They soon learned the reason from ye Zifei.

Qiao Tianyuan also heard about the news that the Qin family abandoned their son.

Just didn't expect that this guy was so abnormal that he directly abused ye Zifei.

Ye Zifei is the arrogant of the young generation of the Ye family. Even if we look at Tiandu, his strength is not equal to that of ordinary people.

Qiao Tianyuan can't help but wonder in his heart. He wants to have a good chance to meet Qin.

Ye Zifei asked Cui Weibin, "Weibin, QIANJIAO group has a market value of more than 40 billion. How much capital do you need?"

Cui Weibin said professionally, "it depends on what ye Shao wants to achieve."

Ye Zifei said in a hateful voice, "I want to take the equity of QIANJIAO group, enough to master Chen QIANJIAO and make her obedient!"

Cui Weibin shook his head, "this is not very realistic. The leaves are few. "

Ye Zifei was angry. "What do you mean? Aren't you known as the stock market ghost? Is it just in vain? "

Facing a series of questions from ye Zifei, Qiao Tianyuan had to explain, "Ye Shao, why are you excited? Why don't you listen to Wei Bin's explanation? "

Ye Zifei said strongly, "I don't need any explanation. How much do you want to win QIANJIAO group? Just ask."

"I don't care about the rest, I just want the results."

Cui Weibin sighed secretly, layman is layman, QIANJIAO group belongs to the kind of enterprise with high concentration of equity.

If you want to win in the secondary market, it is almost impossible.

Unless their equity is too fragmented, it will give people opportunities.

In the current situation, at most, QIANJIAO group set off a wave.

Of course, if it works well, it requires superb technology.

But ye Zifei said, he does not want the process, as long as the result.

Cui Weibin knew that he could not speak, and no longer explained.

Qiao Tianyuan is an economic man. He understands.

So he explained the reason to ye Zifei.

Ye Zifei was very upset, "then how much can you do?"

Cui Weibin saw his tone softened and said seriously, "if we invest some money in QIANJIAO group's stock, we can make a profit from him and make them lose billions. This is absolutely no problem."

"As for taking them, it's too hard. Unless ye Shao uses other methods to exert pressure from all aspects. "


Ye Zifei scolded, "if so, do I need you to come forward?"

This guy is so hard to talk about, it's like training his son.

I saw him wave his hand, "then you make trouble for me. You can toss as much as you can. Let them lose as much as possible! Ten points of profit belong to you. "

Cui Weibin nodded, "this is no problem. It's on me."

Under the heavy reward, there must be brave men.

Ten points of profit, that's amazing.

Just like Lu Yaqing's attack on Hu's group at that time, it made Hu's group evaporate billions in an instant.

If Cui Weibin can make a profit of 12 billion yuan in this raid, his income will be an astronomical number of ordinary working class.

Ye Zifei a phone call, immediately mobilize funds into the market.

Ye's family is rich and well connected. It's not a problem for ye to spend billions of yuan.

In order not to disturb the family, he only used his personal connections and mobilized nearly three billion funds at that time.

Such a huge fund collection is just to crack down on QIANJIAO group.

Speed, speed!

With this money, Cui Weibin was confident. His staff immediately gathered in Jianghuai and set up a special operating room overnight.

All funds have been put in place and injected into nearly 100 capital accounts.

This way of operation, is to prevent an account of excess funds, the shareholding ratio of 5% of the card line.

Moreover, due to the excessive concentration of QIANJIAO group's equity, only holding more than 2% of Chen qianyun's shares is likely to enter QIANJIAO group's attention.

Cui Weibin is an expert in this industry, so he will not make such a low-level mistake.

Therefore, he set a ceiling of no more than 200 million for each capital account.

And ye Zifei is still continuing to mobilize funds, heavy fist attack, hit QIANJIAO group unprepared.

