Chapter 17:A Road Which We Named Korean Road

I went home and I asked for Dad, one of my maid told me that he is in his office. I went upstairs and found Dad.

"Dad, please let drive my own car. I want to go to school by myself."

"You don't have to drive, I'm giving someone money to drive you to school."

"I can do that by myself."

"I won't allow it!"

He looked at me, and said "You have no right to asked me, just do what I order you."

"Please Dad, let me go by myself."

He stood up gave me a deep glare and said "You are not independent, let me ask you something, do you earn money?"

I sighed.

"Answer me!" He shouted at me.

"No!" I said.

"Then, you have no right to make decisions, alright! I had given you a lot of money. Don't you think its enough? Now get ready for your business class."

I went back to my room (I really don't need your money, I just want you to understand me).

A man in 40s came and said "Hi, Jack! Myself Neil Austin. You can call me Neil. I'm your teacher and I'll be teaching you business, from basic to advance."

"Oh, welcome sir!"

He taught me for an hour, he was good, but I was not in a mood to understand anything an so I didn't understand what he taught. His lecture strike my left ear and went out of my right ear.

He said "Okay, Great! Let's continue tommorow."

I nodded.

He went back. I was sitting very lonely. I had no one to share my sadness, loneliness. My phone rang, it was Salang. I picked up the phone and said "Hello!"

"Hello, Jack. Its me Salang."

"Yeah, How are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"Same here!" (No I'm not!)

"I know you aren't. What happened? Tell me, it will make you feel good."

(How did you know that I'm sad? If you feel this then why don't you know that I love you?)

"Actually Dad scolded me."

I told the exact scene between me and my father. She made me smile and talking with her makes my mood on.

She said "Always remember if we have a problem now, then there will be a solution, it doesn't matter when, but every problem comes with a solution."

(Her words stick on my mind and makes me feel alive. She is perfect, a simple but perfect girl with great thought).

I said "Thank you, for supporting me. If you weren't I would never be able to smile. Thank you!"

She said "F.F remember!"

"Yeah! But thank you!"

"You are welcome. Okay bye, I had work to do."

"Okay, bye!"

I cut the phone, and watched birds flying in the sky, which makes me live. Salang was the real reason for me to live.

"Son!" Mom called me.

I went near her and she hand over me a car key.

"Mom, which car key is this?"

"It's my old car's key. Now it's yours. Tommorow you will go to school by my old car."


"Don't worry. I had talked about this to him and he listen to me. I'm sorry, son he doesn't allowed to take your own car."

"It's okay, mom. Actually I didn't wanted to take my car. It will create a scene when I'll drive BMW to school. So I prefer your car. Thank you, Mom! You are best mom!"

She embraced me and told me that she had some work, and she left.

I grabbed my phone and called Salang. She received it and I said "You were right, Salang. Every problem has its own solution and to my problem, my mom was my solution. She talked with Dad and hand me her car's key."

"See! I told you!"


We then talked for many minutes, she said "Oh no! Its already 7 pm, I had to make dinner."


"Yeah! Dinner for my family."

"Don't you have any worker!"

"No, we didn't have any! But remember you have to give me a ride!"

"Okay, boss!"

She laughed and hang up the phone.

Next day, I went to pick her for the school.

I said "I don't know this area because I haven't gone out of my house for years."

"Same, I hate going out alone and I hate crowded areas. It is very suffocating."

I opened the GPS from her home to the school choosing a long route.

She asked "Why you have choosen a long route?"

"You told me to give you a ride and we also have a plenty of time."

"Okay then. Let's go!"

We went to a lonely road near school, it was very beautiful there were tree in both the side, luckily it was flower season. She told me to stop the car, she stand in the middle of the road and was very happy. I had capture that moment in my heart and my brain. As the wind blew, flower fell down. She was jumping like a baby. (You look so cute, Salang).

There we spent some minutes. We had to leave coz we can't miss our school. I promised Salang that some day we'll again visit here. She was sad to leave but we had. After school, I asked her if she want to go, she had plans with her friends so she said "No."

"Okay, no problem. Take care, see you!"

She left and I went to my house.

Next day again I pick her and went to the same road we visited a day before. We named that road 'Korean Road'. It was beautiful road as in Korea therefore we named that. And then we go to school.

Picking up her, visiting Korean road has became my daily morning routine. She always smile and enjoyed visiting there and that's why I love visiting there too.