The imperial doctor got up to say goodbye to Shengyu. He took the medicine box and turned away.

When the door opened from the inside, Xia Fei gave way. She didn't go in until the imperial doctor came out. "Reputation, don't you care? Can you attend Princess Arlo's birthday party tonight? What did the imperial doctor say? "

"I don't want to go." In the sofa chair, Sheng Sheng lazily picked up his water glass and took a sip.

Xia Fei came to him and sat down, "but Princess Arlo asked Prince willo to bring a message. She said she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to see you tonight."

"What can I see?" After drinking water, he leaned forward and opened the computer on the tea table.

"Are you sure you won't go?"

"No." He answered without thinking, his slender fingers tapping on the keyboard.

Xia Fei looked at him and was about to go out and answer.

Knock, knock!

When the open door knocked, Xia Fei turned her eyes and saw Prince willo come in, "Mr. Sheng."

Out of politeness, Xia Fei stood up and saluted him.

In the sofa chair, the reputation turned his eyes and greeted him in French, "please sit down."

Prince willo opened the French mode when he came. Xia Fei quickly handed him a cup of Poole tea and said in French, "please have tea."

"Thank you."

Reputation opens a file, and the slender fingers are still beating something on the keyboard.

Even if Prince willo came, he seemed a little restrained in front of high reputation.

The famous King's style is innate.

His knife cut face was flawless, staring at the computer screen, his face was cold and noble.

This is indeed a face that can turn all sentient beings upside down. When such a man sits in front of him, Prince willo can be stunned, and the corners of his lips are stained with a pleasant smile.

He could not help feeling that no wonder Princess Arlo insisted on seeing him.

"Mr. Sheng, Princess Arlo is 22 years old today. She told the president that she has only one wish, that is, to see you and dance with you."

Xia Fei was slightly stunned, and her reputation raised her eyes in surprise.

"Please fulfill her birthday wish." Prince willo smiled kindly and said to them, "the princess is willing to have the simplest birthday this year. From the age of three, she will put forward a wish to the president every birthday. Every year, she spends all her human, material and financial resources, and sometimes lives to meet her."

"Really?" As soon as his eyes closed, he continued to beat the keyboard.

Xia Fei is shocked and takes human life to meet her? Because she's a princess?

"Isn't it?" Prince willo sighed, "on his 21st birthday, it broke the president's head. She wanted to eat a snow lotus. The president sent a death squadron to find it for her after nearly 100 days of snow mountain search."

That's really capricious! What's wrong with eating? Do you have to eat this?

Eat meat?!

Xia Fei had great doubts about the character of Princess Arlo, and she didn't make a good impression at once.

His slender fingers continued to hit the keyboard. His thin lips opened gently and his head didn't lift up. "Is there a media?"

"Yes, the princess's birthday is broadcast live, and many overseas media will reprint it at the same time."

"Call her here and I'll dance with her." If it were not for the president's face, he would not agree.

Not only prince willo was surprised, but even Xia Fei was stunned.

Call here to dance?

The high reputation turned his eyes to the prince and said seriously, "I'm married and don't want to spread any gossip."

"..." the prince expressed understanding. He blinked and said slightly embarrassed, "it's just the princess. She... May not agree."

"Don't agree." The reputation said impolitely, "what's her birthday wish to do with me?"

Xia Fei is surprised. She has a high reputation. You're a cow!!