"It's not too late." Yingli shouted to Yusheng angrily. "I didn't notice at the beginning. When I react, I've painted more than half of it. It's too late to re paint. At least I can't catch up with this diffuse exhibition."

"Ha... So it is." Yusheng couldn't help wiping the sweat that didn't exist.

"Hateful!" Yingli, who was focused on the book, looked at Yusheng and became more and more angry. She couldn't help grasping Yusheng's collar. "You must have done it on purpose."

"No, no, absolutely not. I just subconsciously think that blonde hair and ponytail with a pair of blue eyes are cute and cute. I like it very much." Yusheng certainly won't admit it and quickly waved his hand to explain.

"Do you think I'll let you go if you praise me?" Yingli blushed when she heard Yusheng say she liked blonde hair, horsetail and blue eyes, but she still looked at Yusheng viciously.

"Eh? Praise you?" Yusheng was stunned when he heard Yingli's words. After reacting, he immediately followed Yingli's words. "Ah, that's right. I'm praising you. Because Yingli, you are so beautiful and lovely. So I'm deeply impressed in my mind. Although it's not intentional, I may subconsciously think of you when designing characters."

"Ba... Ba GA! What are you talking about!" after hearing Yusheng's naked praise, Yingli felt a little unbearable. She pushed Yusheng away in shame and anger, and began to scold Yusheng in her mouth.

After Yusheng was pushed away by Yingli, he waited in fear for a while and found Yingli blushing. He looked at the computer and didn't ask himself. Yusheng felt relieved that he had dealt with the matter.

However, the atmosphere between the two people was still a little awkward. Yusheng thought about it and was ready to comfort Yingli.

"I really didn't mean to design it. HMM... but you've already sent out samples, and it's too late to change it now. And..." Yusheng said, carefully observing Yingli's reaction. Seeing that there was no particularly obvious expression change on the other side, Yusheng continued. "Anyway, you don't draw Ellie like you."

In fact, Yusheng just deliberately didn't mention it, because considering the social impact, Yusheng deliberately raised the age of Ellie and her sister slightly in the setting to make Ellie look more mature. After such modification, the image of Ellie in Yingli pear is actually five points similar to Yingli pear, but there are still many different places. For example

Yusheng's impolite eyes couldn't help but aim at Ellie's chest in the computer and float in the direction of Yingli's chest for a while.


Ying Li noticed Yusheng's sight and immediately guessed what dirty things Yusheng was thinking. She angrily smashed a picture book on Yusheng's head, put her hands around her chest and looked at Yusheng with great vigilance. "You must be thinking dirty things in your mind. It's your decision."

"No, No. no decision." Yusheng noticed Yingli's angry appearance and naturally wouldn't admit it. Quickly changed the topic. "But anyway, you don't have to be so tangled when you draw Ellie like you."

"Who says it's not like! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't..." Yingli seemed to be stimulated by Yusheng's words and opened her mouth to say something, but she suddenly realized that her words were wrong, and then she immediately shut up.

When Yusheng hears Yingli's words, he naturally understands that the other party has realized that the characters in the book are similar to himself. Now Yingli's words have been spoken, and it's impossible to cover up.

Then in the room, the two turned their eyes to other places to avoid meeting each other. After confirming their eyes, they were even more embarrassed.

Yingli took the mouse and clicked aimlessly around on the computer, opening and closing files one by one. Yingli felt that she was in a mess about the book just now. She didn't know why she said those words. But now it's done. Now that the words have been said, Yingli thinks it's better to explain clearly, so as not to think blindly when Yusheng goes back.

After struggling for a while, Yingli made up her mind, shouted Yusheng with a red face, and then began to explain.

"Well... In short, you are to blame for the image of the characters in this book."


"If you didn't design Ellie's image like me, I wouldn't unconsciously refer to myself when painting, and then I would unconsciously refer to you and the woman when painting others. So although there are five similarities, don't think too much. It's because there's something wrong with your character design that makes me draw like this unconsciously. In short, There is no special meaning in it. You are not allowed to think blindly, okay? "Yingli stood up and approached the sitting Yusheng, as if to cheer herself up and make herself feel more confident and at ease. Yingli explained everything in a condescending posture.

"I... I know." Yusheng put his hands back on the floor and promised Yingli with some guilt. Although there were some accidents, Yingli said this directly. Although there was a feeling that there was no silver 300 Liang here, at least after the other party explained, Yusheng was not good to continue to think about anything.

Yingli sees Yusheng nodding, starts to sit back to her seat, and then turns her back to Yusheng.

From the point of view that Yusheng couldn't understand, Yingli's face became red like a cooked crab.

And Yusheng feels that although the process is a little tortuous, it seems that this matter has been brought over by visual inspection. Yusheng is also relieved.

Then the two people began to discuss the script behind father's love like a mountain in the room, waiting for the sample to be delivered to the door.

As a result, I waited for hours. Just when Yusheng couldn't help but want to go home first. When he came to see the sample tomorrow, Yingli's mother zecun xiaolily came to Yingli's room with the sample.

"Yingli pear, the sample is here." after zecun xiaolily came to Yingli pear's room, she first said hello to Yusheng, and then waved the two books in her hand.

Although she knew that the book was printed by xiaolily in zecun, Yusheng felt very embarrassed when she saw the two books in each other's hands in front of others.

"Let me see." Yingli took the book, threw one of them to Yusheng, and began to check it.

Yusheng looked at it and found that the printed quality was very good. Both the quality of the paper and the color lines of the picture were very good. At least Yusheng was very embarrassed in front of zecun little lily.

"Yu Shengjun, Yingli said you provided the plot of this book. Is it good?"

"This..." Yusheng doesn't know what to say when he listens to the question of small Lily in zecun. Does he say that the book in his hand is very beautiful in front of others?

So Yusheng can only kick the ball back very embarrassed. "Haven't you seen it, aunt?"
