"How cute The girls are almost starry.

"Well, young master, how is your relationship with Lu dada? We see the interaction between you and Lu dada on Weibo. It's very loving. "

Sister paper, this is a little ambiguous.

She's a man now, OK? Do men and men's basic love have to be so ambiguous?

So, is this the so-called rotten eye looking at the human base?

Gu Qingge sighed, thought about it and said, "generally."

"Good." At the same time, another tender voice sounded, and Gu Qingge's answer was in two directions.

Gu Qingge looked at Lu Yichen helplessly: "are you here to dismantle my platform?"

"But what Xiao Liu said is true." Lu Yichen also looked at Gu Qingge innocently, blinked and said to his fingers.

Gu Qingge was really helpless. He shook his head and gave up: "if you have anything, just ask him, Lu Xiaoliu, the only official spokesman for Jinghong."

Lu Yichen was very proud of this. He raised his head, reached out and saluted Gu Qingge: "yes sir!"

It seems that after being entrusted with an important task, Lu Yichen became serious and became a fan. He sat upright and looked like a little adult: "if you have anything you want to know, you can ask me."

Gu Qingge holds one hand on his chin, tilts his head, and looks at Lu Yichen with a helpless smile.

She's kind of like, see how her little guy's going to do it.

Also, what questions can these girls ask.

"Does the young man have a girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend?" Lu Yichen seems to be seriously digesting this word.

"Is there one that you can kiss?" The girls thought about it and simplified the meaning of the word.

"Well, do I count?" Lu Yichen is serious answer, but let Gu Qingge can't help laughing, Lu Yichen's answer is not wrong.

"You don't count. You want to be as big as the young master, do you?"

Lu Yichen thought about it. He felt all kinds of unhappiness on his face. He complained and said: "yes, I hate him very much. My brother is mine. He always robs me and bullies me. It's really bad."

Of course, Gu Qingge knows who Lu Yichen is talking about and understands what Lu Yichen means.

But for others, listening is another meaning, just listening can show the picture in the mind, also can't help a little jealous.

"You have a goblin, and you are a grinding goblin."

Sister papers look at Gu Qingge with injured faces, but Gu Qingge can't help laughing. Are they saying that Lu Xingye is a grinding goblin?

I don't know what Lu Xingye will feel after hearing this?

Looking at the sweet smile on Gu Qingge's face, the girls will know that the young master already has a very fond and loving object.

"Childe, you are happy. We will always support you and like you."

"Well, we are your solid support group."

"No matter what happens, we will stand behind you and support you."

I have to say that although these words are pretty, they are still very useful to Gu Qingge.

"I'm fine. You're fine. That's the best way to repay me."

Gu Qingge never thought about what to get in return from her fans. If everyone is good, it is the best.