"Anu stop" Anuj tries to stop her but she runs fast and gets in the elevator. Anuj also doesn't waste his time and goes into the second elevator. When he reach downstairs he found Anu is crying badly. He is never very close to woman, and he never like crying woman, but seeing Anu in this state he feels pain. 

From previous three months, he is working with Anu, and he started to like this little girl, this girl is always excited, happy, and polite. She always wanted to make others happy. Then why she is crying. 

"What happen?" He questions. 

"Take me home," Anu said, Anuj wanted to ask more but seeing Anu he decided not to question and take her home. He tell her to sit in the car and take her towards the home. While they reach at midway. Anu somewhat calms down. 

"Anu can you please tell me what happens, if you go home while crying your father might feel worried" Anuj can't help but say.

He knows how protective Ram is towards his children. And he knows that Anu is crying due to Aarav. So it is best that if he know what happen exactly. 

Anu also realized this, and tell him to take her near the coffee shop. Anuj do as she said. Anu excuses her and wash her face. Due to crying, she is feeling weak. To be honest, she is tired due to long travel and then the news and now this scene, she is not feeling very good. 

After drinking the coffee, Anuj once again questions her about what happened. Anu tells him what happened. 

"Oh that girl again, to be honest Anu, Aarav is not really in love with her, it just..."Anuj doesn't know what to say, to be honest, he also doesn't know why Aarav still treated Shubhra as a friend. 

"Just what?" Anu questions, on which Anuj tells her everything. Anu somewhat understands the mentality of Shubhra. She is keeping Aarav as an option, while not losing her true love or image. But the question is what exactly Aarav feels for her. 

Anuj tries to tell Anu that Aarav is not in love with that girl, and should not judge him so quickly. Anu don't say anything. The thing is she will never share her love no matter what. Either he belongs to her completely, or either she will not want him. 

Anuj and Anu leave the hotel, Anuj decided to drop Anu at home, Anu is also not in the mood to talk. To be honest, she wanted Aarav to try to call her, he wanted an explanation from him. But nothing happen. She tries to check her phone, but she realized that her phone is lost.

Good too good. 

With these angry thoughts, Anu reaches home. And to her surprise, Aarav is waiting for her at door. And what more he is standing with magic, even if it is making him uncomfortable. 

"Are Anu you are here, this boy is not coming inside even after my requesting" Ram inform her, he previously thought that Aarav might be waiting for Anu to come back from her trip but seeing Anu's sad face and the expression on Aarav's face, Ram realized that something must happen between them. 

"Mr. Ram I need you for a while" Anuj comes forward and drags Ram with him, then again he come and also drags magic with him. 

"Anu..." Aarav don't know how to start, but he wanted to clear the misunderstanding.

Shubhra is not hugging her, but she falls on him due to her injured leg. She is in too much pain that she doesn't let him go quickly. That's all, but he is not sure if Anu will believe him. 

"Mr. Aarav Mukhrjee, I am too tired, can we speak later," Anu said while coming inside, she throws her shoes on the shoe rack. And go and sit on the floor. She doesn't want to do anything. 

"I will bring you water," Aarav said, and quickly run inside. He knows if Anu shuts the door, then he will not get the chance to talk with her. And he has a feeling that today, if he lost Anu, then he will lose her forever. 

Anu sees his efforts which clearly shows that he is trying to please her, and her anger started to reduce, but she is still angry with him. 

Aarav serves Anu water, and Anu just takes a sip, then she put the glass on the floor. 

"Anu please hear me, Okay?" Aarav said while sitting beside her. 

"I am giving you ten minutes, if your answer doesn't satisfy me then you have to leave," Anu said. On which Aarav nodded and tell her what happen. 

Before just half an hour, Shubhra wanted to see him, she is leaving the city forever, so she wanted to meet him last time. Also, she is injured. While she is leaving, she slips and falls, and he tries to hold her, but they end up in that situation. 

"do you think I am stupid?" Anu questions. 

"no this is the truth," Aarav said. 

"That bitch pressing her boobs on you, the dress she wears, you can easily touch her body parts, and god knows what happens if I don't interrupt you guys," Anu said angrily. 

"Anu which type of language you are using," Aarav said. To be honest, even in their college days Anu is quite sophisticated. So why she is taking it like this. 

"You are caring about language, and that woman is trying to take you from me. She is leaving the city? As a famous actress do you think she will dare to that? But what I don't understand is are you stupid or too smart. Either you are too dumb to not understand her motive or too smart that you wanted to take advantage of her" Now Anu losing her temper. 

"We can't talk like this, You are stretching things" Aarav also started to feel angry. He doesn't do anything wrong. To be honest, he is trying his very best to spend time with Anu, but this girl.....

"Then don't talk, now you will not like anything about me" While saying this, Anu can't help but started to cry.. Aarav seeing her like this froze for a second.