Qin Mu's name is really like thunder.

He left a brilliant hero image in the north of the United States, which shocked the world.

At that time, there was an upsurge of Donghua Kung Fu. Some young people admired such heroes.

He once trampled on the virtual characters created by meibei. After all, they were only characters in TV dramas, and Qin Mu was a real hero.

A large group of security guards and bodyguards rushed to surround Qin Mu and others,

old Pearson weakly waved to them to step down.

People like Qin Mu can't be provoked by ordinary bodyguards.

"Anne Bennet, don't be proud too soon."

Throw down a cruel words, hate to leave.

In the elevator, old Pearson's assistant asked indignantly, "Chairman, shall we just let it go?"

Old Pearson glared at him angrily. He hated people saying such silly things when they had no face.

There are also strong people in North America. There will always be people who can deal with this arrogant Donghua.

In the conference room of the headquarters building, Princess Anne Baina of the Mogen family took over her post again and solemnly announced several important decisions.

Since her father's accident, family affairs and company affairs have been in a mess.

Uncle and Pearson have been forced to intervene, directly leading to the company's many policies can not be implemented.

Annie Benner's top priority is to seek stability. In such a competitive society, some people will take advantage of the company's turbulence to steal your favorite capable men.

Next, she will go to the board of directors to expose the crimes of the old Pearson and his son.

But at present, she has no way to get the evidence of her father's death, otherwise as long as the evidence is put to the old man, the old Pearson and his son will be finished, and they will be expelled from the family.

Old Pearson came out of the headquarters building and asked seriously, "how's the prince?"

After the assistant made a phone call, he reported that he was having a physical examination in the hospital

"Go and have a look."

He really couldn't understand why there was such a shame.

Rush to the hospital, just check Pearson is very depressed, but the doctor said nothing, everything is normal.

He can't understand, how can everything be normal suddenly so ugly?

And he can't control it at all. If he's attending a party or hosting a meeting and suddenly comes out like this, isn't he going to find a place to kill him?

Old Pearson came and asked about it.

Pearson said angrily, "Dad, we must kill some Donghua people Annie Baina brought back."

Old Pearson calm face, "Joyce, you go to make an appointment with the female president named Lu Yaqing, I want to talk to her."

Pearson's eyes widened. "Dad - are you going to make peace with them?"

What about revenge?

Old Pearson scowled at the useless guy. "We'll double the terms Annie Baina gave them."

The most urgent task is to appease the people. As long as we can get the inheritance right of the family, what is this money?

Joyce let out a cry and left in a hurry.

Annie Beina is in a meeting,

Qin Mu is sitting in the reception room next to her. Cheng Xueyi says, "Da meiniu, is that what you mean by tourism?"

Lu Yaqing giggled, "don't worry. When Annie Beina's business is settled, I'm afraid you don't have the tour you want?"

"Don't forget, now the company also has your shares."

Cheng Xueyi said, "I'm not interested in money now."

Qin Mu took the opportunity to say, "you can be interested in me!"


It's so bold to openly tease my wife's best friend.

Cheng Xueyi put aside the topic, "what should we do next?"

Qin Mu lit a cigarette and cocked his legs. "Don't worry. If they don't take revenge on us, they should negotiate with us."


Cheng Xueyi doesn't think it's possible. It's true to find revenge for them.

After all, Qin Mu offended so many noble children last night. How can they give up?

It's estimated that a lot of people are lining up to avenge him now.

Sure enough, more than a dozen cars came at the gate of the Mogen family headquarters building.

The son of the first banker was beaten and maimed by Qin Mu.

This time it's his brother, a tough guy.

Since childhood, I like to fight and do something adventurous.

It's said that his elder brother Augustus was forced to apologize in public after his leg was broken?

With a hundred to the momentum of fierce kill over.

And they all come with a gun, oh no, with a gun.This guy is very big, his arms are tanned by the sun, with some ancient patterns.

In the north of the United States, he can be regarded as a warrior, but he prefers the blood and stimulation of bullet penetrating his opponent's skull.

He also often plays in the wild to survive and constantly challenges his limits.

the more cruel he is, the more he likes it.

It's said that a Donghua man came to pretend to be Bi and hurt his brother. This guy licked his lips,

seems to smell what he likes.

It's said that Annie Baina provoked the man, so without saying a word, Niubi took hundreds of people to the headquarters of Mogen family.

If Annie Benner can't hand over anyone today, he'll be embarrassed.

He doesn't care about your Mogen family or not.

he's mad to kill you!

They are a very boring family.

In front of this guy, he has done some pretty ridiculous things.

A bank robbery in Western Europe.

In this respect, he has a natural sense of superiority and knows where the weakness of the bank lies.

So the bank was robbed, and he did it vigorously.

In addition, when he was bored, he led a group of mercenaries to experience life in the war zone.

It is such a madman that he came to avenge his brother Augustus today.

A group of people rushed up and smashed the glass door of the Mogen family headquarters.

The savage was carrying a gun, and Niubi roared, "ask Annie Baina to give me the man, or someone will blow up their headquarters building today."

The security guard downstairs was completely scared. How dare you say that?

Someone called upstairs immediately, and Annie Benner, who was about to have a meeting, had to interrupt the meeting.

She didn't disturb Qin Mu. People come to seek revenge. If she confesses Qin Mu, isn't she very ungrateful?

But Qin Mu saw her look in a hurry and immediately followed, "what's the matter?"

Anne Augustine's savage brother knows that.

He had to say truthfully, "people from the first bank family have come to take revenge."

Ha ha

Qin Mu laughed, "does he have three legs?"

"Come on, I'll see."

He turned to Cheng Xueyi and said, "Xueyi, protect Yaqing."

Cheng Xueyi said, "I know!"

Lu Yaqing's evil power is so powerful in her body. I'm afraid it's more powerful than herself. Do you need to protect yourself?

That said, she had to watch carefully just in case.

Qin Mu came out with Annie Beina laughing, holding the cigarette in his mouth and asked with a smile, "who has come to die again?"