I have some hesitation about whether "my sister" and "lovely" are a work after becoming the protagonist or whether to write the characters into the plot. I want to see your opinions in the comments.


Yusheng opens his blog and browses it. He finds that the popularity of an Yilun's blog is very high, which is a little beyond imagination.

Originally, in Yusheng's impression, an Yilun was just a consumer dolphin trying to make money. Now he has found that he is a consumer dolphin, and an Yilun is also a popular blogger. There are thousands of comments on each blog post, and hundreds of thousands of people pay attention to him. Everyone affectionately called him Taki Jun.

So Yusheng sent a message to Lun.

"I didn't expect that, Lun Ye. You are still a popular person on the Internet."

"Nothing. I just recommend some good secondary works to you, and you can trust me." Lun was a little modest.

"But it's a little strange." Yusheng asked himself.


"Since Lun is so popular, your income from advertising should not be low. How can you work hard every day?"

"Mr. Yusheng! Everyone gathered under my blog because of trust in me and love for the second dimension. And how can I betray everyone's trust in me and tarnish everyone's love for the second dimension for money? This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed."

Yusheng can also feel the righteousness and strictness of Lun on the other side through the words.

"Lun is really principled. I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter. I also want to thank Yusheng for his music, which helped me a lot."

After chatting for a while, they went offline.


At night, when Yusheng sleeps.


"Task reward sending completed."

"Tripod Kung Fu lv.1"

I don't know why, the task reward of the system is sometimes sent late and sometimes fast.


On the other hand, Lun also uploaded the video to his blog.

As soon as it was posted, some people began to comment on the latest blog post below.

"Conscience Taki, late night update."

"Say update and update. Taki is great."

"Code first and then look."

"I just came back from other bloggers. I'm not used to seeing Taki who is full or not."


After reading the comments a little, Lun got up to prepare for a bath. When Lun also took a towel to wipe his hair and returned to the room, the time was almost the same, so Lun saw many people contacting him in his message bar.

First read the comments.

"I'm looking forward to this work, too."

"Can Nian, I don't like this type very much."

"Taki Jun, comment on the new" XXXX "just released last month."

"Upstairs, that garbage movie is very interesting. Let Taki comment."

"Those who say XXXX is rubbish are rubbish"

"What did you say..."

There will always be some disharmony in the network. Once we don't agree with each other, we will start to spray each other.

After banning several people who took the lead in making trouble, Lun also looked at it. There are still many people asking for BGM. So I replied below the comment.

"BGM is a new work made by my friend Lao Wang next door, so you can't find it on the Internet. In addition, there are many of his works, which will be seen in my video in the future."

After commenting, I read other news for a while. Lun went offline to sleep.



In the classroom office, Hiratsuka Jing slapped her hand on the table angrily, startling Wang Yusheng who stood a little confused.

"Yu Shengjun! Can you tell me what happened to the composition you handed in today?"

"Ah? I wrote it as required. What's the problem?" Yusheng remembered that his homework had not been finished when he was ready to go to bed yesterday, so he got up vaguely to make up for it. So Yusheng can't remember what he wrote in his homework today.

"What's the problem? The ancients said - go to work and you'll lose." seeing that Yu's life and death didn't admit his mistake, Hiratsuka Jing picked up Yu's composition and read it.

"The so-called labor is the behavior of taking risks to obtain returns. It can be said that the ultimate purpose of labor is to pursue the highest return with the smallest risk."

"And according to capital, when people start working, people will be exploited by capitalists for the value of surplus labor."

"So in order to avoid risks and not be exploited by others, it is very appropriate and completely correct for me to choose not to work and squat at home. So I plan to be a family cook at home in the future."

After reading the composition, Hiratsuka Jing shook her cigarette in the ashtray, and then put her legs on the sofa table in high heels.

"So I asked everyone to write their plans for the future, and you handed over such a thing?" Hiratsuka Jing looked at Wang Yusheng with a gloomy face.

"I think it's very good, and I think everyone has a sense of recognition." Wang Yusheng noticed just now that although everyone is laughing, many middle-aged teachers have an expression of recognition on their faces.

Of course, another reason is that he can be a capitalist who exploits others in the future without working. It's just that such hateful words can't be said.

"Who would agree with such a thing!" then Hiratsuka Jing glared at Yusheng fiercely.

Wang Yusheng immediately lowered his head and didn't dare to look at the teacher.

"Anyway, you know what I mean." Hiratsuka's face showed a stiff smile and raised her right hand at the same time.

"Don't beat me, will you? I'll just write it again." Yusheng put his hands in front of his face and immediately confessed.

"Really, I don't think your records in the previous school are like this. How come I've changed like this."

"Because I'm a jumper, can I do the same?" of course, this is also said in my heart.

"You said you were young. How could you be so decadent?"

"It's not normal for the teacher to be so old and not decadent..." Yusheng hasn't said anything yet. In the corner of his eye, he noticed that Hiratsuka Jing had relaxed and fell on one side.

"What do I see!"

"Big event!"

"The record was broken."

"It is worthy of being the challenger of Hiratsuka."


The teachers and students in the office don't believe it. They have to look at hirsuka Jinghe and Yusheng. Just now, after teacher Hiratsuka Jing launched a sudden upper hook, because he was strengthened by the systematic tripod Kung Fu, Yusheng subconsciously twisted his waist and avoided Hiratsuka Jing's blow.

This broke the legend that no one in the school escaped Hiratsuka's attack, and suddenly caused a sensation.

Seeing that Yusheng escaped his attack, Hiratsuka Jing's face became more ugly. So he punched Yusheng's abdomen again.

The feather is like a flexible loach. His feet don't leave the original place, but he avoids all the attacks through the twisting of his body.

"Bastard boy, you're good at it!" Yusheng was surprised to see that teacher pingzujing was blackened now. The evasive actions just now are all subconscious actions of the body.

Although it seems that he has escaped the attack, the more he hides, the worse he dies.

At this time, Yusheng doesn't know how to deal with it. He thinks it's better to sell cute. So he clenched his right hand, held it above his head, and then put it on his head. The mouth spits out the tongue. Finally, tilt your head.

"Hey, hey ~" Yusheng made a shameful sound.

"Impact!" a straight fist let the power in hirsuka Jing's hand release on Yusheng. Originally, Yusheng can avoid it, but in order to calm the efforts of this older young woman, Yusheng absolutely bears it positively.

Then Yusheng regretted it.

Holding Yusheng curled up in his seat, he took out a few notes with a trembling hand.

"This is my monthly shift fee." then he lay on the table and his soul went out of his body.