Anu found out that, Aarav in this life is quite pitiful, but when he is not? in her first life her boss attempted suicide, and in her second life, he has a very short life, and the third life, it can say it is quite good. 

Anyway, Anu decided that even if he is her boss or not, she will try her best to help him. But for now, she will focus on her exam. 

Anu studied very hard, so the exam is quite easy for her. When she completed her last paper, she gets surprised to see Aarav's message. According to the message he is waiting for her outside. 

"Hey, what brings you here?" Anu after coming outside questions him. In this whole month, they started to follow each other on social media. Aarav doesn't post much, but Anu posts often, and many times it is the food made by her, or her paintings, or something silly. He likes her stories, and sometimes even dm her. Anu often replied in few words as she is quite busy, but she also sends him some simple greetings. 

"I come here to meet my professor, while the conversation, he mentioned about your exam, so I decided to visit you" Aarav lied without batting his eyes. 

For a whole month, he is finding more about her, and what he finds is quite good, he can't help but feel attracted towards this girl. Indeed he has a selfish motive also. 

"Oh..." Anu doesn't believe his answer. But still decided to go with the show. 

"So can we have lunch together?" Aarav questions. 

"I..... I am sorry, but I am going to have lunch with my maternal family today" Anu said, Aarav's good mood somehow worsen after listing her this word. Previously he thought that his charm is working on this girl, but now he is really troubled, he can't help but feel bad about all this. 

"But I will meet tomorrow morning, I decided to join your company, and due to that, I am going to call you today" Anu can't able to see the sad face of her boss. So even though she is not planning to work so early she still ends up saying this. 

"Really?" Aarav can't help but question her.

"Yes," Anu replied with a big smile. 

"Okay, then see you tomorrow," Aarav said.

Anu also nodded and take her leave. 

"From all the investigation, I can sense that he wanted to use your family background" System can't help but tell her. 

"I know" Anu replied calmly. 

"Still you are acting like this..." The system can't help but question her. 

"He sees his mom dying in front of his eyes, he is living with people who hate him, form such a little age, and those people are trying to frame him, he can only try to protect himself, and how old he is? not even twenty-five year old, he is more unfortunate than an orphan. He not only needs to survive in this harsh world, but he needs to protect himself from those, who think getting birth in their family is also his fault"Anu can't help but say. 

She can understand Mrs. Khurana's feeling, but what she doesn't understand is what is the fault of little Aarav, according to the investigation, after his mom's death, Mrs. Khurana, once try to send him away from home, she even uses one teacher, to beat Aarav until he faints. Aarav is not getting protection from anyone. 

After living in this type of environment, no one can stay innocent, and if someone acts like that, then he is the biggest imposter. 

"hmm" System can't help but once again realize why the original Mahendra love this girl, she is very considerate about other people's feeling. 

Anu has a pleasant lunch with all her family, after lunch, she tells them about her decision of living outside, which again gets rejected by her father. 

"You wanted to work in someone else company, and now you wanted to live outside" Rajiv can't help but say, Priya also join him. 

"Mom, Dad, if I live near the company, It will save my time on the commute, I have a gym too, this way I will not feel tired very much" Anu tries to resonate with them. 

"NO, you are not allowed" Rajiv once again protested. 

"You both of are acting like she is running away from home, and how many days you are going to act like this, she is now 18, Priya do you forgot when you are at her age, you are already pregnant" Priya's mother can't help but remind her on which Priya only blush. 

"That is not the same" Rajiv can't help but try to take the side of his wife. 

"Rajiv you do not even have the right to say anything" This time Priya's brother is the one who interrupted them. 

"Dad, uncle is right, Anu need to see the world, our Anu is quite protected all her life, now she needs to experience the world, and we can make sure that she is safe" Ram speak up for Anu, but for this Anu and Sanjana need to convince him for a long time. 

"Yes dad, and we are often outside, you, mom and Ram da are on a business trip, while I am also busy with my game and work, so she also gets bored., We can stay together on weekends, and we can also go and meet her whenever we want." This time Rohan takes side of his sister.

Rajiv and Priya agreed somewhat reluctantly, and this way Anu clear her way to live alone. This is a very important step for her as if she wanted to find more about her boss, and if she wanted to help him. 

Here Aarav is also very excited to meet Anu tomorrow. His company also started to grow slowly and he is sure that he can live a good life without the interference of Mrs. Khurana & co.