Chapter 186 - Project Amrut

Due to all those emotions, Reva can't help but started to cry. Mahendra who is removing his seat belt sees this and feels distressed. 

"What happen?" He questions while pulling Reva in his arms. 

"Nothing" Reva replied while wiping her tears. 

"We recently become gf and bf, and even though I don't know much, I think we must practice good communication from the start," Mahendra said while patting her back. 

"hmmm, when I am child, once a girl accused me of stealing her new pen. And when I am in college, one boy said that I steal his money. Even though later it gets proved that I don't steal anything, still the way people look at me..."Reva doesn't know what to say. 

"Those people have poor thinking, they judge the book by its cover. If there is any other child of a rich person, and even if he steals something they don't even say anything, but because you are alone and don't have support they dare do that. I am sorry Reva, I am not able to protect you until now, but from now, I promise no one will be able to harm or insult you" Mahendra said while kissing her crown of hair. 

"Thank you," Reva said. To be honest, right now she is enough strong to teach a lesson to those who will try to accuse or harm her, but seeing the person you love wanted to protect you is quite a good feeling. 

"Now can we go office?" Mahendra questions. 

"Do you have time later? I wanted to speak about project Amrut with you and Veer boss" Reva said while wiping her tears. 

"Okay, I have one meeting at 11 AM, which will end in one and half hours so we can meet at 1 PM, for lunch and also for discussion," Mahendra said while remembering his schedule. 

"Okay," Reva said. And they both got to their respective office. Mahendra even though said he trust Reva, he still wanted to do some research in this regard.

Even though he like Reva's idea, he can't directly accept it, and if he takes his time then Reva might think he doesn't trust her. So he Doesn't want Reva to feel insecure. His meeting is only for an hour, he decided to use this time to gather more information about the project and the possible way which Reva suggested. 

He call those analyst who work for him and tell them about the idea of reducing the height and width of the dam. He even asks them to list down the advantages and disadvantages of this. 

After calling his analyst, he go and attend the meeting. After returning, he check the info and finds out even analysts are not able to do such a detailed analysis of this project, but the answer they give is quite positive. 

After reading all the reports, he goes towards the cabin of Veer. When he reaches there he sees Reva and Veer are talking with each other.

"Hey boss, we are waiting for you," Reva said, and then they follow Mahendra for lunch. Mahendra tells them that they will take lunch in the meeting room. Reva already tells Veer her ideas, and to be honest, Veer likes it. It is just the needs more time to prepare everything in his regard.

While they are eating they discuss this project and after this, they decided to take a meeting of important people involved in this project. Even though the final decision-makers are Veer and Mahendra they still need to examine things. They tell Reva to make prestnetiaon in this regard. As time is quite less they decided to take this meeting tomorrow morning. 

The next morning the meeting started. When Mahendra announce that he wanted to reduce the height and width of the dam, some people feel annoyed, as the previous plan is made after many days of hard work. And now they again need to do the work. 

"Now Miss Reva with the ppt show you why we take this decision," Mahendra said and Reva started to speak. 

The meeting consist of some higher lever authorities and remaining shareholders. Today Mihika also join the meeting, not because she is interested, but because her grandfather wanted her to attain. 

Not many people in this meeting know about Reva. So they feel quite surprised that Mahendra allow someone ground level in this meeting. Right now they are in the meeting to discuss the project so they will not say anything, but later they will find out who is Reva. 

Reva who doesn't know about their thoughts stands up and started her presentation. Today she wear professional clothes and do some minimal makeup. After working for so many years she doesn't feel anything about public speaking and presenting data. 

"Good morning, first of all, I understand the change in this project cause some annoyance in us, I know we all work hard for this project, and it might be a very proud moment if we build the dam. But Mr. Veer and boss studied this problem quite well, and I can say reducing the height is the best thing we can do. For this, we will see the assumptions and another hypothesis about the next year's weather. 

There are huge chances of heavy rainfall in next year. So making this dam before that is very important for us. We already started our preparation though, so I think we hopefully achieve that. 

But now why we wanted to reduce the height, the number one reason is even after this changes the dam still has quite good capacity to store the water, and by reducing the height and width, we will save five villages from going underwater and this way will save our money to relocate. 

It is also not about only money, in these five villages, two villages are quite big, and one village has historical importance. So those people are against this dam. They are doing protest for a long time. The people in other villages also join them. So this will consume a la lot of time. 

We already invested lots of money in this, and as the period increased the more loss we got. So it is better if we start early. This way we can even help people with the next year's heavy rainfall. 

Just by doing this change, not only we will save enough money and other unnecessary trouble, but also win people and help them. This is a win-win situation" Reva concludes at the end of the presentation. In the presentation, she shows some numbers and also some other examples too. 

"But will the other companies and especially the politician involved in his decision making will agree because we previously agreed with the previous measurement" One of the investor questions? 

"Nice question, talking about politicians I think it is more beneficial for them than us, as it will reduce those people who get upset due to relocation. Talking about other people, I think Mr. Mahendra has his own ways to manage this.

But there is another reason for these changes" Reva takes a dramatic pause. 

From being in the business world, she learn a very important thing which is the power of pause, These three seconds of pause can help you a lot, to prove your point. Most of the time, how you say things is more important than what you say. And Reva understands this. 

"The reason?" Mr. Sinha questioned. 

"In this little village there is a chance of finding bauxite, and other minerals, so if we started to build the dam, and this happens, there might come a stay order, which will again increase our difficulties, so we should agree to this" Riva said. 

"Before you guys ask more questions, first we will see the new blueprint of this project, which will present us Mr. Veer, and after that, we can take the question and answer session. Thank you" Reva said and sit down. 

Veer is quite impressed with Reva's speech, as he don't know Reva before he doesn't find anything unusual but indeed he feels like Reva is quite experienced in this. 

Mr. Sinha and Mahendra are the most surprised people as they know Reva from start. Mahendra never knows that Reva can speak so well. The way she explains the detail is too good. She is not even a bit scared of speaking in front of so many important people. It somehow make him proud. 

After that Veer stands up and explains his plan and design. After that Reva also stand up with Veer and they both answer the question asked by the investor and higher-level management. Everyone gets convinced of the new changes in the project. 

When the meeting ends, one is against the idea which is a big win for them, but now they need to work hard, as now they need to complete this project before the rainy season. Even though work already started, they need to complete the paperwork and other things first. The coming days are going to be quite hectic for them.