"Sister Shiyu, you move so fast."

When Yusheng came to the agreed restaurant after school, he found that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had been waiting for him with a drink.

"Fortunately, nothing happened, so I came after school. On the contrary, did Yu Shengjun's classmates know your identity? I found them very enthusiastic when I passed by?"

"Yes, we have known for a long time, and their enthusiasm still hasn't dissipated. I'm dying of a headache." Yusheng sat opposite Shiyu in xiazhiqiu with a bitter smile.

"Well, you can handle it yourself. It's best not to affect us."

"Er... I'll pay attention." Yusheng understands what Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu means, hoping not to expose their identity because of their actions. "But sister Shiyu. I thought about it when I went back yesterday. I think we should finish it together now."

"Oh? Has Mr. Yusheng changed his mind?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu frowned. I still feel sorry for his annoyance, which makes Yusheng 'distressed' unceasingly.

"No, No. I think we're helping Yingli design the plot anyway. Let's fill the story more fully in the process and complete it in the form of a novel."

"Does Yu Shengjun mean that we should make it a novel together? But how to deal with the division of labor? And after all, there are still some differences between the two of us. How can we connect at that time?"

"This is not a big problem. First of all, the story itself is divided into several lines, and we should be responsible for the lines we like. In terms of connection, first of all, the outline of the story has been determined, and I'm filling in some details. As for the style of writing, let's imitate each other."

"Is that right?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu frowned and felt that this operation was not very in line with his idea. However, he saw Yusheng's face full of interest. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu opens his mouth and finally agrees to Yusheng.

"Thank you so much, sister. I'm just going to play games later. This time, let's practice the tacit understanding of mutual cooperation in advance."

"This is your story. Just make up your mind." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu poked her scattered hair behind her, with a slightly unnatural tone.

However, the excited feather student didn't notice something wrong with each other. After chatting with each other, he took each other to Yingli's house.



"Aunt, don't bother you so much. I'll just go there myself."

After Yusheng came to Yingli's house, facing the enthusiasm of small Lily in zecun, Yusheng said that he really couldn't bear it. Especially after he found xiazhiqiu Shiyu behind him, his enthusiasm was 100 times higher. Yusheng had to embarrassingly stop the actions of xiaolily in zecun and hurriedly ran to Yingli room with xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

"Yingli's mother seems to like you very much?"

"It's my elder for the time being." Yusheng scratched his head and answered Xia Zhiqiu. Shiyu just came to the door of Yingli's room and knocked outside.

"Yingli, we're coming."

"Really, you're slow enough," Yingli said to Yusheng impatiently after she opened the door. Then he turned around and went back.

"Excuse me." Yusheng said politely and then took Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu into the room.

Seeing Ying Li, Li Li sat in front of the computer and drew with a pressure sensitive pen. She was curious to ask questions.

"Yingli, have you revised your character?"

"Let's make some changes. Come and have a look." Yingli saved the file when she heard Yusheng's problem. Then he took the mouse and clicked on the file he had drawn. He stepped aside and asked Yusheng to come and have a look.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was also curious about the current work progress of Yingli, so he went with Yusheng.

"Well, nothing else has changed. Let me have a look at the design of sister Qiong." Yusheng checked it briefly and found that it was not much different from the file sent to him last time.

"Ah, wait a minute." Yingli blushed when she heard Yusheng's words. She was so guilty that she adjusted the figure of sister Qiong.

"Hmm..." Yusheng looked at the new figure and frowned. Although this dome sister looks good, compared with the previous yarn fog version, the dome sister in front of me still feels worse. Yusheng doesn't know how to tell Yingli for a moment. After all, Yusheng feels a little embarrassed to discard each other's manuscript twice in a row.

"Tut, Yingli, this should be your backup draft. It looks like it's a grade worse than those characters just now." just when Yusheng hesitated, xiazhiqiu Shiyu was not so polite and directly expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Of course, it's just a backup copy. Let's get you prepared first so that you won't be scared because the official copy is too amazing." Yingli has a guilty conscience to hide her emotions. Then she has a headache and has to open the files previously put in the backup folder. I hope the requirements of the two people around her can be lower. It's enough to see these files.

"Er..." Yusheng looked at the images worse than the picture just now. He was suspicious and looked at Yingli. He didn't know what to say.

"Yingli, did you click the wrong folder? These are worse than the one just now? Or your level is just like this."

"Ah, I'm just looking for it. I've drawn so many plans and put them in a mess. Also, don't underestimate my painting skills." Yingli was so angry that Shiyu of Chaoxia Hill shouted. Being despised by this old enemy, Yingli also felt very oppressed. Regardless of others, she was ready to open the document she was most satisfied with.

"That's good, or I'll feel sorry for the plot of Yu Shengjun." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Yingli's reaction and felt very interesting. Although he didn't know what the other party was thinking, it didn't prevent him from teasing her.

"That's it. Look first, I'll go to the bathroom." after Yingli opened the file, she immediately got up and stood up before Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and Yusheng saw it. After a simple explanation, he hurried out of the room.

"Some strange?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Yingli's hurried departure. He couldn't help feeling a little curious and said to Yusheng around him.

"Well, sister Shiyu, you'd better not stimulate her. Don't be so curious. Let her go. After all, this is the home of others, and we are also serving her book at present." Yusheng is worried that two people who don't deal with them are making trouble again today, so he persuades Xiazhi Qiu Shiyu in advance to give her a preventive injection.

"Gee, Mr. Yusheng is always protecting Yingli." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Yusheng and said.

"No, I just don't want you to have a conflict." Yusheng responded with some embarrassment.

"Forget it, since you said so, Mr. Yusheng, I'll give you a face. I won't challenge Yingli today."

"You were really intentional before." Yusheng couldn't help saying when he saw xiazhiqiu Shiyu leak his mouth.

"Look at the picture, look at the picture."

Yusheng looked at the other party and pretended not to find anything, so he had to look at the computer screen with depression.