Goblins who didn't know themselves also felt great pressure.

When she first entered the room, Yamada goblin confessed that she didn't know what was going on in the process. But Zhenbai obviously believes in Yusheng. Since Yusheng says that Yamada goblins know, Zhenbai thinks that Yamada goblins must know. So even if Yamada goblin confessed, Zhenbai kept asking Yamada goblin the answer. This made some gauze fog who believed in Yamada goblins waver because of Zhenbai's attitude.

So that Yamada goblin finally gave birth to the feeling of "how can these two guys not understand people's words", reluctantly gave up the struggle and began to consider how to deceive these two guys.

Finally, Yamada goblin combined all his knowledge and the idea of pleasing Zhenbai and shawu, and finally said to the two girls, "this is because of love! Because of love!"

"Ai? Love? Like?" after hearing the heavy answer on Yamada's face, shawu was a little confused. She couldn't help looking at Zhenbai and found that the other party had believed and was very excited. Then shawu also wanted to hear what Shantian goblins said next.

"You know it takes men and women to have children."

"Well, well. I want to have a baby with my cousin, but he doesn't want to." Zhenbai said bitterly, so that shawu and Yamada goblin couldn't help but look at her deeply.

"But do you think anyone can have children together?" suddenly Yamada goblin asked seriously.

"I don't know." Zhenbai shook his head with shawu.

"Only people who like each other can. And the process from soft to hard is the key."


"Only under the touch of the person you like, that thing will harden and have that ability, just like the book that Yusheng showed us before."

Shawu and Zhenbai nodded when they thought of the protagonist in the book.

So Zhenbai knows that Yusheng is happy because he likes himself to harden.

The gauze fog took a deep look at Zhenbai and wondered whether he could let his brother die like Zhenbai. But if this is the case, the brother likes both himself and Zhenbai. Will he like others? Gauze fog was lost in thought.

As for Yamada goblin, although she felt that her statement was a little bullshit, the effect was good. She fooled both girls, and she didn't intend to explain anything.