Chapter 20:A Sweet Proposal

With lots of changes in myself, friendship, classes, exams we completed our first year in high school. Sometimes we gets angry but the time and happiness we share were out of this world.

I prepared a great birthday present for her, it was a book covered with her photos. For this it took me about half a month to complete the book. There I draw some great paintings and sketches, wrote some interesting thoughts and prepared with full of love and surprises.

I remember her face when she looked at my present, she was very happy, I could see a bright shine in her eyes which was only for you. (I want to say I love you, Salang). You know what I couldn't. I couldn't propose her till now. It's been two years but I haven't gain the courage to speak what's in my heart!

We found the same tuition for mathematics and we go there together. We had great time solving questions and laughing at the teacher coz he was very funny.

I remember that it was the first day of September, time nearly at 2:30, temperature 19°C, it was a quiet sunny day, humidity 43% , wind blowing from North to South direction with a speed of 14 km/h due to which the beautiful yellow - pink flowers were falling down as if the one who live above send angles to pour flowers on us.

She said "I want to say something!"

I said "Okay!"

She then said "I'll grow old one day and I will be a mother then, my children may asked who was my first love! I would point someone sitting in my lawn and would say the person siting on the chair reading newspaper is my first love. I don't want to show them an old picture of you!"

I was totally blanked, my mouth was quite big opened. I asked that what she said, can she repeat that again?

"No, did I born twice? I won't repeat again."

She tried act like she is cold and went forward without looking at me.

"I love you!" I said. (Building courage in my chest!)

She stopped and her coldness melt down. I hold her hands and said "I love you, I'll take care of you, will understand you, will trust you and will always make you happy. I loved you from the beginning but I had no courage to tell you." Without taking a single breathe.

She smiled and said "Will you sit on the chair reading a newspaper?"

"No, I'll tell my children directly that I'm your first love."

She was shining and that shine makes me shine too.

"You have changed your character so much, remember you used to show very funny attitude to everyone?" She said.

"Please, Salang. Don't talk about that, I feel so embarrass when I think about it. Now, I'm changed right?"

"Yes!!!" She smiled and I smiled too.

"I don't know exactly when. But I know that you have proved you love for me!"

"Prove? When? I didn't remember!"

"In the hostel, you took care of me when I was sick. You were the one who understands me when I was completely broken, you hold me. You loved me but you didn't get angry or showed any disappointment to me that I had crush on Makon and whenever I'm with you, you always makes me happy. See! You have proved it right?"

"But I haven't done this things to prove it to you, it was because I wanted to!"

"I know, and that makes me feel your love more. We will be late for the tuition let's go!"


We went to the tuition and went back to home. I was very happy, that she loves me too. It was a very sweet proposal. I promised that I'll never make her cry, always make her smile and happy, be with her forever.

I send her a text message, no calls coz I wasn't able to speak.

The message speaks:

(I know that I'm not perfect for you, but I know we will be perfect, I'll never ever let you feel down. You will always be in my heart. I love you, Salang. Friendship one and that one too. Good night Salang. Please have a sweet dreams!)

She replied "I love you too, and good night have a sweet dreams too."