At the same time, there are many kinds of funds outside the stock market. These are the institutions that suffered losses in QIANJIAO group last time. They are also secretly vowing to avenge themselves this time.

Multi channel funds are gathering and ready to go.

A plot against QIANJIAO group is quietly unfolding.

But Lu Yaqing is preparing to reduce the company's shares and free up funds to acquire two major enterprises.

Although she only proposed the acquisition of Tianhong at the meeting, deliberately leaving a foreshadowing, the idea in her mind is to wholly acquire the two major enterprises.

The next morning, Lu Yaqing sat in front of the computer with her coffee and opened the trading software.It's 9:30 in the morning.

It's only eight forty now.

QIANJIAO group has issued a reduction notice in accordance with the provisions.

The reduction ratio is 2.35 points, with a total amount of nearly 1 billion.

The stock market was in an uproar as soon as the announcement was issued.

Qin Mu came in leisurely, saw Lu Yaqing sitting in front of the computer, picked up the coffee in front of her and took a drink.

"What's the smell? You don't add sugar? "

Qin Mu put the cup back.

Lu Yaqing is speechless, "do you like to drink other people's saliva so much?"

"It depends on who? I don't have this hobby for anyone but you. "

Qin Mu sat down and looked at the computer screen.

"How did you reduce your holdings? Is there not enough money? "

Lu Yaqing is going to buy a clothing company on purpose. Don't you know what we can do

Qin Mu shook his head, "you are so powerful, the money in the stock market is not equal to the money in your pocket?"

"Today's reduction will soon be followed by many people who don't know the truth. Then you can take it back at a low price, and people won't be killed by you?"

Lu Yaqing screwed up her eyebrows and said, "how can it be as simple as what you said?"

She pushed the cup over. "Since you like it so much, drink it!"

Qin Mu said, "no, let me drink the rest of your saliva?"

But this guy is still very shameless to pick up the coffee, really drink.

Lu Yaqing has been watching him finish the rest of the coffee, and very disgusting licking her lips, she instinctively covered her mouth.

I don't know why, seeing his action, I always feel that what he licks seems to be his own lips.

At 9:30 a.m., the stock price of QIANJIAO group was affected by the reduction and fell rapidly.

Some small retail investors who want to make a profit in the stock market are scared because they have a lot of money and lack of confidence?

Suddenly see such a notice, immediately panic.

Throw it! Throw it! Throw it!

Stock prices in these small as ants like retail selling pressure, continued to fall.

The covetous institutions and hot money have brightened their eyes, focused on the market and analyzed the motives behind.

The institutions that have been cheated and cheated are even more eager to watch the fat meat one by one.

At the same time, the trading team led by Cui Weibin was ready as early as last night.

Analysts and traders are waiting for Cui Weibin's instructions one by one.

"Mr. Cui, do you want to place an order? Someone can't bear to do it. "

Cui Weibin saw the situation of the disk, smiling and shaking his head. Cui Weibin, who was going to enter today, suddenly changed his mind. "Don't worry. After they start, they will immediately release the bad news of QIANJIAO group."

Everyone was surprised, but immediately after the reaction, all face drink Pei.

It's really high!

Worthy of the stock market ghost.

Once the bad news is released, QIANJIAO group's share price is bound to fall again.

As a result, those institutions and retail investors who thought they had found a bargain had to bear the pain and give up when they saw that the stock price continued to fall. Then they found the cheapest chip without any effort.

Ghost hand is worthy of ghost hand, even the way of thinking is not the same.

Afterwards, whether QIANJIAO group clarifies the authenticity of bad news or not, at least their goal has been achieved.

Wait for others to react, Cui Weibin has the chance to win.

If Lu Yaqing doesn't realize the seriousness of the problem, it will be an unprecedented stock market catastrophe waiting for them.

PS: it's dad's birthday. I'll go home and come back tomorrow, so I'll be in the second shift first today.

Thank you for your monthly ticket support, thank you!