"Yes, quite well," Aditya said with a smile. Reva doesn't understand his meaning but decided not to ask. Aditya offer her to dance, on which First Reva refuses, but when he again requested her. She agree. Reva from childhood like to dance, but the problem is she was not a very good dancer, but after all her reincarnation, she improved it. And as they say, dance like no one is watching you. 

Reva follows this mantra, and dances with Aditya, she thought that this superstar must be very good at dancing but to her surprise, he just waves his body, here and there. So Reva also copied him. Aditya smile seeing this girl not trying to keep her image, and they both started to enjoy the dance, the other people also follow their suit and ended up dancing crazily. 

Aditya gets a call from Arnav, and finally stops dancing, he also stops Reva. And they both go towards where they left Arnav and Mahendra. 

"I can see both of you are enjoying too much," Arnav said, he and Mahendra see them dancing, and he also sees the black lines on Mahendra's face. 

"Yes, Reva is just fun," Aditya said with a big grin. 

"you too" Reva replied. 

"Miss Reva you might forget what the doctor tells you," Mahendra said while pulling her beside him. 

"Oh don't tell me you are pregnant," Aditya said while acting dramatic. 

"Very funny," Reva said, and throw the pillow on the sofa towards him. 

"Ouch, it hurts," Aditya said while acting dramatic. 

"Enough both of you, Reva now we need to leave. Bye," Mahendra said and pulls Reva towards the door. Reva said bye-bye to Aditya and give polite smile to Arnav and left with Mahendra. 

"What you think about the girl" Arnav questions as soon as Reva left the room. 

"She doesn't have microphone or camera with her, and form the behavior of Mahendra, and even her, I don't think she is a person with bad intention" Aditya replied. Arnav also doesn't feel that she is a threat. Indeed he is feeling that this girl is smart, but threat, that is quite impossible. 

"So can you answer me when you learn french? And why do you know so much?" Mahendra questions while starting the car. 

"I will tell you if you give me a kiss," Reva said while looking towards him. 

"Behave, I am driving the car," Mahendra said to her. 

"Oh, so we can continue after we go home?" Reva questions. 

"Reva...." Mahendra now really losses his temper. 

"Okay, okay don't be angry. I started to learn it a long time ago. It's just I don't include it in my resume" 

"Why did I never hear about this then?" Mahendra questions. 

"Because you never notice me, you never try to hear me," Reva said with a smile, but this time she is feeling sad. In her previous life, she does many things for her boss, indeed they are not special, but still....he never able to notice it. 

"Reva...." Mahendra decided to talk, he sees around and found a little coffee shop near them. He stops his car there. 

"You wanted to drink coffee this time? you already have insomnia...." Reva started to complain, but look towards Mahendra and stop complaning. He has messy hair, which is making him too handsome that she wanted to eat him. 

"Can we go inside?" Mahendra gives a fake cough, to be honest, he is quite uncomfortable in front of Reva's this intense look. 

"Reva, I wish you understand our lives are different" Mahendra after placing his orders started to speak. 

"Yes, I understand," Reva said after a pause. She understand it for a long time. Tears gather in her eyes, she blinks her eyes, looking in another direction. 

"Reva don't be like this, you are still young to understand the difference between love and attraction," Mahendra said while trying to touch her hand. 

"I am a twenty-four-year-old boss, if you don't want to accept my love, then just reject me, why are you acting like this, and I already let go of you, isn't I? I also accepted your arrangement of working for Mr. Veer, what else do you want, you don't want to see me?" Reva questions. 

"You are making things complicated" Mahendra doesn't know how to speak with Reva. 

"Then what do you want me to do? do you want me to find a person to sleep with, so your life become less complicated?" Reva now has enough, she can't help but question him. 

"Reva..." Mahendra is now really at the end of his patience. Seeing him like this Reva can't help but wanted to laugh, she remembers in her previous life too they fight often. Her boss is rich, handsome, and a good person, still he ended up caring about her feelings. If he wants he can take advantage of her, or completely ignore her. But here it is, he just tries to protect her and teach her. 

Sometimes she wanted to get angry at him, angry for not letting her go, she often wonders, why he doesn't tell her to leave the job, is he playing with her feelings, but then she remembers how dramatically she react, he might be scared that she will do something, or maybe don't even care about it. 

Loving him is her choice, and facing the outcomes is her responsibility, in this life too, she is going to do that. She understands that this fight might be avoidble, but they both are quite helpless in front of their emotions. 

And that is the truth with everyone, we understand that some people are not good for us, we can see it, but our little hearts don't want to listen and we often end up in sorrow. But even that pain is worth it. 

Previously Reva often wonder why people die or kill for love, but when she herself fall in love, she started to understand it. 

Loving someone is not only feeling lust or attraction but also feeling happiness in suffering. Reva don't understand which type of disease Love is, where the victim is happy to suffer again and again. 

If it is for Mahendra then she is ready for all.