"Come on, what's the specific situation?" The high reputation voice is low magnetic and serious, "to be simple and clear, I don't like too complex and professional terms."

"Yes." The psychologist saluted respectfully. His voice was gentle: "Miss Huo's condition is close to recovery."

By the door behind her, Huo Meizhen's heart clicked. She stepped back and hid her body behind the door.

Prick up your ears, a heart is hanging!

"Close to recovery?" The high reputation turned his eyes to see him, his voice was low and cold, "what's the specific situation?" He doesn't like to ask more and likes others to make it clear at one time!

"In other words, your achievements have been achieved. As long as Miss Huo cooperates with appropriate drug treatment, she can return to her former appearance and be a normal person." The psychologist told her that after a while, she asked, "you and her, you've been together for so long..."

He paused deliberately, not knowing whether to ask.

"What do you want to say?" Sheng Sheng asked

"Is it possible for you... To really be together?" The psychologist trembled and asked.

The prestigious deep and sharp eyes paused on his face for a few seconds.

The psychologist shrunk his chest, and he lowered his eyes, "I'm sorry." Deeply aware that he stepped on a minefield.

Once the eyes are closed, the reputation condenses.

Hiding behind the door, Huo Meizhen held a heart tightly, and Shengyu didn't answer what was the situation?

What does his silence mean?

Does he like himself?

Tightly sipping her pink lips, she was trembling with excitement, and a sour warm current surged in her heart. Did he like himself a little these days?

"Give me some more adjuvant drugs." Reputation handed the report to him, his hands in his trouser pockets.

"OK, just a moment, please." The psychologist turned and walked to the room.

Huo Meizhen clings to the back of the door, holds her breath and closes her eyes. Don't be found!

The psychologist didn't notice her. He quickly walked back to the infirmary.

No one in bed?

"Where are the people?" He looked around and saw Huo Meizhen coming towards him. "Did you wake up?" It's too fast.

"You... Who are you?" Huo Meizhen stared at him blankly with a timid look on her face.

The psychologist subconsciously glanced at her, "don't pretend, Mr. Sheng already knows your situation."

"Who is Mr. Sheng?" Huo Meizhen stared at him pitifully. She looked innocent.

"..." the psychologist reluctantly spread his hand. He handed the bag full of medicine to her, "good boy, give it to Mr. Sheng."

She took the bag and held it. Huo Meizhen stood still. Her reaction seemed very slow.

After a while, Shengyu also came in.

Huo Meizhen looked back at his dark and cold eyes. Her heart trembled and her eyes were pitiful.

Reputation stared at her and held out his hand to her, "let's go?"

She was stunned for a second and carefully stepped towards him, "shall we go home?"

Sheng Sheng didn't answer.

The psychologist saw Huo Meizhen leave with Mr. Sheng's arm.

They, is this a fake?

Huo Ma's car stopped at the address reported by the man - oujingbieyuan.

In the rolled down window, Su Xiaoxiao took off his sunglasses and stared at the big words on the door glittering in the sun. Then he looked at the security guard at the door and thought, what place is this? Imposing and heavily guarded, can she go in?

The man told her that Mrs. Sheng's car was unobstructed when she went in.

Mrs. Huo thought for a moment and thought that it should not be a problem for her millions of cars to drive in.

So restart the car.

But was stopped.

"Please show me the invitation." A man's hand reached into the window.