"You should be minalinsky sauce," Yusheng asked the maid who led him after taking his seat.

"Ah, I'm sorry, everyone really calls me minalinsky sauce. It's the first time the host came here, and I didn't introduce myself in time." the girl confirmed Yusheng's question and apologized for not introducing herself.

"It's okay, it's okay. But minalinsky sauce is really cute as rumored, and its voice is also very good." Yusheng waved his hand and praised the girl.

"Thank you for your praise." although some people often praise themselves, the girl still blushed a little shy. "What does the master want to eat?"

"You can recommend it for me." Yusheng patronized the place before and didn't ask Yusheng what was delicious in the family, so she simply let the girl decide for herself.

"Then how about the egg steamed rice, master. Everyone thinks it's good." the girl suggested to Yusheng.

"Egg steamed rice? It seems that every restaurant says their egg steamed rice is good." Yusheng said with some puzzled amorous feelings.

"Our food here is different. It's specially made. Everyone said it's good after eating." the girl was not angry because of Yusheng's doubt, but was very patient and asked Yusheng Amway again.

"Now that you've said that, I'll look forward to your egg rice."

"Yes, master. Would you like a drink then? How about coffee?"

"Forget about coffee. Do you have juice or hot milk?" for coffee, Yusheng said he really didn't like it there.

"Juice and milk."

"Then give me a glass of orange juice."

"OK. Does the master need anything else?"

"I don't need it for the time being. Just these two."

"OK, master. Please wait a moment." after recording the menu, the girl told Yusheng and left to inform the back kitchen.

While Yusheng was waiting for a while, he felt a little bored, so he took out his mobile phone and began to surf the Internet.

One of them saw a girl saying in her post that she wanted to have a snack a few years ago. She called her boyfriend at that time and asked him if he could go with him. The boyfriend replied that it was too cold at night, so the girl went out alone in the cold night.

A few years later, I met another boy and told him that he wanted to have a barbecue. The boy said on the other end of the phone that on such a cold day, a girl would not go out and wait for him at home. He went to buy it.

Finally, the girl came to a lot of emotional conclusions.

Yusheng couldn't help living behind the post and replied. "Can't you order takeout?"

Then mobile phone came to make complaints about the idea of continuing to find the stickers and tucks.

When Yusheng saw it, he found that it was Yongtai Nakajima who called. He couldn't help but connect it strangely.

"Hello, Yong Taijun. What can I do for you?"

"Mr. Yusheng, there's something I'd like you to help me with." on the other end of the phone, Nakajima's tone sounded a little embarrassed.

"Can I help you?" Yusheng faintly felt that he would be in trouble, so he couldn't help but refuse jokingly.

"Really, I'm too wayward to disturb Mr. Yusheng." after hearing Yusheng's words, it seems that he put down something. Nakajima Yong sighed and said to Yusheng.

"Hey! No, no, No. I'm kidding you. Mr. Andy and Mr. Kevin asked me to take care of you before they left. I must help you." listening to the voice on the phone, Yusheng had to doubt whether Yoshida Nakajima on the other side was going to cry and quickly explained to Yoshida Nakajima. "Don't worry, can I help you?"

"But..." hearing that Yusheng wanted to help himself, Nakajima Yongtai became a little hesitant.

"Nothing, but, have you met something?"

"Well." Nakajima Yongtai whispered a response, and Yusheng almost didn't hear it clearly.

"Yong Taijun, can you speak louder? I can't hear you clearly."

"OK, Mr. Yusheng."

"Then tell me what happened."

So Nakajima Yongtai told Yusheng what had happened recently.



Since Nakajima Yongtai became Nakao Guizi that day and was rescued by tianjiannuo and Gu Yueheng, the relationship between the two sides suddenly became a lot closer. Every day after school, Takako Nakao doesn't rush home. Instead, he stays at school and hangs out with them.

Then recently, Nakao Guizi found that tianjiannuo looked worried and often looked at himself. Nakao feels strange about each other.

So I directly communicated with them at a party and asked them what had happened.

And tianjiannuo they still hesitated and didn't tell Zhongwei Guizi. Finally, Zhongwei Guizi saw that tianjiannuo refused to tell himself, so they found an opportunity to ask Gu Yueheng, who had the best relationship with him in private.

Gu Yueheng couldn't stand the questioning of Nakao Guizi, and finally told the whole story.

It turned out that a notice had been posted on the notice board of the school before. The notice states that due to the continuous reduction of school enrollment in recent years, relevant departments will consider stopping enrollment and abolishing the school in the next few years.

So bad teenagers are worried about it.

After hearing Gu Yueheng's explanation, Nakao felt a little strange that they would worry about this kind of thing. Nakao Guizi doubted whether Gu Yueheng was fooling himself.

And Nakao had no sense of belonging to the school before, so he had no feelings for the school.

Gu Yueheng people saw Nakao Guizi's strange attitude and couldn't help crying and laughing to explain to him.

It turned out that the school where Nakao Guizi lived has always had the tradition of bad youth groups, and it is also well-known. Just because it has a good enrollment rate, many parents subconsciously ignore the rumors of bad teenagers for this enrollment rate. After all, they think there are bad teenagers in other places.

However, the group of bad people in this school is different. It seems to have a special charm, which has attracted many good children in the eyes of parents and teachers to join it, especially in recent years.

Although the students who join the bad groups feel that they like the new life very much, they feel that they have lived in vain at the mercy of their parents and teachers before. However, the long-term result is that the enrollment rate is affected, and the parents' perception of the school has become worse and worse, forming a rumor that good students will become bad teenagers when they come to this school.

The school staff didn't think about managing these bad teenagers, but as a result, the staff found that the leading guys had a large family background and couldn't afford to provoke themselves, and the other party's parents basically didn't care about them.

In the end, there were fewer and fewer people enrolled, and finally evolved to this point.

For the bad teenagers, on the one hand, they feel that the school has its own part of the responsibility. Although the bad teenagers go their own way, they are also very loyal. After inquiring about the news, they feel sorry that they have implicated the school.

On the other hand, the school also witnessed the friendship between bad teenagers.

At that time, Gu Yueheng's original words were "8823 senior students handed over the school to us before graduation. How can we make it disappear?"



"Stop! Do you have anything to do with what you want me to do?" Yusheng, who listened to Nakajima Yongtai's rambling about a lot of things, felt a little big and hurriedly interrupted Nakajima Yongtai's narration.

"Well... I mainly want to ask Mr. Yusheng to put on some makeup." Nakajima Yong hesitated and said his request.

"If you want me to help you make up, just say it directly. What are you doing with so much bedding in front of you?" Yusheng said in silence.

Then there was Nakajima's explanation on the phone.



When minalinsky sauce gave Yusheng the meal prepared in the kitchen, he found Yusheng on the phone. Suddenly Yusheng stood up in his seat and shouted in surprise. Minalinsky sauce almost didn't hold the meal in his hand.

"What! Are you going to participate in lovelive?"