"How could it be? Of course I'm happy. I'm so happy that I'm going to cry." Yusheng at the other end of the phone said to shenleban calamus with a bitter smile.

Although the reputation value is constantly coming to Yusheng, Yusheng unfortunately can't make ends meet for an hour before the situation reverses.

"I have something to do here, so I'll hang up first." after communicating with shenleban Acorus calamus, Yusheng quickly hung up the phone, thought about it and contacted the editor in chief. After knowing the black man behind him through Chu Chunli, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the black man Iijima to the editor in chief. He believed that the other party should understand his meaning and give corresponding punishment. Then began to communicate with the system.

"Hey, system, it's only an hour. Can you get away with it?"

"Sorry, I can't. the rules are the rules. I reminded you a long time ago." the system responded without human kindness.

"But it's only one hour. It's a big deal. I'll give you more prestige." now Yusheng also regrets. It's clear that the system reminded him about prestige more than two months ago, but he is in the late stage of procrastination. He just put things off until the last period of time. He doesn't think it takes time for the publication of the novel. And I was too careless. After signing the novel, I must not care about the novel. I thought the library would help me deal with it.

Now, because someone hacked himself, there was a deviation in his plan to gain reputation. Yusheng was almost angry.

However, it's no use saying more now. A good punishment is punishment, so you won't let yourself go because you plead with the system.

"So, what's the punishment?" Yusheng asked the system without tears. At the same time, I made up my mind that I must work hard in the future and stick to earning reputation to the end.

"The punishment is a one-day tour of women's clothes on campus. Please implement it within one week."

"Hey, can you change the punishment? I was attacked by a tram fool last time. I have no dignity, okay?"


"How about a day of incontinence? I'll just stay in the toilet for a day."


"..." seeing that the system is so stubborn, Yusheng also has a headache. "Then I refuse to execute!"

"If the host refuses to execute, the system will enforce it instead of the host. The host will be responsible for some consequences found."

"I execute! Can't I execute?" when he heard that the system was going to be enforced, Yusheng was going to cry. Who knows what the system is going to do to himself.

Then Yusheng also felt numb on his scalp. He didn't know what to do. After all, it can be said that the previous women's clothes were forcibly made into women's clothes by others, but what would this say? Voluntary women's wear?

Yusheng feels embarrassed when he thinks about it. Moreover, he has contacted his grandfather before. He knows that there seem to be some hidden bodyguards around him to protect himself. Under the eyes of those people, Yusheng really can't summon up that courage. Otherwise, how can you face these people who protect yourself in the future.

But it's no good not to do it, so Yusheng began to think about what kind of reason to cover up his women's clothes.



"Congratulations, Wang Jun, the novel has now become the first in the heat list." in the school, Kato Hui congratulated the feather behind him.

"Thank you, Hui. There is also your credit." Yusheng said to Kato Hui with a forced smile.

"Wang Jun, what's the matter with you? I don't feel very happy." looking at Yusheng's strange appearance, Kato Hui asked.

"Ha, how could it be. Novels have become the first in popularity, and sales are rising. How could I be unhappy." Yusheng forced out a smile and said to Kato Hui.

"Wang Jun, don't lie to me. It's obviously why things are bothering." Kato Hui obviously doesn't believe Yusheng. He said frankly, so he almost asked Yusheng what he's bothering.

"Is it so obvious?" Yusheng also put away his deliberate smile and said to Kato Hui.

"Super obvious. But what is Wang Jun worrying about? Mingming's achievements in the novel are so good now. Is it the matter of yarn fog?" Kato Hui thought and guessed.

"Gauze fog..." hearing Kato Hui's words, Yusheng couldn't help thinking that he had a competition agreement with Yamada goblins, which was also a headache. So Yusheng smiled bitterly and said to Kato Hui. "Part of the reason."

"Part?" after hearing Yusheng's words, Kato Hui tilted his head and thought about why Yusheng would worry. "Is it a new novel? I heard that novel writers often worry about writing novels without inspiration? Wang Jun, is this the same now?"

"The words of the new novel..." hearing Kato Hui's words, Yusheng wanted to deal with each other and let her stop guessing, but suddenly a glimmer of inspiration flashed in Yusheng's mind‘ Yes! I can use the story as an excuse. Just want to experience the female perspective! It's easy for me to explain when someone finds out like this. After all, it's normal for a novelist to do something strange in order to get material! "

Thinking of this, Yusheng was so excited that he grabbed Kato Hui's hands and said to her happily. "Ah! Thank you so much, Hui. Borrow the new novel... Ah, I have the inspiration for the new novel. Thank you so much, I love you so much. Ha ha."

It's hard to be excited. All his feather students have an impulse to hold Kato Hui up and turn three times.

"Wang Jun, I love you so much. Should it be Wang Jun's gratitude to me in a happy mood?" Kato Hui asked after glancing at the hands held by Yusheng.

"Ah, ha. Well... Sorry, I was so excited just now. Thank you, Hui. Your words inspired me just now, so I can't help it."

"That's good. I thought Wang Jun wanted to confess to me. It scared me." Kato Hui smiled at Yusheng.

"Will you accept it?" Yu Sheng asked, looking at Kato Hui's beautiful smiling face.

"No... that... That" however, before Kato Hui replied, Yusheng blushed, waved his hands in some panic and stammered to explain to Kato Hui. "Ah, I was thinking about the plot of the novel just now, and then I asked subconsciously, don't take it seriously. It's just a joke."

"What does Wang Jun think of the plot? What kind of plot will make Wang Jun subconsciously say that kind of words? I'm very curious." however, Kato Hui didn't let Yusheng go after Yusheng's explanation, but asked.

"That... That... That's when the hero and heroine met in the campus. After experiencing all kinds of things, the hero joked and confessed to the heroine like this." Yusheng made up a story to Kato Hui after his brain turned rapidly.

"I see. Then I'm looking forward to Wang Jun's next novel." after listening to it, Kato Hui didn't bother any more and said to Yusheng with a smile. "Let's do it first. It's time for class."

Kato Hui then turned around and prepared the textbook for class.

When Kato Hui turned around, Yusheng's fast beating heart didn't calm down. Instead, when Yusheng stared at Kato Hui's back, he beat more violently.

At this time, Kato Hui waved and fiddled with his short hair. Yusheng involuntarily stretched out his hand and wanted to play with Kato Hui's beautiful hair.

Seeing Yusheng's hand getting closer and closer to Kato Hui's hair.


The teacher's cry made Yusheng wake up.