It doesn't mean that the old couple wash their faces with tears every day, because the tears have long dried up.

But both husband and wife feel that the sky has lost color, they can't see the light of tomorrow, and they feel too tired to say one more word.

At this time, the atmosphere in the settled villa is still sad.

In the middle of the living room hung a picture of Anxin before he died. Only by looking at him every day, the old couple felt that their son had not left, and they were a little relieved.

Guan Jiagang made some breakfast. He walked into the living room with a heavy heart and tried to adjust his tone, "Sir and madam, go and have something to eat..."

Su Xiuling hasn't eaten for three days and doesn't drip water.

Unwilling to see a doctor, he lay down on the sofa and stared at the picture of the young master.

I was afraid she would miss it, so my husband stayed at home and didn't dare to leave.

Hearing the housekeeper's voice, her tears couldn't help but snatch out the box again, "let's starve to death... Anxin is gone. What's the meaning of my life?" She leaned back on the sofa with a weak voice.

An Zhenyang sighed, and the whole person lost a big circle, "Oh, what nonsense? What shall I do if you die? "

"Or you die with me."

"We're dead. What about Brigham's? Give it to the enemy? " An Zhenyang is a man. His heart can naturally accommodate all rivers, although his son's death has also dealt a great blow to him. But after all, I'm dead. I still understand the truth that people can't come back from death.

Hearing the word "enemy", Su Xiuling flashed in her mind the appearance of the high reputation of King's presence in the world. If she didn't hate it, it must be false.

She wanted to die with him.

As parents, they all hope to avenge their son.

It's just that the ability is limited. People have a high reputation.

Just then, Lamborghini drove into his home yard and stopped steadily.

The housekeeper first saw the frightening shadow of the car, and his whole body shook, as if an electric current passed through his body, "Mr. Sheng's car."

In the sofa, an Zhenyang and Su Xiuling looked up at the sound. Through the French window, they saw Shengyu and Su Xiaoxiao get out of the car and come towards the living room... Strong hatred rose in Su Xiuling's eyes!

Her whole body was trembling with anger, and an anger was about to erupt from her heart!

An Zhenyang's eyes also sank, and his heart ignited a sense of anger. He has been climbing and rolling in politics for many years. Although he has strong self-control, self-control does not mean that he will calm down when he sees his enemy. His body is trembling and his heart is tight.

After getting off the bus, Shengyu and Su Xiaoxiao walked into the living room.

Su Xiaoxiao is carrying two tonic bags in her hand. Although the gifts are expensive, compared with the crimes committed by reputation, it's definitely a joke to use this thing to make atonement.

Su Xiuling trembled even more when she saw the reputation, and tears of hatred gathered in her eyes!

Standing up slowly from the sofa, a pair of eyes seemed to pierce the reputation!

He could feel the hostility from the other party, and his famous eyebrows were unconsciously frowned. His eyes fell on the enlarged picture of Anxin in the living room. His face was always without any expression, making people unable to see any emotional ups and downs.

Back to the scene of the murder, the reputation of the heart is extremely heavy.

His handsome eyebrows were locked and his eyes were distracted.

Su smiled coldly at him and took two steps to put the bag on the tea table.

She could feel the eyes of the old couple stabbing their faces like knives. Su Xiaoxiao didn't have the courage to look at them. There was a soft pain in her heart, obvious and real.