What happened during this time is too bad.

He is becoming more and more estranged from his long life.

"High reputation, you answer me." She began to cling, her voice trembling and staring at him, "have you ever loved me? Even a little? Tell me so that I can be at ease. "

The thin lips opened gently, and the reputation replied without thinking, "No."

Huo Meizhen felt a sharp pain in her heart for a moment, like thousands of ants gnawing at her heart.

The only hope is gone.

"Not at all? Never, now? Not at all? "


Press to open the elevator door and get out of the elevator. Huo Meizhen holding his arm was also brought into the elevator by him.

The elevator door closes and the elevator goes all the way down.

"I won't be reconciled to the high reputation." Looking at him with tears, Huo Meizhen's lips trembled, "you won't be happy!"

A pair of cold eyes stared at her coldly, and her cold and arrogant face was stained with the storm.

Before he got angry, Huo Meizhen trembled and released his hand. She rushed out of the elevator, out of the hall and out of the Sheng group.

Today is Saturday.

Su Xiaoxiao sits on the bed of the shared apartment.

A scene that happened yesterday afternoon flashed through her mind——

In the president's office, she put a written letter of resignation under her closed laptop.

On the bed in the bedroom, holding her cell phone, she dialed Xiang Tianluo with a heavy heart, "Tianluo, what time is our flight on Monday?"

"In the evening, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, I just ask." If it's night, she can go to work for another day. Avoid reputable doubts.

If you see Liu Ma, you can arrange it at noon on Monday.

Hung up his cell phone, the knock on the door sounded, and Fang Xiaoyu's voice came in, "Xiaoxiao, what are you doing?"

Su smiled and went to open the door. "Nothing."

"Shall we go to the Taekwondo Hall?" Fang Xiaoyu suggested, "the weather is good today. I haven't seen coach huazi for a long time. I can just practice boxing."

"Well, good."

"Oh, yeah! You promised! " Fang Xiaoyu was very excited, "come on! Get dressed! "

Half an hour later.

A taxi stopped outside the Taekwondo Hall.

Su Xiaoxiao and Fang Xiaoyu got out of the car. The sisters walked into the hall hand in hand, talking and laughing all the way.

Su Xiaoxiao's smile was a little sad. She was leaving and couldn't say goodbye to brother Hua. The fewer people who know about it, the better.

They walked towards the front desk. "Is coach huazi there?"

"Yes, just back, upstairs."

"OK, thank you!"

Su Xiaoxiao and Fang Xiaoyu went up the sandalwood stairs, dialed huazi's number and determined his specific location. They went upstairs to find him.

Knowing that they were coming, huazi quickly put down his work and went downstairs to pick them up.

The two sides met on the stairs, "Yo, why didn't you say it earlier when you arrived? I can send a special car to pick it up. "

"Come on! You are so busy! " Su Xiaoxiao and Fang Xiaoyu started again.

The three walked side by side.

"Xiaoyu, how's your body?" Huazi expressed concern.

Fang Xiaoyu's face was ruddy. She smiled, "it's all right. Thank coach huazi for his care and concern."

At the corner of the stairs, a man in a white Taekwondo suit stood there.

Su smiled at Anxin's gentle eyes. She was stunned, "Why are you here?"

Fang Xiaoyu raised her eyes at the sound, "president an?" There was a warm current in her heart, but she was a little restrained. Did she dress up not beautiful enough today? Do you have a messy hairstyle? Is there anything dirty on your face? She was inexplicably nervous and her heart was pounding.