North America, presidential palace.

The original staff of the defense system are working hard to repair the loopholes.

But they were surprised to find that all the data had been changed.

Now they can't control the defense system at all, which means that the defense system has become a sharp weapon for others to attack them.

But they dare not disturb anyone, they only dare to report to the president quietly.

The president immediately summoned the main head of the military.

The news was announced.

In fact, the person in charge of the military already knew about it, but he didn't expect that the problem was so serious.

Even the people who develop these systems are helpless. This is the most terrible thing.

Of course, they can't be like those bandits, pointing guns at them and quickly mending the loopholes.

They are also under great pressure.

In their dreams, they never thought that the defense system, which was developed by the top experts in the country, was cracked by others.

Then they worked hard to repair, racked their brains, and dozens of top talents gathered together.

Meet, discuss, study

They tried everything they could, but they still couldn't find a point.

As everyone knows, it's time.

Word came from ferrard that they were ready to release the biggest drug dealer, orwellov, in exchange for the hostages.

So they need to repair the whole system as soon as possible during the hostage exchange.

President franm called the top military leader into the office and the two held secret consultations.

"Give the city of ferrard an order to attack as soon as the hostage exchange is over."

"Completely destroy all Fortifications on the island. There will be no bandits on the island!"

This is a consensus reached between President franm and the top military officer.

Soon, ferrard city received the top secret immediately.

General Hoggie was silent and did not tell the governor the news.

After all, he is directly under the command of Shangfeng.

After receiving the order, he has quietly ordered the whole army to stand by.

All fleets are ready. At the first command, the whole army will attack.

At the same time, the rescue work in the city is in full swing.

And Chen Bin, they are in the coffee shop, at ease.

Lu Yating stares at the computer and doesn't know what she's doing?

Chen Bin leaned over and said, "what are you doing?"

Lu Yating said watching the war.


Can you see anything here?

Chen Bin certainly does not understand these, also does not understand these codes.

Lu Yating knows it like the back of her hand.

Now, the high-level of North America is working hard to repair the loopholes in its defense system, while the opposing party is going to attack, and the two sides are in a state of anxiety.

At the moment, Qin Mu and more than a dozen special soldiers escorted orwellov to trade with Dani.

Denny was like a commanding general, sitting in the command room himself.

Through satellite positioning monitoring, we can keep track of Qin Mu's actions at any time.

The poet and the remaining ten contestants also did not relax, and fought with the North American experts thousands of miles away.

Lin Liangliang and others soon entered the state. After sitting in front of the computer, the whole person became excited.

They soon found out that the other side was making a counterattack and mending the previous loopholes.

You know, the other side also concentrated the top talents in the country to develop this defense system.

Although they were caught unprepared by the poet at the beginning, after a few hours of discussion and research, they immediately found out the reason.

Now they are doing their best to encircle them, so the poet is not careless at all.

If they lose, they will be killed mercilessly.

The war between the two sides, which was free of gunpowder, was also very fierce.

Qin Mu is sailing.

Calm standing on the bow, looking into the distance.

Behind the scenes, more than a dozen special soldiers, as if facing the enemy, dare not relax.

They knew in their hearts that they were risking their lives to make a deal.

Once the deal fails, there is likely to be no return.

Seeing that Qin Mu is so calm, they can't imagine what skills this young Donghua man has?

Even let the president personally promise, after it is done, to promise him any conditions.

Despite some doubts, no one asked.

Ten nautical miles from the island, the only satellite phone on board rang.

Denny said on the phone, "that's enough. Stop moving now."

Special forces Captain George said angrily, "what the hell do you want to do, asshole?"

Denny said with a playful smile, "Oh, sorry, I don't believe you people.""Stop there and I'll send our boat to pick you up."

This guy suspected that they had done something on the boat, so they were not allowed to get close to the boat.

Orwellov, with a short temper, yelled at Denny, "enough. I'm afraid they don't dare to play tricks!"

"I want to get out of this place as soon as possible."

After more than a year in prison, his temper is getting hotter and hotter.

Denny said, "don't worry, orwellov. We're almost there."

"They will take you to our own boat!"

When the phone hung up, George went to the bow of the boat and said to Qin Mu, "they won't let us go any further. I think they are on the nearby island!"

"Or shall we go and find them?"

Qin Mu looked at him, "no!"

"You stay here!"

With that, he jumped.

To the sea.


God, what is he doing?

The special forces widened their eyes one by one, almost inconceivable.

Orwellov, who was shackled, was also silly. He looked at the place where Qin Mu jumped down and said, "son of a bitch, let me have a look!"

Orwellov struggled and yelled. He was escorted to the bow.

Oh, my God!

In the storm, Qin Mu stood up with both hands on his back, and went to the island against the wind and waves.

This How is that possible?

"Devil! He is the devil

Orwellov, who has always been called the devil, cried out in horror.

How can one walk on the sea?

And he didn't have to go at all, so he floated across the sea.

Oh, my God!

Those special forces in the north of the United States were also flustered. They felt a burst of groundless panic about Qin Mu's unpredictable behavior.

Is this the legendary Donghua martial arts?

There is no peace in these people's hearts.

In particular, special soldiers like them are very powerful, and usually more than ten or twenty ordinary people are not their opponents at all.

At the moment, seeing Qin Mu go through the waves with his own eyes, he was only frightened.

On the island, at the base of Denny's illegal armed gang, someone suddenly yelled, "I'm venting! What's this? "

Ferocious beard came over with a gun, "what's the matter?"

"Look, look, there's a man coming from the sea."

If you don't believe it, how can it be?

He ran to the screen to see, I go!

There's a guy coming this way.

Soon, someone alerted Denny.

Denny didn't believe it was true either. He picked up his telescope and looked up at the sea.

On the sea, a young man stood up with his hands tied, riding the wind and waves, and rushed straight to the island.

With an instinctive shock, Denny sat down on the ground, even throwing his telescope aside.

Soon, he got up again and looked through the telescope.

"It's like a Donghua."

Someone nearby called.

"Kill him!"

Denny calmed down and said decisively.