Anu spy on this girl for very long. So she knows lots of things about this girl, she understand that this girl is not bad from the beginning.

Anu is an orphan from the day when someone left her, but this girl, even though have parents, is not in good condition. Anu doesn't understand what is more depressing, not having parents, or having parents who use you, who consider you a tool. This girl can also be like the original Anu, innocent, but that is not able to happen, because this girl is a victim of her parent's bad mindset. 

How can Anu blame this girl, she knows her hard work, her pain and more than that 

Anu patted Shefali's head, while doing this she feels relaxed. Shefali doesn't understand why Anu does this, but it makes her heart warm. They both give each other smile, this time this smile is too innocent. 

"Take care of yourself," Anu said to Shefali. On which Shefali said okay and again said thank you. 

After dropping Shefali at her address, Anu also drop Sanjana and return home. 

"You fight again?" Priya don't even wait until Anu completely comes inside and started her nagging, she doesn't understand why her little girl is always ready to help people, sometimes even endanger her life, she don't mind if Anu spends money, but what if something happens to Anu, she will not be able to handle it. 

"You are grounded," Rajiv said, to be honest, he feels bad for punishing his daughter, but he needs to do this. 

"But daddy, it is my birthday party, and that man nearly rapes the girl," Anu said while looking at pitiful. Her mom is too used to her this look, but this still works on her father. 

"Hmm, okay, but you are not allowed to go outside for one week, and I will increase your bodyguard," Rajiv said after a thought. 

"Daddy, I am a black belt, and I also carry many self-defense things with me, I can fight with than people, so you don't need to worry about me," Anu said, she understands her worries, but now she wanted to break free from the bodyguards, while protecting her they also act like her father's spy. 

Now she is an adult in this world, she wanted to search for her boss aggressively. It is not like she doesn't search for him, she sees many profiles of businessman and also people nameed Mahendra, she try to see photos of many CEOs as her boss is head of the business in every life, she even tries to search for actors but not able to find him. 

"I am your father and I will worry about you," Rajiv said with a stern tone. 

"Okay," Anu said helplessly. 

"Now both of you eat dinner, Anu go and call your brothers downstairs," Priya said after seeing her daughter's sad face.

She understand Anu wanted freedom, but Priya is also worried about her, so she will not help Anu. Anu after washing her hands and face, go to call her brother and get scolding from them too. Anu now really feel bad. Seeing her sad face while eating other family members feel guilty. 

"Anu don't be like this, we are worried about you," Ram said after the dinner ends. 

"Yes I understand brother," Anu said and smile towards them. 

"Okay, now tell us what you want as a gift?" Rajiv also feels guilty for acting strict with his girl, he remembers that due to Anu, he gets the very best opportunities. He wanted to make his daughter the head of his business, but she refuses that. She wanted to try other things before thinking about her career. And talking about being a business head, this will give to her both brothers. 

"Daddy you already give me the birthday gift," Anu said, she remembers how lavishly they plan her birthday and the gifts given by them. She can't help but smile. She is used to being spoiled by her boss, but now here she has a whole family to spoil her. 

"Yes, but this gift is about the idea you give me," Rajiv said. 

"I don't want anything daddy, it is our family business, it is my duty to help you," Anu said. 

"That's why I am not asking your fee, but asking what you want is a gift," Rajiv said with a smile. 

"Okay then do you remember the orphanage in the south district, do something for those children, and also you remember the man who works for start dogs, try to help him, "Anu said after a thought. 

'again this' Rohan murmurs. His sister is too kind, every time they ask her what she wants, she wanted them to help someone, her every birthday is spent like this. His sister is angel.

If Anu hears this thought she might laugh, she is indeed kind, but she is doing this because she wanted to earn points. After dinner, the family talk for a while, and then they go to their room to sleep. 

Anu is again going to spend this night remembering her boss. 

"You have everything now, can't you just forgot about him" System can't help but said. 

"I don't want everything, I just want him because for me he is everything" Anu tells with a smile. She is happy now, really happy, but to be honest she feels blessed if she is even suffering with him. In her original life before Mahendra attempt suicide, they don't have much money, she doesn't get her salary, and need to do many things, but still seeing him make her happy. 

"..." system don't understand what to say. Thankfully he is not a human otherwise he feels jealous of Mahendra. 

"Can you help me to find him, cut some points if you want" Anu requested

"Sorry Anu it is not possible" System replied. 

"Okay," Anu said with sad face. She doesn't understand what to do to find him. But what she doesn't know is he already find her. And they are gonna meet soon, very soon.