"Yes, Zhang tezhu." A female staff member came up and quickly inquired about the news. Her voice was reduced by countless decibels. "What the president has done recently is unexpected? I suspect that Sheng is always possessed by some demon. "

"Nonsense! Where are ghosts and gods? " But Zhang Weiming was slightly stunned, "what's the matter? The whole news again? "

"Do you pay attention to the president's microblog?"

"I never play with these things."

"Come on, show yourself!"

A mobile phone was handed to Zhang Weiming. When he saw this 9-palace, the whole person froze! That face is red!

So... Direct picture... And this number is directly famous. It is still with V certification.

"The president has a nice figure!" The girl took away her mobile phone and asked curiously, "Zhang tezhu, what's going on? President, is he... Is he divorced? But when Su Xiaoxiao told reporters, he didn't seem to be telling lies. "

Zhang Weiming's face had changed several times. He frowned and turned around and left quickly.

Back to the president's office on the 22nd floor.

Just after entering, Zhang Weiming saw the man standing with his hands in front of the French window. He couldn't imagine that it was the wise and calm man who came to the world who published his super private photos!

But also through their own private microblog!

This style completely surprised him!

Hearing the footsteps, he regained his mind, but did not turn his eyes. He was in a bad mood and his thoughts were a little disordered.

Zhang Weiming stood behind him and frowned. Before he knew how to speak, he spoke with great reputation. He said, "smile and want to enter the entertainment industry. Tell me your opinion."

"..." Zhang Weiming thought about it quickly after receiving this question.

The reputation asked slowly, "do you think I should... Let her in?"

"President, you recently..." Zhang Weiming frowned and asked, "the feelings are very subtle. Ah, in fact, I think we should apply the right medicine to the case. If you love her, stay away from Ou Mengru. "

"Let the matter of Ou Mengru go for a while. I'll pick her up when I'm free." Shengyu didn't look back. He stood with his hands down. His eyes were deep, "do you know how Anxin died?"

Looking at his back, Zhang Weiming was stunned for two seconds. "Didn't he die suddenly?" What's the connection?

"I shot him." High reputation looks out of the window, deep eyes without sadness and joy.

Zhang Weiming's back is inexplicably stiff! His whole mind went blank for a few seconds!

Shooting is like a heavy bomb!

Then I heard him add, "I killed Anxin in front of a smiling face because I lost control of my emotions."

"..." Zhang Weiming could hardly believe this fact. But he must have regretted hearing the reputation.

Even now, his heart must be full of apology.

"So she hates me."

High reputation, dignified tone, eyebrow peaks together.

At this moment, he took the man behind him as his elder. He said, "I don't know what to do to get her forgiveness. She wants to divorce and leave me. But... I really love her, how can I be willing to let her go? "

So, is there no divorce?

"She said she wanted to enter the entertainment industry and shoot. At first, I opposed it, but now... I want to hear your opinion." Because he knows that there is a love called letting go.

The high reputation voice was low, as if it was a matter on his mind.

Hearing the blankness, Zhang Weiming pondered, thought and analyzed for him.

Then the high reputation stopped talking. He turned his back to him, and his deep eyes were always without sadness and joy.