In the morning, what she heard in the conference room pieced together in her mind and made her eyebrows light lock.

The Spanish woman took it silently from her hand, and then Sue smiled and kissed him on the forehead. Her tearful eyes saw that he was safe and healthy. She sucked her nose to calm her mood, "baby, mom will see you again tomorrow." Then she left with the man.

When you leave here, you take another route with seven turns and twenty percent discount.

Su Xiaoxiao tried to write down the route, but she was still dizzy.

She only knew that after taking the elevator five times, she was still going up and down. Finally, she couldn't figure out the floor where she was silent, but she was sure that there was a problem with the elevator.

Just why hide the silence so hidden?

Downstairs, LAN is really waiting for her, and the car is parked next to LAN.

When she saw Su Xiaoxiao, LAN opened the door for her.

"Where is the reputation?" Sue asked him calmly with a smile.

"I don't know."

Su Xiaoxiao walked towards the floor where his office was located, but LAN bypassed the body and stretched out his hand to hold her arm, "don't go!"

She turned her eyes. "Why?"

"Let me take you home. It's not safe here." LAN was a little serious and spoke quickly.

Su smiled puzzledly and frowned, "I want to find someone." She said to him, "you can go with me." There are too many questions. She wants to ask Zhang Weiming.

"Mr. Sheng said he must go back at once." LAN stressed.

"What the hell happened?" She felt uneasy and annoyed.

But LAN couldn't help but insert her into the co pilot, "fasten your seat belt! Let's go home first! "

LAN's action was as fast as lightning. When Su Xiaoxiao didn't have time to go down, he had sat in the cab and started the car.

Su Xiaoxiao was startled and looked at him in shock!

It's like a science fiction movie.

Obviously, he is also a normal man with flesh and blood. Why can he act like the wind?

Did it take less than a second to start the car from the outside?

After Lan's car left Shengshi group, through the rearview mirror, Su Xiaoxiao vaguely saw the swarm of bees flocking to the automatic gate!

The scene was in chaos!

The traffic was blocked in an instant! Almost all the guards were out.

Her heart said inexplicably, "stop! Stop! "

In fact, Jinglan also saw the scene at the door of the company. Instead of stopping, he accelerated his speed and went straight to the moon palace!!

"What's going on? What the hell happened? " Su smiled and turned his eyes to the man driving.

Lan said, "I don't know, but Mr. Sheng said he must take you back immediately."

"...." Su smiled inexplicably anxious. She was lying on the window, and the complexity in her eyes could not be described in words.

Su Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone and turned out her prestigious number, but she still didn't dial.

Why should she care about him!

Didn't she hate him?!

When returning to the Moon Palace, Su Xiaoxiao turned on the TV in the living room for the first time.

Because she wants to know what happened, maybe subconsciously she still cares about him.

Sure enough - something big happened to Sheng group!

The TV picture is a mess, the crowd at the gate of the company is surging, many big men holding protest signs are surrounded, and there are journalists with microphones. Everyone is very excited!

Holding the remote control, Su Xiaoxiao turned up the volume and stood in front of the sofa. She twisted her eyebrows and stared at the font at the bottom of the screen.

At the same time, the voice of the beautiful anchor hit the eardrum——