Did he notice anything?

Su smiled suspiciously at him, and the reputation did not avoid her eyes.

The four eyes are opposite, and time seems to be so still.

"Really have nothing to say to me?" Fame stared at her, and Junyan became condensed.

He hates cheating most, especially the people he trusts most.

Recalling grandpa's confession, Grandpa said, "smile, this is the secret between grandpa and you. Don't tell it to anyone. Xiao Yu can't do it, and ye Fu can't do it. Did you write it down?"

Su smiled away from his searching eyes, and she closed her lips sadly.

She stared at her for a moment, and her reputation was thin and sexy lips opened slightly, "Yo Yo, didn't you agree to be honest?" At this moment, he was a little unhappy.

But I have promised Grandpa.

This man is famous. Even if he doesn't say it, he must have guessed something.

Because he prepared a game of chess.

"Must I ask?" Close at hand, she stared at him. In fact, she didn't want him to ask any more.

He seemed to have guessed the agreement between grandpa and her.

"OK, I won't ask." With that, he gently pushed her up and stood up to go to the bathroom.

Su Xiaoxiao was in a hurry, but he grabbed his arm. The reputation stopped. He didn't look back. His cold face was filled with tolerance and stubbornness.

"High reputation." She was a little embarrassed. "Now that you know, don't ask again. I don't want to break my promise."

"What promise did you give grandpa?" He turned his eyes and whispered, "why hide it from me? Since you want to hide it from me, I'll think it's a conspiracy! "

"It's not a conspiracy! Not so serious! " She explained, "really not, just simply tell me some knowledge of enterprise management, tell me about Sheng's development history, the ups and downs it has experienced, and its brilliant footprints step by step today, that's all!"

"...." Shengyu didn't believe it. He knew that there must be a deeper secret.

But why did grandpa hide it from him?

She was secretly cultivated, but she insisted on playing chess!

Has he made any decision?

From small to large, grandpa has always loved himself, and his reputation has never disappointed Grandpa.

Grandpa has always been honest with him.

Since when did grandpa start cheating him?

Yes, the reputation has a sense of crisis. It is not the crisis of status, but the relationship between him and his grandfather. In fact, it is not so good?

Although the man who gave him a sense of crisis was his wife.

Because I'm not sure what grandpa thinks, the reputation is a little frustrated.

What does he want?

"Don't think too much." Su Xiaoxiao held his arm tightly. She walked up to him. "No matter what I learned, I won't participate in Sheng's management. Can I give you such a commitment?"

"You know what I care about!" The deep eyes under the famous dark eyes are shining with a sharp cold light, "you know I love you! I can give you everything you want! Even the whole Sheng family, even my life! "

Su Xiaoxiao was a little sad. She didn't know how to heal the wound in his heart.

"But grandpa's way of hiding from me really hurts me, do you understand? I think I can know about it. I won't object at all! " The reputation stared at her, and there was no expression on her indifferent face, "I need to be quiet." With that, he pulled away her hand, turned and walked towards the bathroom without looking back.

I heard the bathroom door slamming!

Su Xiaoxiao was shocked and stood beside the sofa chair. She tried to adjust her breathing.