Chapter 36:The Legacy Realm

"Both the Ice Crystal Fist and Windstorm Kick require at least Martial Spirit Level Six to execute, but I can already execute them now! Although they are only at the lesser attainment stage, it's sufficient for me to double my combat strength!"

If Li Ye thoughts were made known to the public, it would certainly cause a huge stir!

Battle techniques were easy to learn, but training them to lesser attainment took time. Still, people like him were truly devious, as he could just watch other people's tricks and learn them. Reaching lesser attainment would take almost no time at all.

"Unfortunately, I can't cultivate it to greater attainment unless I break through to Level Six. I can't use it at all otherwise."

Shaking his head to himself, Li Ye then put his thoughts to one of the three techniques that he had secretly learned—the one and only physical technique.

"The Footstep Mirage is more difficult to cultivate than ordinary Yellow Rank Advanced techniques."

That particular point was evident in Li Gei. He had peak Level Seven cultivation and was about twenty-years-old. It was obvious that he had ample time to cultivate it, yet he still only reached the lesser attainment stage and could only produce three doppelgangers. In a stretch, he could produce four.

Even if Li Gei was not considered a prodigy, he could at least be considered one of the few top-class individuals within the Li clan. What did the rest have when he had such talent and cognizance? Even Li Xuan chose only the Windflow Stride, a Yellow Rank Intermediate physical technique. It was clear then, that the Yellow Rank Advanced Footstep Mirage was an incredibly difficult technique.

When defeating Li Xuan earlier, Li Ye relied on the unpredictable moves of the Windstorm Kick in order to create a doppelganger that could Li Xuan's attention. He darted to Li Xuan's back, then wielded his bloodpupils' to perform an illusion that would impact his opponent's spirit. A surprise effect was thus created.

"I won a bit dangerously in that battle."

Excessive pride could make anyone arrogant, something which Li Ye understood well.

If their strength was compared, Li Xuan was no doubt better than him!

Of course, Li Ye had broken through to Martial Spirit Level Five, thereby closing the gap between himself and Li Ye.

As he imagined all that in his mind, Li Ye suddenly found himself sinking into a strange space. In a blink of an eye, he found himself in an ancient castle surrounded by endless wasteland. The sky was dark and gloomy, making for a depressing sight.

"Where is this?"

After the initial panic, Li Ye calmed down tremendously. Looking toward the outside, the vast wasteland seemed to be bloody in color, as if soaked by an immeasurable amount of blood.

As he pushed open the gate of the castle and stepped foot inside, the densely-metallic stench of blood assailed his nose.

The taste gave Li Ye an enjoyable thrill of immersing himself inside it and a pleasant little shiver ran up his spine.

"Young Ichorian. Choose whether to step into the castle according to the strength of your bloodline."

An old and ancient-sounding voice echoed in his mind.

"Who's there!"

He scanned the surroundings vigilantly but there was no one to be seen. Instead, there stood a human statue with bat-like wings on its back.

"A vampire statue?"

The statue before him was a handsome man. The wings behind him were not those black bat wings seen in vampire movies—it was golden.

"Enter whichever room you are able to enter and accept the legacy of the Ichor race."

The old voice sounded once more, and on that occasion, Li Ye felt the voice acting directly on his mind instead of being heard by his ears.

"Let's have a look at the situation first!"

Since Li Ye arrived there for some reason, he calmed himself down. Considering the vampire statue that was present inside the castle, there was probably little danger to him since he was also a vampire.

The so-called Ichor race mentioned by the voice was precisely how vampires addressed themselves.

He glanced briefly and noticed that the castle was very large. There were a total of seven doors, and above them was another one that bore a golden seal.

He walked to and stood in front of the seven doors. At the far left was the smallest door, about the size of an ordinary room door. Subsequently, the seven doors became progressively larger, with the energy emanating from them gradually becoming more imposing.

"The Baron's Door?" There were strange words engraved on the first door, but he was able to understand them at a glance.

He then looked at the second door, which also had a line of words engraved. At a glance, he immediately translated it in his mind, 'The Viscount's Door.'

"Could it be?" Li Ye's heart skipped a beat and he immediately continued to look at the others.

Sure enough, the third door was labelled 'The Count's Door', while the fourth door had the words 'The Marquis' Door'. On the fifth door were the words 'The Duke's Door'. The seventh and most luxurious door was 'The King's Gate', complete with gold lettering.

"Are these ranks for vampires?"

As a person who has read a lot of vampire novels and seen a lot of vampire movies, he was familiar with the division of status for vampires or Ichorians. From the looks of it, everything seemed to make sense.

"Then what is my Ichorian rank as of now?"

Since the old voice had ushered him into the main entrance, it means that Li Ye must choose the door that suited him. He was nevertheless worried—it was not by choice that he became an Ichorian, and no one had ever told him anything about it.

