He went shopping with Xia Fei. Such a thing is no longer his style.

And he also protected her with his life. In such a dangerous atmosphere, he protected Xia Fei into his arms all the way, but he was so badly injured.

As his wife, it's impossible to let go every minute.

Thinking of her mother-in-law's desire to match the reputation and Xia Fei, Su Xiaoxiao felt some uncontrollable loss.

But because she was worried about the injury of her reputation, the high-definition photos and dangerous scenes in the mobile news made her hold a heart.

Su Xiaoxiao actively pressed the dial button.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is not in the service area. Please redial later."

She put down her mobile phone, stared at the familiar number, stunned, worried and lost.

Not in the service area?

His cell phone is turned on 24 hours.

By this time, the special plane had taken off from Paris.

The president and princes were a little confused by the reputation of leaving without saying goodbye. At the same time, they were not very comfortable, as if they were stuffed with a fly.

He is just a younger generation. He came all the way to entertain him very well. Except for this accident, why don't you say anything when you leave?

At least it's the president, okay?

Shouldn't it be a little polite? At least sue someone.

Princess Arlo is in a terrible mood!

She didn't expect him to take off without a word!!

At this time, the princess was losing her temper in the bedroom, and a clear sound came!

She smashed everything she could!

"Being his girlfriend is tolerant enough! I haven't divorced him yet! " Arlo clenched his teeth in anger. "What right does he have to dislike me?!"

The roar made the Filipino maid a little overwhelmed, but she just hung her eyes and listened.

"Hum! No one in this world dares to treat me like this! How many people like me?! Why does he dislike me? What's his reason? "

"Damn it! Damn it! The princess will get married before she grows up! "

The personal Filipino maid hung her eyes around the princess and let her vent her emotions.

Until half an hour later, the princess obviously put out the fire, and all the things that should be said and scolded were vented.

The Filipino servant asked weakly, "princess, this video..."

"Yes, of course! Contact Mary! I'll teach her how to write the title! Aren't you afraid of the media? Aren't you afraid of gossip? I'll make him afraid! "

The Filipino servant was stunned and said, "... People have a high reputation."

"What happened to Shengyu? I'm a princess! Call Mary! "

The Filipino maid had no choice but to pick up her mobile phone and call Mary, the first female journalist in France

On a special plane from Paris to Jiangcheng.

Sheng Yu and Xia Fei sit across the tea table.

Xia Fei stared at him for a moment, "don't you really mind? You haven't removed the thread. "

"Go back and let Gu tear it down."

Xia Fei stared at the news on the screen, Tucao Dao, "what's wrong with writing make complaints about what life is protecting me?" Even these rumors came out. What's the PR department for? Didn't you let them press the news? "

"No pressure." Reputation leaned gently into the back of his chair. He turned his eyes and looked at the clouds piled up outside the window. "This is spread by the most authoritative media in France. Now it is the Internet age. The speed of reproduction is like a spreading virus. Without media broadcasting, people on Sina Weibo can set off a big wave as soon as it is reproduced."

"Then go back and explain it." Xia Fei was a little decadent. "You haven't called Xiaoxiao?"

The reputation is silent. He has his own worries.

"She didn't call to ask you?" She asked again.

High reputation gathers eyebrows.

Xia Fei guessed, "there are two possibilities. The first is that she believes you, and the second is that she is angry."