Chapter 207 - Heartbreak

Reva after coming out of the hotel, directly find an auto and tells him to take her to the famous bar in this area. right now she doesn't want to be conscious. The pain is too much for her to think straight. 

Reva doesn't understand why this is happening with her, she is not able to believe that her boss will cheat on her, he is never that type of person, but she can still see the environment between him and Shanaya is quite good. At this time she remembers the rumors in her previous life. 

She doesn't know who spread this, but they said that Mahendra is helping Shanaya's family because Shanaya is pregnant with his child. If she remembers the period then the things must happen in a similar timeline. But she is not able to believe that her boss, has that type of relationship with Shanya. 

She has many questions to ask, but she is not willing to find the answer. Why she is the one who is always suffering, why does she need to fight for love, while her boss not doing anything but adding trouble to her life?

To be honest, her rationale mind can guess what is happening, she sees the bandage on Mr. Sen head, and understand he must be emotionally blackmailing her boss, but why doesn't he set boundaries, his grandpa is taking advantage of him, why can't he speak with him and tell him clearly what he wants.

Reva doesn't understand, and right now she won't have the mentality to understand too. 

When she reached the bar, she realized that Mahendra is non stop calling her, but she doesn't want to talk with him right now because she is quite sure that right now if she will talk with him, she will surely cruse his grandpa for death. She is that much angry with him. 

So Reva simply turns off the phone. And goes inside. Reva find an empty table and sit down there, A waiter comes to take her order, Reva is never a fan of alcohol, she doesn't even like smokers, it just she likes her boss who is a smoker, she thinks that drinking is like inviting disease in your body, but today, more than her body, her heart needs it. 

"So what is the best thing which people should drink after their heart is broken?" Reva questions the waiter, the waiter look at Reva with god know which expression, 

"I understand," The wiater said and left, Reva looks towards the waiter who is quickly walking towards the other side, she is not able to understand why he said I understand. 

"What happen to you?" Reva suddenly hears another familiar voice. 

"Hey, Arnav what are you doing here?" Reva questions, she is surprised to seeing him after long time.

She tries to smile, but it is quite difficult for her right now. 

"I ask the question first," Arnav said while sitting with her. 

"Today is my birthday and here I am alone" Reva replied. 

"What about that brat? Where he is? he doesn't stop saying the things about you and here on your birthday he leaves you alone?" Arnav questions. 

"he is with his dear dear grandpa, and his dear Shanaya" Reva said with sarcasm. 

"I understand the part of grandpa, but he will never like Shanaya," Arnav said. 

"He has engagement with Shanaya today," Reva said. 

"What?" Arnav can't help but question. That time the waiter also arrive with some drinks. 

"Mam this is the best cocktail for heartbreak," The waiter said and leave them alone. 

"You must misunderstand something, Mahendra will never cheat on you, he loves you," Arnav said, he wanted to continue talking with Reva but suddenly his phone rang. 

"hmmm, I understand" Arnav replied to the call, and hang up. After that Arnav calls someone else anaskssk him if he can find another lady officer, and then he just punch the table and hang up the phone. 

"What is happening?" Reva can't help but question. 

"Nothing, I need to go take care," Arnav said while standing. 

"Help Arnav, you might get point" Reva hears system's voice.

"You need a woman for your secret mission right? I will help you" Reva decided to help Arnav, this way she will also be able to forgot her grief for some time.

"No it is quite risky" Arnav refuses immediately.

"Look, I have a black belt in karate and also know kickboxing, and my mind is also sharp, please let me help you, right now it will also help me to relieve my pain, and you are also there right?" Reva question with expectant eyes.

Arnav thought for a while, what Reva said also makes sense, so he decided to take her help.

"Okay, thank you," Arnav said.

"Then tell me what is happening?" Reva questions.

"You remember the gang which speaks about, who deals with drug, now they are together with another gain, which is notorious for human trafficking, today, they are going to kidnap some girls, we already send our two ladies officer there, but one of them, is feeling sick suddenly, and we doubt that they got to know about the plan. So I want you to go inside, the party and keep eye on them, for me, I already contact another team, and I promise you that you will be safe" Arnav said, in french, he knows that Reva understands this language.

"Okay," Reva replied. Arnav and Reva pay the bill and left the club. 

Before going there Arnav tells her to make sure that she will look like a young girl. 

"What your mena by young girl? do I look old?" Reva questions. Indeed her soul is old, but still, she is just twenty-five years old. 

"Of course not," Arnav said. 

"by the way Reva happy birthday and sorry for troubling you on your birthday," Arnav said. To be honest, he won't want to involve her in this, but he also worried about the other lady officer.

The transmitter he put on them is not working, now he can't go inside the house, otherwise, those people might get alerted, he doesn't even know what is happening with those lady officers, so sending Reva is the only way. 

He doesn't know why but feel like Reva can help him way better than anyone. Right now if he does haste and attack those he might never be able to know about the other girls they kidnap two days ago, and if he doesn't do anything, there are chances that the officers he sends previously are in big trouble. 

Even if he call another officer, the gangster might end there work until they arrive, so it is best if he send Reva, nothing will go wrong right? 

But what Aranv doesn't know is, Reva is going to face big trouble due to this.