There was no other alternative for him except to start from The Baron's Door, which was lowest in rank.

He reached out and pushed it, but it did not budge.

The second door was similarly unresponsive, which surprised him. "Of these two low-rank doors, neither The Baron's Door nor The Viscount's Door responded. Does that mean I rank higher?"

An Ichorian's higher rank would not only enable him to suppress those lower than him. It could also bring about an all-round change.

"The Count's Door isn't budging either."

The third door did not move as well, making Li Ye even more curious.

A reaction finally came when he reached out to push the fourth door.

All of a sudden, Li Ye felt that he had entered another strange space. As he looked ahead, he was inside a room, and before him was a thirty-year-old man in tailcoats.

"Don't worry, I'm The Marquis' Door's legacy elf."

Sensing the wariness in Li Ye's eyes, the other side grinned suddenly and behaved like medieval European aristocracy. One was barely able to pick up any faults in him.

"Legacy elf?"

"Yes, you have entered here, and as an Ichorian, you have the mission of reviving the Ichor race. And in the future, I—the legacy elf—shall guide you to truly understand how you should use the Ichor race's power."

A half-skeptical Li Ye glanced around and relaxed only when he realized there was no danger.

"How do I accept this legacy?"

Li Ye was obviously already aware that he was a Marquis of the Ichor race, but the one thing that puzzled him was the rumors that Marquis vampires had supernatural powers. Why was he unable to show much of that ability even though he was a Marquis?

"It's very simple, let go of your spirit, and I will pass some of the most basic content into your soul."

Li Ye frowned and put his guard up once more.

"Is there any other way?"

"Yes. Almost every book about the Ichor race is available here, but you need to read them one by one."

The legacy elf did not really mind Li Ye putting his guard up. He merely smiled and pointed at the entire room. Li Ye then noticed that it was actually an incredibly large study, with countless books available. At first glance, he was unable to determine how many books there were.

He reached out and picked up a book. The script was similar to the text on the door, but he could understand it with a single look.

"Maybe this is the Ichor race's own script?"

However, a sudden burst of bloody radiance erupted in his eyes when he looked down. The next moment, the book's contents appeared directly in his mind, like a copy.

"This is possible?" Li Ye was overjoyed. It was equivalent to a photographic memory, but much more incredible than it! He could copy the entire contents with a mere glance!

Even the legacy elf was shocked at that point. After seeing the change in Li Ye's eyes, his face turned strange

Meanwhile, Li Ye quietly absorbed the contents of the book in hand. Unsure if it was mere coincidence, the book seemed to record the origin of that mysterious realm.

"The Legacy Realm. I didn't expect this to be the Ichor race's Legacy Realm."

Through that, he knew that his spirit traveled there, much like an out-of-body experience. Leaving the realm was very easy as well. The mere thought of leaving would bring him out of there.

Sure enough, he saw only blackness after manifesting that thought. The next time he opened his eyes, he heard the familiar noise of battling in his ears.

"I'm back." He found that he was still sitting in the same spot. Time outside did not seem to have passed much after his entrance into the Legacy Realm.

"I spent at least half an hour in the Legacy Realm just now, but only one or two minutes passed in the outside world."

The inner disciple battles were still going on, but it had reached the highlight that everyone was waiting for.

One of them was seen to soar up and land on the platform, leading everyone to inhale sharply.

"It's Li Huo! The sixth-placed inner disciple!"

Li Ye also looked over. Li Huo was even more enigmatic than Li Xuan or Li Wei. After all, he was an Eminent Master who had reached Level Eight, and was already strong enough to compete with some of the elders within the clan.

"Li Huo, who do you challenge!"

"The first-placed inner disciple, Li Mo!"


Everyone was immediately stunned once they heard what Li Huo said!

Li Ye looked at him and felt quite surprised too. Amongst the top six disciples, Li Mo was consistently first throughout the years. Li Yue ranked fourth before, but for some reason he was not present.

Since someone had challenged the first-placed Li Mo directly, everyone's directed their attention over to him.

Many clan elders who had never shown themselves arrived at the venue. After all, it was a battle involving Li Mo, the clan's foremost prodigy.

When the well-known Li Mo was compared to Li Ye, they were both on polar opposites, like the sky and the earth. Li Mo showed extraordinary talent for cultivation ever since a young age. Everything went smoothly for him as he became the foremost disciple of the clan!

"Although Li Huo achieved Level Eight last year and became an Eminent Master, the person he challenged is Li Mo, hailed as the clan's foremost prodigy and one of Wu Prefecture City's Four Great Prodigies! He had a breakthrough to Level Seven when he was fifteen, then reached Level Eight barely two years later!

The halo of such dazzling accomplishments could even make some clan elders treat Li Mo extra politely!