"Since it's the night emperor, I'll accompany you back for a while. I want to see what the night emperor's woman looks like."

Auguste's tongue licked the corner of his lips, stained with a bloodthirsty smell.

He was not interested in the Su family's affairs, but the night emperor really made him interested.

"Really? Thank you so much, August Said, Suning snow bent over, want to give Auguste a kiss, but Auguste slightly looked up staggered.

Su Ningxue was a little stunned, and pretended to be very disappointed the next second: "August, don't you like me?"

"No Auguste denied it without thinking about it.

"Then, will you accompany me in the evening?" Suning snow in the heart a joy, take the opportunity to put forward their own ideas, she dressed like this, is not the meaning is very obvious?

"You go back first. I have something to talk about with them." Auguste did not refuse Suning snow, but also did not agree.

"Well, I'll wait for you in my room."

Said, Suning snow seems to be some coy red face, also with other people in the study slightly nodded, this just left the study.

"How did Estelle become like this?" The silver teenager sitting in the corner seems to find it hard to accept this fact.

The others didn't speak, but there was also obvious disappointment and loss in their eyes.

When you look at Auguste, they don't believe that he didn't feel the change of Estelle, which he hasn't seen for three years. What did he think.

Auguste took off his coat and left it aside. His eyes were full of disdain.

"You still think she's Estelle?"

Auguste spoke in a cold voice. Although he didn't know why someone was so similar to Estelle, he could be sure that she was not the Muse in his mind.

"What? Young master, you say she's not Estelle! "Auguste's words, like a deep-water bomb, stir up a thousand waves, the rest of the study suddenly stood up and looked at Auguste in disbelief.

These people accompanied Auguste to school before, and they were classmates with subaige who used to study, and their relationship was pretty good.

But after Auguste was rejected, he was hurt so much that he took them back to Europe together, and then there was no contact.

They did not expect that one day Suning snow would appear in front of them, and they did not expect that it would become so strange.

Although there are some familiar feelings in Suning snow, there are many habits and small actions, which make people feel very uncomfortable.

"Do you think I'm blind? Do I not even know what the person I like is like? "

Auguste said coldly: "I'll keep her, but I just think we can get Estelle's news from her. There must be some connection between them. Otherwise, this woman has some confidence to come to me."

Yes, Auguste knew from the beginning that Suning snow was not Estelle who was at school with him. He left her because of his selfishness.

Before he was rejected, he felt that he had no face and went back to his hometown. He didn't ask about her and didn't care about any news about her. He thought he didn't care anymore.

But when the familiar face appeared in front of him again, all his disguises disintegrated. Yes, he still had her in his heart.