Chapter 1120

"Where does my project have childe? Your business is important!"

It's not snowy night singing with Gu. For snowy night, that's what I think.

Especially when he knows that Gu Qingge is going to open a new article, Xueye really feels that all things are not as important as this.

"What's the matter with me?" Gu Qingge had not understood the words of the snowy night.

"I hear you're going to write a story!" Snow night also did not follow Gu Qingge winding, directly explained the purpose.

“……” Originally, Gu Qingge was not very clear about the meaning of this call, but the meaning of this sentence suddenly dawned on him.

Sure enough, at that time, I felt that the sudden compromise of her son Lu was really sudden. It turned out that the last move was here!

"My son Lu told you that!" Gu Qingge said with a helpless smile, it's really true love. He doesn't urge me to be more, but he changes his pattern. Another person urges me to be more, more powerful, more powerful.

"I didn't say anything

Snow night at this time did not admit, it is estimated that Lu Xingye told him this thing, but also told him not to tell Gu Qingge that he urged.

"You don't need to think about it, OK? He's the only one who knows I'm going to write a new article, OK! " Gu Qingge can't help but laugh. Does the young master Lu of his family want to be so funny? Do you think he's doing it unconsciously?

People say that a child is stupid for three years. Why is it that Lu Xingye is so stupid in their family?

"Don't make such a digression. Let's talk about your new article." At this time, Xueye naturally knows that it is necessary to control this dominant power, otherwise Xinwen is hopeless!

"Write tomorrow!" Gu Qingge is still used to procrastinating. Sometimes she is lazy. If you want her to be diligent, you really can't blame her.

"How long do you say you owe for your new pit? Do you know how long your fans have been waiting? I know you're pregnant, that's understandable, but what about your fans? You have the ability to say that you are pregnant! "

It's a snowy night to open the pit. It's also domineering. This really makes Gu Qingge speechless.

"That's not so bad as one or two days!" Gu Qingge kept on struggling in a low voice.

"Believe it or not, I'll expose your vest right away!" Snowy night has reached the point of exposing vest: "to tell you the truth, you are not bad, tomorrow is still today, so it's still today!"

“……” I really know how to talk. After all, I still want her to write today. Can I still have a little love!

"You can't open it. Be careful that I publish your address and let readers send you knives. Hehe!" The snow night pretended to be cruel and said a word.

"Just open it, as to the point of using a knife?" Gu Qingge thinks that fans won't send it. On a snowy night, he will first send a box of knives.

Forget it, forget it, tomorrow is open, today is open, quietly hold up the computer!

"By the way, young master, are you going back to the entertainment industry?" The snow night can't help but ask curiously.

"If I don't come back for the time being, my waistcoat has been stripped. It's no fun." Gu Qingge said that he was more resolute: "so, I want to continue to mix in another circle. After all, the vest has not been stripped off."

This is the importance of opening a vest. It doesn't matter if one is grilled. We have another. It's all right!