"Yes." The high reputation faced the reporter and replied with a rising lip, "recent events have added a lot of leisure materials for everyone. I think it's time to clarify. It's rumored that my wife took 10 billion yuan of Sheng's group and disappeared. In fact, people with a little brain will feel that this kind of thing doesn't exist at all."

"First, she is not short of money. She can only take 10 billion when she leaves, but with me, she has countless wealth, and mine is hers."

"Yes, she left, but she didn't take a penny from Sheng's house. And our current state is not divorce. She just goes out to relax. "

"Mr. Sheng, why are you at the airport..." the female reporter asked weakly with curiosity, "go all out to find her? If you just go to relax, won't you come back in a while? "

He said, "I don't know she's leaving, so I'm looking for her. She's not safe outside alone. I'm worried about her."

"Everyone should believe that I have a high reputation and look at people's eyes. Su Xiaoxiao is my wife. I don't have to say whether it's a person or doing things." When the reputation mentioned her, the corners of her lips rose, "I love her very much, so I am willing to spend money to find her."

"But..." another reporter asked, "but this thing was said by Mrs. Sheng." And set his eyes on Ye Fu.

"What's the matter?" Asked Sheng Yu.

The reporter looked uneasily at Yefu, looked at Shengyu again, and whispered, "Mrs. Sheng swept away 10 billion."

"It's just a misunderstanding." Ye Fu was embarrassed. She lowered her eyes, raised her eyes and said, "Xiaoxiao didn't take away 10 billion. She is a kind girl. She has been married to Sheng family for so long, but she never spends indiscriminately, and even rarely buys luxury brands."

"Then you..." of course, the reporter will be very confused.

You said this clearly, but today you said it was a misunderstanding?

Which sentence should I believe?

"I maliciously slandered her about it. It's my fault." Ye Fu hung her eyes in shame and said, "there has been a little situation between our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law recently. In fact, it's not wrong to smile at her. It's because I'm not generous enough. I'm so angry that I did this kind of thing to slander others' reputation. I'm here to say sorry to her." Turning her eyes, she looked at her son sitting next to her, "I also hope Xiaoyu doesn't put it in her heart. My mother really knows that she is wrong. My mother is sorry to smile."

The reporters were shocked!

Such slander is very hurtful, okay?!

Yefu said, "I hope I can win everyone's forgiveness."

So it is. The reporters seem to understand.

But it takes a lot of courage for the mother-in-law to hold a press conference to clarify these things.

She completely ignored her image.

Lolita Cake City on the other side of the ocean.

On the wall of the store, in the ultra-thin LCD TV, a handsome man appeared under the camera, and a group of reporters sat around him.

He sat in the sofa chair with a king's demeanor in his every move.

Xiaoyu is deeply attracted by his famous appearance. His voice is low magnetic, and there is some sadness in his ink eyes.

He said——

"Yo Yo, where are you? Come back if you've had enough. I'm worried about you. "

"Please also provide me with some clues. I want to find her all over the world."

"Long, it's really hard to live without you. I can stand all your little willfulness and temper. Just ask you to come back to me and let me bear all my mistakes alone."