"I don't run from home" Arnav tries to protest. 

"Okay, if you don't want to tell me then don't tell" Anu also understands that she can't force this little cutie. 

"hmph" Arnav doesn't understand why today is like this when no one is acting according to his wish. 

"Raj, Sidharth now let's do a study," Anu tells the children, on which both Sidharth and Raj take their bag and sit down on the mattress. 

Arnav who is getting ignored also goes and sits there. 

"So Arnav do you also wanted to study?" Anu questions. 

"No" Arnav replied. Seeing this Anu started to teach children again. Today she is teaching them English, She also decided to do something to increase Sidharth's self-confidence. 

Anu after teaching them some simple spellings started to questions them. Arnav who already learns this, answers very fast, and due to this, the trio gets surprised. Anu because even though these spellings are not difficult, it is not even easy, and this boy is of the same age as Raj, and children seeing Arnav are more intelligent than them. 

"Wow Arnav you are quite intelligent," Anu said. 

"Thank you" Arnav replied. His uncle never praises him, even after he studies hard. Because according to him it is nothing. But seeing Sidharth and Raj's gazes which he doesn't know what mean, and listening to Anu's sincere praise he somewhat wanted to show off. 

"Didi, I also know how to calculate and also understand how to read and write. I am very intelligent" Aranv shows off. 

"That's great," Anu said while patting his head. She also found a chocolate bar from her pocket and give it to Arnav. 

"I give this to whom who do study best, so this is for you," Anu said, and then she gives toffee to children. 

"didi, I will also learn to read and write" Raj can't help but say, he doesn't like his didi liking anyone more. He goes and sits on her lap. 

"oh, okay baby" Anu said while kissing this little boy. Her heart can't help but started to warm. 

"I get only chocolate but he gets a kiss" Arnav wanted to fight, he doesn't understand why but he likes to tease this little boy. 

"You also wanted a kiss?" Anu wanted to confirm because most often little children don't like to get in touch with strangers. 

Arnav also realized that he said something which he never said. He as a child, is quite arrogant, as everyone around him is always wanted to please him. He also understands that they all do this for his uncle, so he never feels this way. This didi and these two children are like his dream. 

He also wanted his uncle to help him in the study, give him a kiss and also talk with him in such a gentle tone. Is he asking too much? He once heard his maternal aunt saying that he is a curse. He also sees his uncle getting annoyed sometimes due to him. 

His uncle and grandpas are quite busy, other people are not interested in him, so he can't help but feel isolated. If only his mom and dad are there with him. He also remembers his grandpa, and uncle, they might be worried about him, or they might even forget about him. What if uncle doesn't want to find him, what if uncle gets tired due to his stubbornness. He can't able to think and started to cry. 

Anu and the children get started by his sudden cry. Anu tells Raj to bring water, and she hugs Arnav and started to pat his back. 

"baby don't cry, everything will be good," Anu said and give him a kiss on his crown of hair. Arnav also calms down, now he decided to tell this didi the truth. 

"Didi...I run away from home because my uncle break promise" Arnav started to tell, Anu before he can continue, give him water to drink and wipe his tears. Then Arnav tells her what exactly happen. But because he uses the words uncle and aunt, Anu never gets to the names of the other party. 

"Oh see I don't think your uncle don't want you and the way you run away from your home is not good. Something might happen to you right?" Anu doesn't understand how to interact with children, but she understands that she needs to tell this child the consequences of his wild act."

"I am sorry" Arnav replied. 

"Okay, do you remember your uncle's number or address?" Anu agian tries to questions but get negative answer. 

"But don't worry, as we tell the police uncle, we might find your uncle tomorrow, also if not, we will go to the police station and tell everything to them okay?" Anu tries to assure the little child. 

"Yes, but if uncle doesn't want me, will you let me live with you" Arnav question, to be honest, he started to like this didi, she hugs him, and also make good food. He really likes this didi.

"Ummm Okay, but you have to be good with both Sidharth and Raj okay?" Anu replied while pinching his cheeks. Raj and Sidharth also started to feel empathetic towards Aranv. As they are the same as him, not having partners, or at last not near them. 

After that Anu decided to end the study session here and do something to lighten the mood. Then she asks the children if they wanted to play something, to which the children also said yes, and then they play for an hour.

Anu realized she needs to do preparation for tomorrow, while she is doing this, the children started to talk with each other.

Raj also tells about his dad and mom listening to this Arnav feels bad for them, especially Sidharth who gets beaten and needs to sleep hungry too.

After that, all of them started to feel sleepy. Anu give them a glass of milk to drink

Then Anu tells them to go to the washroom. And started to make arrangements for sleeping. They don't have a bed, and now they have an extra member. Thankfully today, the weather is not cold. 

Arnav never sleeps on the ground and with so many people, but he is not hating it. Ironically he started to like it. Raj and Sidharth decided to let him sleep near didi, as he is more pitiful than them. Arnav also started to like them after playing and talking. And this way the sleeping arrangement is done.

They are too tired that they quickly fall asleep, but not everyone is as lucky as them.